Love like this

Love like this

Author POV

This morning in Juseon High school atmosphere is still very quiet and deserted, only a few students were seen passing by. It is too early to come to school. If not for picket duty or indeed as diligent, where there are students who bother to get up early and go to school early.

But this morning there was something different from a girl named Jung Eunji. The 2nd grader was not as usually seen in the courtyard of the school. Usually every day She's always late for school.

She walked toward stepped into the building. She occasionally glanced at either side as if his movements did not want to be seen by anyone. Arriving Eunji into the building, She went straight to complex lockers students.

Instead approached his locker, Eunji went to the locker instead of others.

"Haahh .... "She heaved with heavy breathing

She then opened his restleting bag and pulled something. A pink envelope with a floral motif on the side that looks girly, a letter.

Once again Eunji glanced around the locker, just to make sure that no one other than him there.

Eunji looked anxiously envelope. Hesitantly She slipped the note in one of the lockers in front of him.

After making sure the envelope the letter came into the locker, Eunji slowly turned around. Then she began to slowly stepped away from the locker, did not seem to rush and be as relaxed as possible.

A smile tugged at her lips sweet teen. A smile of a girl who was in falling in love.

Author POV END

Eunji POV

I sat in my chair with headphones plugged in my ears and a novel in my hand. Class that was starting to look crowded deserted, when students began arriving.

"Eunji-ah, you usually do not come to school as early as this, you usually always late!"

Suddenly a voice startled me. Without having to take my eyes off the middle of the novel I read, I already know who the owner of that voice.

She was Lee Jieun, my friend from childhood who was always a class with me since elementary school.

I took off the headphones are plugged in my ear and then put my novel is being read into the table. Then I said,

"I've been on a mission!" I Said.

Jieun who sat directly in front of me looked at me suspiciously.

"What mission?" Jieun asked seriously.

"I've been declared love" I whispered so that no other students were heard.

"MWO? Declaring love with who? Yoseob Oppa? "Reply Jieun low tones.

I just nodded slowly and smiled at Jieun. She looked surprised and did not believe.

"How can you express love? Keep on how, not acceptable? " She said enthusiastically sue for storytelling.

"Well, I do not express my feelings directly. I made a love letter and put it in the his locker crowded this morning before school "I told him my purpose to come to school early today.

Yes, I deliberately left early in order to more freely enter the letters I love what I do all night into the locker Yoseob Oppa. That I do so that no one is caught in the middle of the letter include locker Yoseob Oppa.

It's been a long time since I liked Yoseob Oppa, he was my senior in school, he was not the most cool and popular Namja in this school, but its nice and friendly making it a plus for him.

And I'm probably the one that caught it with his charm. Jieun alone knows when it's a long time I like him, several times Jieun suggested that I express love to him.

However, I was too embarrassed to do so. Why not, in fact I and Yoseob Oppa did not know each other. So far I just love it secretly, can say My love is unrequited. So it's not possible, suddenly I express love to her in person, it is definitely Yoseob Oppa will immediately reject.

"Aishh ... I guess you put it directly," replied Jieun disappointed.

"It does seem old-fashioned, but that's where the romantic" I said reasonably.

"It is up to you alone!"

I could only smile at my friend's reaction. Although impressed by the ignorant, but I know the real Jieun also be happy if I'm happy.

Hmm, what Yoseob Oppa've seen my letter? What was his reaction, huh?! Though Yoseob Oppa do not know me, at least he knew that there was someone who loved it.

*** ***

Teng Teng ... Teng ... ...

Rests bell echoed throughout the school building. Jung Songsenim signifies lesson was over.

Soon after Jung Songsenim ending lesson, I immediately pulled my hands my friend, Lee Jieun.

"Yes! Jung Eunji, Where are we going?" Jieun yell at me.

"Basketball court," I replied simply.

"MWO? what would you do??" She asked confused.

"You do not ask many questions, Jieunnie. Enough just follow me!" I said.

"Crazy girl!" She murmured

I could only smile at my friend's nagging.. Not that I'm narcissistic, yes, but where there's a man who dared to say no to a cute girl like me . Ok I admit, Jieun is sweeter than me, but I'm more plump and y hoho.

I kept pulling Jieun hand toward the basketball court. Despite her rich grumble, grumble Mothers yet he wrote according to my invite to the basketball court.

It did not take long for me and Jieun up towards the basketball court, from my class only lived one floor down and hold down the hall toward the door of the building to the west, and just outside the door there is a basketball court.

Actually there are ways you can make and Jieun I get to the basketball court, which stayed jump from the window of my class, but im sorry this is not a horror fanfiction, anyways my brain is still sane. : P

Following up on the basketball court, my eyes stared at the height of the field, the majority of students yeoja dominance. This is like 'Trio macan' concert. =____="

Me and Jieun then pushed through the crowd that the closer to the edge of the field.

"Woi, I'm all flops!"

