"I love you.."

In Love With A Criminal


Junhyung wake up first the next morning from the alarm of his phone. He blinked a few times before looking over to Chaehwa. She looks so innocent and peaceful when she’s asleep. As if feeling someone was watching her, she woke up, fluttering her eyes open. Seeing Junhyung, she just smiled and he kissed her lightly on the forehead.

“Baby, I think your little friend is ‘up’ too,” Chaehwa said, giggling. Junhyung shot her a confused face before glancing down at his ‘little friend’. He shut his eyes and groaned, seeing the buldge in his boxers. He was about to get up when Chaehwa stopped him.

“Where’re you going?” she asked.

“?” he said with a duh tone.

“Why do you need to do that when I’m right here?” She smiled at him flirtatiously. Junhyung arched an eyebrow.

“Erm.. aren’t you pregnant?”

“Yes.. But who say we can’t have ? Just.. not too rough,” she said. He smirked, biting his lip to the side. He sat back on the bed and got on fours, hovering over her.


They just finished ing and Junhyung was about to kiss her once again when there was a knock on the door. He groaned in frustration.

“Who the is that??” he yelled, eyebrows furrowed together. Chaehwa just chuckled looking at how frustrated he was. He got up, putting on his boxers and went to open the door. There stood Yoseob and Dujun, smirking at him.

“Goodmorning~” both of them said.

“Are you guys serious? Don’t you know how early in the morning this is?” he said.

“Hey, at least we waited for you to finish you ‘session’ okay..” Yoseob said while the both of them walked into the house without Junhyung inviting them in.

Junhyung’s eyes widened slightly. “How did you-“

“Come on we’re not deaf. The screaming, grunting, .. You name it, we heard it,” Dujun said, sitting on the couch with Yoseob as they both chuckled. Chaehwa could feel her face heat up as she covered her body with the bedsheet.

Junhyung just had a proud smirk on his face as he collapse on the couch beside them.

“So why are you guys here?” he asked.

“Here. Your payment. You forgot to collect it yesterday night,” Yoseob said, passing him a package wrapped in a brown crepe envelope.

“Ahh.. Thanks man” Junhyung said, taking the package. He went straight home yesterday after finishing his job for a client without collecting the payment. His thoughts were just filled with Chaehwa that its amazing how he could still get the job done.

Seeing that all the three men were busy talking, Chaehwa took the opportunity to drag the bed sheet covered around her and go to the bathroom. She took little steps to the bathroom that it makes her look like a child. Junhyung just smiled, looking at her from behind. He released a happy sigh, staring at the closed bathroom door.

“Everything okay with her Jun?” Yoseob asked.

“Yeah.. she’s pregnant” Junhyung stated simply.

“Bwoh?” Yoseob asked but not as surprised as he should be.

“Junhyung-ah.. can you please learn how to use a ? If you don’t know, I can teach you,” Dujun teased. Yoseob chuckled.

“Its just not the same..” Junhyung whined.

“And then why didn’t she abort it like last time?” Yoseob asked.

“Can’t. The motherfcking doctor said its dangerous since she has gone through it twice.”

“Damn.. so what now? You’re gonna raise the child?” Dujun asked.

Junhyung scoffed. “In life like this? Never man.. We’re giving it to an orphanage.”

Dujun and Yoseob just nodded in acknowledgement.

The three guys continued chatting until Chaehwa came out with a towel wrapped around her body. She was about to walk quickly to the closet to get her clothes when Junhyung stopped her.

“Don’t run baby. You’ll slip,” he said sweetly but firmly.

“B-but..” she stuttered, feeling hot all of a sudden with three guys watching her almost .

“Just stay there. I’ll take your clothes for you. You two! Get your eyes off her!” Junhyung pointed at the both of them as he walked to the closet.

“Yeah yeah.. Relax Chaehwa. Junhyung would kill us if we look at you for too long,” Dujun said and Yoseob nodded.


It was night and the three guys took a night off from ‘work’ to bring Chaehwa for a nice dinner. Their last client was very happy with the great job well done that he paid them twice of what he promised. The boys decided to celebrate along with Chaehwa. Now that their stomachs are all filled, its time to go back to the apartment.

Junhyung was walking with Chaehwa hand in hand while Dujun and Yoseob walked together in front. Suddenly Junhyung felt Chaehwa’s hand being pulled from him roughly before he could even react.

“Chaehwa!” he shouted as he saw four guys in the the end alley with one of them holding Chaehwa closely, pointing a knife at her neck.

She didn’t want to struggle as the knife might hit her but she was shaking terribly and started crying from fear.

Junhyung, Dujun and Yosoeb stood infront of the other three guys, heart pounding crazily.

One of the guys, who seemed to be the one leading, walked slowly towards Junhyung.

“Recognise my face? I bet not. You were too busy counting your money, you won’t even take note of the face you just killed,” he said, smirking evily.

But Junhyung remembers. His face was exactly the same as the person he last killed. The one that gained them twice their promised pay. But.. who is this guy? Is that guy not killed properly?

