
Friendship, Hate, Love... Friendship...

God! This shirt is ugly!

It was the fifth time Junsu has been changing his shirt. He was too excited. And too tired. He didn't have enough sleep in last night. Not only because of the headaches he was suffering all night, but else because he was excited about today. Today was actually the day that he and s dream about. They are going to finally see the others whom they didn't meet for long time.

But Junsu knows that it won't be like in his dreams. In his dreams, they hugged strongly, told each other how they missed them, how they wanted to see them, but couldn't. In his dreams, they forgave each other about those difficult time they have been separated.

No. it won't be like in their dreams. Yunho hyung and Changmin-ah have been changed a lot and probably hold a grudge toward the three for leaving TVXQ.

Also, Junsu isn't going to make easy on them with this reunion. He is going to destroy that moment.

There has been knocking on the door, as Junsu picked another shirt. It was Jaejoong hyung and Yoochun-i. Probably ajuma let them in.

"May we come in?" asked Jaejoong.

"No" Junsu not looking at them, but at the mirror. His headaches returned.

"Junsu, Come on" asked Yoochun "why are you doing this? This is our dream…"

"No! This is yours. Yours dream. I don’t want them. I hate them"

"Junsu-ya" it ws Jaejoong this time "you don’t hate them, sure, you still angry at them that they didn't come with us, but…"

"No. I hate them." Junsu turned, and they faced eachother.

"I signed a contract with C-JeS and I don't want hurt CEO Hyung, else I would have break contact with you too…"

"Kim Junsu!" yelled Yoochun as he got closer to Junsu, but Jaejoong stopped him from coming any further.

"Junsu, please, I don't know what got into you, but please don't do anything that will sabotage this meeting today…"

"We will see…" responded Junsu, leaving the room as he pushed Yoochun who was in his way.

I'm sorry. It's not CEO hyung I don’t want to hurt. It's you two. It's difficult to me too. Besides, if I would leave JYJ, you will suspect. I need to do this slowly and reliable.


They were quite in their way to the meeting. Manager hyung was driving the van. Junsu sat next to the other manager, as Jaejoong and Yoochun sat behind them, still in shock from their conversation half hour ago.

When Junsu took his phone to see what's tie it his, he saw two unread massages. It's from hyung and Jaebum.

Sender: Junho-hyung

Time: 06:30 pm

Good luck today. Don't do anything stupid! We will talk after I land in China.

Sender: Jaebum-ah

Time: 06:57 pm

I heard from my manager about today! Good luck! Tell my later how it went….

Junsu smiled and replayed them.

To: Junho-hyung

Time: 07:22 pm

Sorry hyung, I can't promise you anything. And don't postpone your activities. Mom will kill you. I'm okay! Really..

To: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:23 pm

Jaebum-ah. Missed you! When are you coming back? Hyung needs you here!

Hyung really needs you here. I don't have anyone… to talk... to discus… am I really doing the best for my members…

Suddenly, his phone ringed again. It was another message from Jaebum-ah. Junsu opened to read it.

Sender: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:24 pm

I'm in Korea. Landed this morning. Is everything OK hyung?

And Junsu responded him…

To: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:25 pm

You are probably tired, but I really need to talk with someone, and Junho hyung gone to china. Can we meet today? Please...

Sender: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:26 pm

Sure hyung! Our regular place at 9pm?

Junsu felted so thankful to him.

To: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:26 pm

Yes. Hyung is thankful he has you!

Sender: Jaebum-ah

Time: 07:27 pm


As he read the last message from Jaebum-ah, manager hyung announced "we are here!"


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Chapter 10: Came across your story again, oh my, I really want to know the next chapter
Pretty please update author-nim
Chapter 8: please..update..please
Chapter 10: updated again, thanks
JamminJog08 #4
Chapter 10: Yayyy u finally updated!:) and Junsu...:( Hope they will all understand eventually..
Chapter 10: OH MY GOD!!You updated!..I miss your story though..

Oh My,Junsu dear~I know your intention is to make them hurt,but you are hurting even more.Stop Junsu, you will make thing worst,just tell them what exactly is wrong..Oh my,emotional reader is emotional...
Chapter 9: please find the reason why junsu acts like that, yunho, changmin, jaejoong n yoochun
Chapter 9: My comment were way too many...poor everyone T_T
Chapter 8: it's painfull to see junsu like that
Chapter 8: I want to be Jaebum...cooing Junsu,oh the brotherly bond,so beautiful that they ought to do anything
Chapter 7: Oh mygod..its too harsh junsu..Yunho,please ask your dongsaeng what wrong actually..please..Junsu needs you..ohhh..I am being emotional here....Author-nim..update soon..