Twisted Fate


We went to the FBC and the girl who interviewed me before told us that the owner is the one who’s going to interview the applicants for today then the girl called my name

“Noona wish me luck fighting” I said as I walk inside the office of the owner the owner looks so handsome he has a very milky white skin and sharp eyes he also looks serious and strict

“Good Morning hello my name is Lee Donghae” I said with all of my cheerfulness and energy He looks at me from head to toe and then circled around me, oh my gosh this guy is sure very observant then he put his hand above my head like he’s estimating my height

“You do look a lot like a flower boy that can bring a lot of customers in my coffee shop but honestly you need to put insoles you’re so small” he said as he sat down again

“What’s your height?” he said looking directly to me

“I’m 164.5cm sir” he shakes his head

“Ok, you’re hired but you have to put at least 3inches insoles” I don’t know if this guy is mocking me or his just making fun of me 

“When can I start?”

“Tomorrow and you’ll be in charge with greeting the customers at the front door and sometimes you can also take orders”

                I nodded at him and look at him while smiling thank you so much sir i walk closer to him and I’m about to take his hand to show him my gratitude

“Don’t come any closer I tend to put some boundaries to my workers and me” I walk away from him

“Ok sorry sir but really thank you very much” I said as I exited his office



                I’m the one who will interview and check the applicants and it’s the 5th one today and I haven’t found a single pretty face with them I send my secretary to bring the last one

                I look at his picture and resume’ he only graduated from high school but I think its ok since he’ll just be a waiter and he looks really cute and pleasant

                The moment he enters the room he greeted me with loud and energetic voice

“good morning hello my name is Lee Donghae” I look at him from head to toe the circled him around well he is cute and I guess a lot of girls will fall for him but hell of man he’s so small

“You do look a lot like a flower boy that can bring a lot of customers in my coffee shop but honestly you need to put insoles you’re so small” I said as I sat down I can tell that he hates to talk about his height but I’m just telling the truth

“What’s your height?” I said as I eyed him seriously

“I’m 164.5cm sir” I shake my head I guess there’s a lot of people out there who measures like this oh well Sungmin’s height is not that far from him since he measures 167 but honestly why is this guy so small compared to me I’m 180cm almost as tall as Siwon who measures 184cm

“Ok, you’re hired but you have to put at least 3inches insoles” I know I sound like I’m making fun of him but really some of our costumers look like they’re taller than him but I need that kind of face here at my café

“When can I start?” he said while being hyper  

“Tomorrow and you’ll be in charge with greeting the customers at the front door and sometimes you can also take orders”

He nodded to me and thanked me with full of energy then he started to come closer to me but I stopped him honestly people this days can’t understand the difference between boss and employee             

 “Don’t come any closer I tend to put some boundaries to my workers and me” he started to walk away from me looking dejected but I don’t care in fact I don’t want to hire him because he’s a bit of loud like Sungmin Hyung but we really need an energy pill here in the café and he’ll do a great job for that

“Ok sorry sir but really thank you very much” he said again with full energy honestly how can that small guy be that energetic 

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