Chapter 6

Runaway Idol

Shinae's P.O.V. 


What did I just do? Did I just agree to go to one of Exo-K's concerts? Great *sarcasm* JongIn would see me again and then eventually he'd find out it's me *flips everything*


I walked to the back to change my clothes. I do not plan on going home wearing a skirt. Never EVER. What was even the point of wearing skirts when you know that you're gonna go home on a cold night?


I changed my clothes and went to Ahjumma to say a good night to the couple. The couple that was nice enough to give me a stable income to be able to, well, live on my own. 


"Ahjumma! I need to go home now--" 


"Dear, did that handsome boy come today?" She asked wiping water from her hands. She was just finished washing the cups and dishes. "He did, didn't he? I heard him call me." She added. 


"Well, yes, Ahjumma. He did." I said and looked away. 


She just gave out a disappointed sigh. "I wanted to talk to that boy. You know, ever since that girlfriend of his left, he's been going here every night." she said. 


"Erm, yes. He told me about that." I said awkwardly. Then she smiled. That smile that says 'Yes, I know that you are Yui and I also know that you and JongIn are together. *teases* Nyahaha! You're meant to be together and you know it. DON'T YOU DARE CHANGE WHAT THE FATES HAVE BESTOWED UPON YOU!'


"Oh. Isn't he a nice young man?" She calmly said, raising her eyebrows. Lady, you know something and I wanna know what it is. 


"Oh...erm...well...I need to go now Ahjumma. It's getting late." I tried to reason. "I'll just come back tomorrow. Have a good night!" I said with a smile and turned to leave. I didn't even give her a chance to talk, afraid that she might ask further about the things that me and JongIn discussed. Especially not about that time I lost it and almost spilled everything that happened the night I left. 


I walked back to my apartment. It was late, like super late. It was dark out, except for the street lights that illuminated some parts of the street. Being a girl, I was afraid of the dark. I might look strong but inside, I'm still a little girl. I always tried my best to avoid going home late. If it so happened that it was inevitablr for me to go home, I'd go with my unnies so I wouldn't have to go alone. It's either that or JongIn would walk me home. It's just those times that I feel safer with him around. 


I came to the gates of my apartment. The lights were on. I slowly walked to the porch, opening the doors. I walked up to my room but was stopped by Ahjumma.


"Hey, it's late. Where've you been?" She asked patting my shoulder. 


"I just got home from work." I said groggily. 


She just gave out a simple laugh. "Wow, you already have a job? Nice." She said and pulled me to the kitchen and pushed me down to the seat. "I prepared dinner for you. Don't you dare stand up from that seat unless you've finished your whole plate." She said as she reheated my Jajangmyun. 


She set it infront of me and said good night. I understood why she left. She was old and she needed her sleep. I was still thankful. She didn't treat anyone else like this, only me. So I was grateful, really grateful.


I walked up to my room after washing the dishes and setting them aside. I turned off the lights to mount the official sleep of the apartment. By this time, my eyes were already droopy. I forced myself up my room. When I reached my room, I strutted to the bathroom to get myself ready for bed. I got out of the shower, drying my hair when my bag fell from my bed. I walked to it and picked it up. I reached for my things: cellphone, wallet, papers, the ticket.


Should I even consider going to that concert? I mean, sure I miss them but I don't want them to see me yet. But then again, JongIn didn't recognize me. Is it the hair? *scoffs* I cannot look that different with short hair, can I? I walked back to the bathroom and looked into the mirror with the tickets still in my hands. 


I stared at myself. I did some of my poses in our videos. I even sang a song. *sigh* Singing that song just reminded me of how much I miss performing. Being up on the stage knowing that there are people who support what I do. There might be some haters here and there but to me, they're just people who have different preferences than I do. Whenever I'm up there with my unnies, I enjoy. I like dancing and singing with my unnies. They might be spoiled, yes, but that doesn't mean that I don't treat them like my real sisters. We were friends since our trainee days. And even if we have our fights, we put out careers first. We know that we don't please everyone. People might say that we don't have talent but why do they even care anyways? But I thank them for taking the time to actually notice our group. Even take the time to interact with our group. So to every hater out there, *bows 90 degrees* Thank you for your support. 


I walked out of the bathroom and set the tickets on my table. I lay down on my bed facing the window at the far corner. I had two choices. To stay here and not go to the concert risking the last moment I'll see JongIn in like, ever. Or to go to that concert and risk giving away my identity to the people there but see the one and only person I love...


Mehh, what the hell. I'll go to that concert.




And I am back with another update. There's this lingering feeling inside of me that it's another crappy chapter -____-. 


So what do you, guys, think? Is it bad? Should I stop? Should I go dig a hole and sink my head in it? Tell meh via comments :D hehe....via.....hehe


Oh! BTW, I have an idea for a Luhan fic. Tell meh if you want meh to upload it :D


Tell meh what you think. I promise to include more ShinxKai Moments in the next chapter. I really really promise guys :D

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 23: This is so cute!!!
Chapter 23: aaah~~!! cute fic! i loovee this!!
Chapter 14: Before Chapter 14 I was really upset because she still hasn't realized Kai was starting to fall inlove with someone else. I was like. OMGOMGOMG HE LOVES YOU. .. But not the you he used to love the other you. The made up you but not exactly made up . .

Yup that was my thoughts. BUT great story author-nim.
Heipaadeg #4
Chapter 23: Loved your story :) It's so sweet!! <3<3<3
siyeon #5
Chapter 23: I leave asian fanfics for 3 days and my favourite fan fic has ended D: not the reality i wanted...but it was still brilliant :D haha yay kai proposed and now i'm all happy (: thanks for writing authornim <3
Chapter 23: Sequellllllll!!O-O. Ahhhh awsome ending !
Chapter 23: KAI PROPOSED!!!!! :DDDDD
gonna proceed to your other fics now ;)
Chapter 23: Oh they'll get married soon. OH WHATTT MARRIED???? OH COME ON THAT SO SWEEEEEET KAI ^^
Chapter 22: whaaaaa? . The finale?Whaaaaaaa:? O-O
Crayon_ #10
Chapter 22: yayy! see, author, i guessed correctly! im going solo, im going solo, solo~~~ :DD