Seeing the confused face on Junhyung, the guys laughed. “So you do remember. I’m.. the person you actually wanted to kill. Or rather, paid to kill. The one you kill, was my innocent twin brother bastard!” he shouted, pushing Junhyung roughly towards the brick wall, pinning him down by his shoulders.

Dujun and Yoseob was about to step forward to attack him back when the other two guys were fast enough to catch them first and held them like what they did with Chaehwa.

“So now.. you’re gonna pay. Let’s see how you like the feeling when you see your beloved girlfriend gets killed oh so slowly right infront of your eyes,” he said, smirking at Junhyung.

“Let her go! She didn’t do anything!” Junhyung struggled but the other guys was stronger. All he could hear was Chaehwa’s silent cries as was covered by the guy’s hand that was holding her.

“So did my brother!” the guy infront of him shouted back, slamming Junhyung on the wall. It was indeed very painful but Junhyung didn’t feel anything because of his anger.

“You want me to pay?! Fine! Kill me then! Not her! KILL ME!” Junhyung shouted right at his face angrily.

The guys laughed as if he just heard the funniest joke ever. He then turned his attention back to Junhyung who was glaring hard at him. “If I kill you, you don’t suffer. It will be painful, but just for a second until you die..” he smiled like a psycho.

“Now.. why would I want that for the person who killed my brother!” he spat at Junhyung’s face.

He was about to continue talking when suddenly he heard the police sirens. “Who the called the ing cops??!” he shouted.

He pushed Junhyung to the ground roughly before calling his guys to run. Fearful off getting caught, Dujun and Yoseob also started to run but was heading at the opposite direction.

Junhyung got up quickly and was about to get Chaehwa when he saw a pool of blood under her legs. The guy must have had pushed her to the ground before running off.

“Junhyung.. help me.. pain..” she cried, stretching out her hand to reached for Junhyung. He quickly kneeled infront of her, holding her hand. His heart was beating so fast and eyes were wide, frantically searching for a way to help her.

“Jun.. stay with me.. please.. its painful..” she cried in his arms. Junhyung didn’t know what to say, what to do. He was just too stunned seeing Chaehwa in that situation.

“Junhyung! We got to go! NOW!” Dujun called him.

“Hyung! The cops are going to come here soon! We have to go!” Yoseob shouted.

“Please.. don’t go..” Chaehwa begged softly.

“Junhyung!!!” Dujun shouted again. Junhyung was stuck between the two. Should he run off with Dujun and Yoseob? But how could he leave Chaehwa like this? He loves her. But getting caught would just make her suffer even more. After all the things he did, he’s for sure to be sentenced to death.

“Junhyung!! Come on! We’ve got no time!” Yoseob shouted.

Junhyung looked into Chaehwa’s teary eyes and let her hand out of his grip. Chaehwa’s eyebrows ceased in the middle slightly, seeing what he was doing. She tried to hold onto his hand but he pulled it away roughly. Tears flow down his cheeks as he started to get up.

“Jun.. don’t..” she pleaded.

“I love you baby.. I’m sorry..” he said softly and kissed her forehead one last time before running off with the two guys.

“Junhyung…” she cried softly, reaching out her hand to nothing but thin air.

Within a few minutes, she was surrounded by cops, calling her and ask if she was okay. Obviously she's not. She's bleeding for goodness sake! But seeing Junhyung leaving was even more hurting than her condition at that moment. A lady officer was lifting her up when suddenly her world faded to black and she collapsed.



Hey!! I think its about time this so called short fic come to the near end. I said its short. Its is, but took me so long to finish it huh? :P Anyway, thank you for new subscribers!!



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nyeaheheheeheh bet you didn't expect this huh? ;D
anyway, I love the story!!! even though the ending was sad....I liked how realistic it was! cause sometimes when you love someone, you have to let them go to give them what's best for them. LOL, deep enough for you? :P p.s. maybe....you could make a sequel, like in the future? HAHAHA. K bye'
I want a sequel,authornim. This isn't enough T.T
Chapter 4: OMG! I just read this!!! it's beautiful!! can you do a sequel!!! please!!! I want to read more about them!!!!
Chapter 4: omggg! even though it was fast i loved it.
you should do one where they meet again in another life.
different plot and stuff. but tied.
and he's not a criminal anymore.
orz, this made me cry... -sniffssniffs-
i mean legit cry too...
Chapter 4: This ends too fast?
I must say I'm kinda...disappointed hehe, a little. ^^
Chapter 4: I think it was a good ending :) they are both alive, and will go on with life! Thanks for the good story! :)
VIP_Bee #7
Chapter 4: so sad.i was hoping toned them up together.-_-
D-LITEfullKiwi #8
Chapter 4: Love this! Its daebak <3
adlinriz #9
Chapter 4: wah~ it's a nice but sad ending...
why can't you make them together again? :(
but nice story anyway ^^
iwannaBangMir #10
Chapter 4: I.... cried. Probably brought out the tears I have been containing. It fits perfectly with my situation right now..