The Fate of Exo. . . And Earth.


When Exo meets 6 girls who become a new girl group version of Exo they become fast friends. But when a deadly secret leaks and threatens the very existence of Earth the two will have to come together and unleash powers they never knew they had.










(A/N Please don't mind the ridiculous names at the beginning)


"Why are we here?" The black haired  girl moaned impatiently. "I have better things to do then sit in the Capitol building with a bunch of losers."

"Anza you will be respectful while in the Capitol, War Hero or not." An older man said while coming in. "Just wait a little while longer."

"Whatever gramps, why am I here!?" She yelled hitting the table causing it to crack.

"Calm yourself Anza Bion of the Plains!!" A voice thundered. All the girls stood up at once, recognizing the voice. "You are here for a very important reason. You are being assigned a very important mission. You 6 have been chosen to go to a planet like ours and see if they are worthy to be allies with us. You six shall travel to Earth.


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