
Love Game

Your POV

The president gave me my script and i was practicing my lines.The others also have their own script.Then I saw Onew came in, followed by Minho and the others.They were all dressed in their skiiny jeans again.They all look perfect with those outfit.I realized i was staring at them when Key came to me and snap me out.
"ya!" he snap his fingers in front of my face.
"I said Hi!" and he sat next to me.
"Oh,Hi!" I told him "sorry,"
He gave a sweet smile.
Then the others came.
Minho looks different today...he looks....handsome?!!! and charming.His eyes shows charisma.
"Hi," I said looking at his eyes.
He smiled back.
Then Key stood up.
"Okay, chop, chop! we were late,so we should start practicing now," he commanded the others to move.
Then the teacher came in.She started explaining the story together with the president.The president told us on the day where the filming is going to be, there will be a PD, camera crew, lightings and more.
I hope everything will go smooth.The whole day time passes with people practicing lines and screaming out.
After that Jonghyun invited me and Min to grab lunch.Now all of us are in the nearest restaurant from school.Min is sitting next to me with key on the other side of me.Onew, Minho and Taemin are sitting opposite to me.Jonghyun is sitting next to Min.
We ordered our food and we are waiting for it.All five of them are so friendly, playing around like their are meant to be together like brothers.Min seem to like them too.Minho keep on glancing at mewhenever i look at him too.He seems to be surprised at something that only he know.His eyes is always an absolute beauty.
The food came and we started eating while Key were cracking up jokes.
After eating,I went to the washroom.Min was still talking to Key and the others.When I came out, I accidentally hit someone who had his back on me.I slipped before i could even stop myself.His quick movement had saved me from falling.I gasped in shocked.
'Oh,Minho." His hands were around my waist. "Mianhe, jeongmal mianhe," I stepped back.
He was looking at me and i did the same too.
I bit my lower lip because i can feel the heat around my cheeks.Great, I'm blushing!! STOP! STOP!
I blink my eyes and took a deep breath.
He came closer to me.I was frozen at where i stepped back before.Our faces were inches away.
Electric shock went through me and I felt shiver.He backed away, leaving me bewildered.
"Chaerin!" Min was shaking my shoulders," Chaerin!" she sadi again.
Did i blank out?What happen?
"Chaerin, are you alright? what happen?what are you staring at?"
"Uh? Nothing,"
"We are done.Let's go,"
"Ok," I saw the others walking out.Minho caught my gaze.I looked away immediately.
I was walking back home with Min.Can I ask her for help? But how?I can't just tell her what i feel....
I believe Min can help me.She is my only friend....
"Well, I need your help,"
"You need my help.Ok, what?" she was calm.
"Is it something to do with Minh-shi right?"
I looked at her.Eyes wide.Did she read my mind or something?
She giggled.
"As a girl, I know what you are thinking, my friend,"
"It seems you were a bit confused with your feelings right?"
i nodded, gulped and flushed!
"It's the way he looked into my eyes, there is something in it.I feel weird whenever he is around me.I'm not sure whether i like it or not?" What am I talking?!!!
Min shrugged he shoulders.
A/N: I'm sorry guys..this chapter is not that interesting rite?!! i was trying to bring it to the i have to put this!!!
Say it if you don't like it!! comment and subscribe to!! I would love to see your critics and comment!!
Thank you for all my few readers especially Vanillataem and Maggie!!!!
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Omg, it seems like everything moves so fast from where I read last time. Onew still likes Chaerin but she gets married with Minho but now, Minho's dead?!! What are you going to do, Chaerin? T_T
LifeisLove #2
whaa?... uhh... wow...
WHAAAAAAAAAATTT???~!!!!!<br />
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
staryjane910 #4
noooooo...pls, i BEG u dont let minho die..T_T
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...<br />
dont let Minho die..<br />
aegyoJellyprincess #6
wedding~~~~~~ wedding~~~ ^^<br />
let's paint the hanbok ~haha~
Aissshh, not the wedding yet !? :(<br />
I-I thought.... :'OOOO
@aegyoJellyprincess: Unni! Thank you so much!<br />
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@summersea-pearl: OMO! OMO! first of all, thank you sooooo much for the loooonngggg comment! I love it! Hahaha! Well, i can't promise you what I can write! It's a suspend!<br />
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@Key_Super_Luv: Updated!