You Died...



"Sehun and I just blew up the kitchen trying to cook noodles."

"That's good." Kyungsoo said absently. "That's good."

It was not. This was getting out of hand. Usually hearing Sehun, he and kitchen in one sentence sends Kyungsoo-hyung in apoplectic fits. Jongin frowned at the older boy who didn't even bother looking at his direction. Since three days ago, his hyung hasn't been his normal self. He was always carrying that dictionary and was always hunched over his laptop, oblivious to what's going on around him, much like what he's doing right now.

He doesn't cook them snacks anymore no matter what aegyo he or any of the members use. During practice, he was always distracted and always stares off in space. They don't even have their nightly chats before they go to sleep anymore. He misses his hyung, damnit. This can't go on.

"Hyung." He called out again from the doorway of their room. "Kyungsoo-hyung."

"Huh? What?" Kyungsoo answered, eyes still glued to his laptop screen. Jongin watched as the shorter boy's head shifted. Finally.

But then Kyungsoo just reached for the dictionary and furiously scanned through the pages, stopping once in a while to look back at the screen. A few more back and forth then he pauses and... Sniffles?

"Are you crying?" Jongin asked. His hyung briefly looked at him with reddened eyes.

"N-no." He can hear the slight tremor in the elder's voice.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing Jongin-ah. I'll just-" Then he lost Kyungsoo as the boy forgot the world when he returned his gaze at whatever it was on his laptop.

Jongin sighed and decided to give up for the night. He threw himself down on his bed. He needs his strength so he can try again tomorrow. He fell asleep to the tune of turning pages and Kyungsoo's soft muttering.

Jongin entered the kitchen the next morning and was subsequently hit by Baekhyun’s pleading look which practically screamed Help me! at the top of his mental lungs. The older boy was sitting on a chair by the dining table, his head squished between a standing Kyungsoo's arm and chest while the said head was being patted by the said owner of the arm and chest's free hand. Adding to the confusion of the previous statement, Kyungsoo kept on saying Baekhyun, my best friend and Baekhyunnie against the poor boy's hair.

Hearing another mental call for help, Jongin strode towards the two. "Kyungsoo-hyung, what are you doing?"

"Good morning! I'm just spending time with my best friend Baekhyun here." Pat. Pat. Pat.

Jongin turned his gaze to the squashed Baekhyun. "Jongin! It's great that you're here! Didn't you tell me you were going to help me practice the steps for the new routine?"

Not waiting for a reply, Baekhyun continued. "So sorry Kyungsoo, we have to go. Umph!" As he forced his way out of Kyungsoo's tight squish.

"Oh... Okay. But you two haven't eaten breakfast yet."

Jongin mentally raised an eyebrow (everything has to be done mentally). Is his hyung back? Is he finally concerned again about the lack of sustenance of their young, y, developing, y bodies?

Before he can say anything though, Baekhyun already latched on to his arm and was pulling him towards the doorway. "It's okay! We'll just pick something on the way to the company."

"You sure?" Kyungsoo said a little sadly, a little disappointedly, and Jongin had half a mind to disentangle himself from Baekhyun and hug his hyung. Maybe do some patting himself. He really did look adorable.

"Yeah. We are. Sure. Sure." Baekhyun said, his body already out the door, dragging Jongin along.

"Okay. Just stay out of the way of those trucks! Especially those that carry fruit!" Kyungsoo warned.

Both Baekhyun-hyung and he probably had the same blank expression on their faces as they watched Kyungsoo sit down to open the previously unnoticed laptop, english-korean dictionary within arm's reach. And just like that, they lost him again.

It's the sixth night Jongin found Kyungsoo in their room with the lights off, only the glow of his hyung's laptop letting him see the older boy sitting on his usual spot on his bed. His head was buried in his handy dandy dictionary and really, what else was new?

With a frustrated shake of his head, Jongin the lights. "Hyung, really, this has got to stop. You barely talk to us anymore. You have eyebags the size of Mongolia from lack of sleep. You don't even spare us a glance while we buing buing you to death for your kimchi spaghetti. Hyung, what is happening?"

"K-kim Jongin." Kyungsoo replied with a sob, his head still bowed. It was just by then that Jongin noticed that the older boy's shoulders were shaking.

He quickly went to Kyungsoo and sat beside him on the bed, his arms going around the boy's small frame. "What is it hyung?" He asked softly.

Kyungsoo buried his head against Jongin's chest, the younger boy's shirt getting damp with tears. "It' so sad." He cried.

"What is?" Jongin brushed his hand against Kyungsoo's short hair.

"That." A finger pointed to the abandoned laptop on the bed. Jongin's eyes went to the screen and what he found was... Gibberish. Gibberish. Gibberish. More gibberish.

He couldn't understand anything. "Uh." He didn't know what to say so he just traced comforting circles against his band mate’s back.

"So sad. That fanfic's so so sad." Kyungsoo cried some more. "You were a writer and a closet dancer and I am a toy factory worker who sings at a bar at night and Baekhyun was my best friend who dies in the accident which gave me my amnesia so I can't remember anything past a day and you wanted to write about me and I let you and you come back every day and I have to read a scrapbook and take pictures so I can remember and you were sick and youfellinlovewithmeandifellinlovewithyouandweskissedanddidmanyotherthingsIreallycan'ttelllyou but you were sick did I say that you were sick ? So you went away and I forgot about you but you couldn't help it so we meet again and you have pneumonia and then... and then you died." He ended with a loud sob.

Seriously, it was a long explanation and Jongin could barely keep up with the words and the hiccups and the tears but his ears perked up when he heard about the fell in love part. "Can you repeat that again?"

"You were a writer and a closet-"

"No, no. After the I am sick part."

Kyungsoo looked up at him from his position in Jongin's chest and frowned in thought. "You died."

"No, after the first I am sick part." He saw his hyung's eyes widen and his cheeks turned a delicate shade of pink before the older boy hid his face against Jongin's collarbone.

"YoufellinlovewithmeandIfellinlovewithyouandwekissedanddideverythingelsenodon'taskmewhat and then you...died." His voice muffled by Jongin's shirt.

"We fell in love?" He asked. He couldn't control the smile tugging at his lips. He felt Kyungsoo stiffen against him for a second before he answered. "Yes but... you died."

"And we kissed?" He said against Kyungsoo's temple. He felt his hyung nod before saying, "But you... died."

"What else did we do?" He pulled the shorter boy closer against him until he was draped over Jongin's lap. He was so not taking advantage of Kyungsoo's distress. No, he wasn't. He was just comforting a friend. Yes, comforting. "Did we snuggle like this?"

"Maybe." Kyungsoo said against his neck. "But you died."

"I love this story you're talking about." Jongin leaned against the headboard and adjusted their positions so his hyung can lean more comfortably against him. "So did we uh-"

But Kyungsoo's hand went to cover his lips effectively cutting off whatever he was going to say. He saw the elder's blush deepened when he raised his head to talk to Jongin. "Yes. We. Did. Everything. Okay?" Kyungsoo rolled his eyes at him but he had to smile again when his hyung returned to his place against his neck. "But you died."

"It's just fiction, hyung. It's not true. I'm not gonna die. Well, I hope not anytime soon." He rubbed his hand against Kyungsoo's arms and back. "Was that why you were crying? Because I died?" He felt the older boy draw a deep breath.

"That and the fact that in the end I forgot about you, about us." He felt Kyungsoo's hand against his neck, his thumb idly tracing Jongin's jaw. "If I fell in love with you, even with amnesia, I'm sure I would never forget."

It was Jongin's turn to feel flushed. He had to clear his throat to ease the sudden lump there before he could speak. "That story was really great."

"But you-"

"Yes. I died. But we fell in love." He brushed his lips over Kyungsoo's forehead. Jongin let out the breath he didn't know he was holding when Kyungsoo snuggled closer even after the brief kiss. "What was the title of the story again? Maybe I can read it next time."

"Your English is too poor for you to understand. But it's called Anterograde Tomorrow."




"Let's just sleep Jongin-ah, I'm tired."




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Rinininette #1
Chapter 1: That was so funny! Thank you for your story!
jonginoon #2
Chapter 1: Hahahahaha bring back memories about AT. AT was heartbreaking and a classic fic for kaisoo. Reading this fic again before 2018 end
Chapter 1: It was AMAZING!"But you died" Lol! It was so funny tysm ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: I have a love hate relationship with that fic.. same with 10080.. like, I know they are THE fics for chanbaek and kaisoo but just... no ajabajsbjsbsheh I read them once and that's it come on but this is seriously funny ohmygahd lmao


i remember rolling all over the floor while sobbing so hard because the pain was too much after reading the story. anterograde tomorrow is a legendary fanfic no one can deny this
Chapter 1: The pic is so cutie
Chapter 1: Lowkey relating to ksoo after AT like HDJDHRHRHEH KAI DIED
this classic
Chapter 1: coming here again bcs this is gold