Faintly I heard a scream Jieun, i turned my eyes back. And sure enough, I see Jieun being sandwiched between the throng of girls with 'kingkongs' body. :P

Why Jieun possessed a small body? If there is a distribution of 'Raskin' rice which he was able to queue hahaha

I pulled my hand Jieun, after struggling through the crowd, where the smell of armpit body odor crowd of the girls were pushed into the nose. It smells make want to vomit, weird girl ckck why not use deodorant.

after jostle, Finally I and Jieun can more forward.

I glanced at the girl who had been my drag, Lee Jieun.

Panting a little winded, cold sweat from his temples. Aishh, tiring, it was like pulling the arm of a small child into the crowd of mothers in order to get the pot discount.

Jieun's face looks pretty sweet, at first glance people will think it's Jieun pious girl and a rich girls cool. But they are wrong, Jieun was captious, chatty, and so crazy like me. :P

actually She's looks and the attitude is totally different.

Well supposing Jieun was opposite me. My face is not less beautiful from it, my nature also is a little bit crazy, but at least I'm more feminine than Jieun, I think it hehe

Well, if you're wondering why I'm dragging Jieun to the basketball court, there is only one reason, that is ....

"Kyaaa .......................... '

All of a sudden all the girls were there on the sidelines screaming hysterically when a bunch of guy-guy cross-eyed into a basketball court.

Yes, They are the reason I ran to rush here.

"Kyaaa ... Myungsoo oppa .... '

"Doojoon Oppa, Saranghae ..."

"Omg .... Sungjong oppa ... Kyeopta ... "

"Gikwang Oppa ... IM YOURS ...."

That's part of the name that screamed many girls here.

They screamed hysterically calling Namja name they think is cool, especially when one by one cross-eyed young man entered the field, and shout even more formations.

They are b2stfinite, containing boys basketball team in Juseon High School.

Almost all their fond Yeoja at my school, including me.

"Omo .... Eunji-well, look who's new to the field! "Jieun hysterically screaming in my ear.

I looked in the direction of the designated Jieun.

Not far from where I stood, there was a young man casually entered the basketball court, he was basketball team captain, Yang Yoseob Oppa. Although his face is not as handsome and as popular as the other team members, but he is my idol and I liked it very so much.

"Kyaaa .... Yoseob oppa .... Jieunnie .... I-It's Yoseob Oppa? "I screamed hysterically as she shook shoulder Jieun.

"Woi, woi mention anything about!" She's screaming.

"But it's Yoseob Oppa, Jieunnie. Yoseob Oppa, Kyaaa ..... '

I was hysterical. Why not, Yoseob Oppa is my idol from the first. In fact the main reason I go to school is because Yoseob Oppa also attend here. Anyway I thee Yoseob Oppa.

I see him walking casually towards the members of the team who came first. Behind, the boy with big body and slanted eyes followed him. His face was so cold and without the slightest smile on his lips.

In stark contrast to Yoseob Oppa is always a friendly smile at everyone. But despite that, He is Kim Sunggyu. He was a captain of the basketball team B2STFINITE. And believe it or not, Sunggyu oppa is the most popular among the students of this school, and even fans at other schools as well.

Strange indeed, what the girls do not have eyes? Okay, the game is most good Sunggyu oppa, even he never won the MVP the best in the national championship.

But behind his achievement was not in Balance with nature. Rumor says that the man snapped Sunggyu oppa, selfish, evil, and the most severe he was a playboy. Even been rumors that Sunggyu oppa impregnates a schoolgirl another school.

Hiii .... Absolutely horrible. God forbid baby me, lest I have a rich boyfriend him.

Wait, why do I have to tell you about it, should I tell her about Yoseob Oppa.

Kyaaa .... Lest I go crazy because tu talking creatures.

For a few minutes I and Jieun, along with the others girls, were watching the basketball team practice. Despite the heat, I remain loyal to see Yoseob oppa who is now mendrible lincahnya ball.

"... Fighting!!! Kyaaa Oppa ..."

I shouted encouraging, although I know Yoseob Oppa will not hear or do not even care at all.

"... You think Jieun, Yoseob Oppa Umma during pregnancy eating what? How can children so cute like him? "I asked the origin.

"Eating rice is, time to eat iron! Weve your Umma, rich salad cravings during pregnancy tomcat ! "Sarcastically Jieun me.

"What do you mean?" I said no thanks as she gave him a look deathglare.

"I can ah do not nag. There continues Oppa watch yours! "He said irritably.

"Huh, change the subject!" i said.

When I returned his sights to the field, rather than Yoseob Oppa I've seen, but a round ball that was flying toward me.

"Bugg ..... '

I do not have time to escape, so the ball was hit my head hard.

"Ah .... ! "I cried.

I sat down as she moaned in pain.

"Eunji-ah .... Are you all right? "Vaguely I hear ya Jieun sounded anxious.

Ah, it hurts my head feels. I could just rub my head when everyone over me with a worried.

"Gwenchanayo ....?" Suddenly I heard the voice of a Namja. Along with the voice, a hand outstretched in front of me.

I tilted my head, curious about the owner of the voice and the hand.

I looked him, standing with arms outstretched in front of me. Sunlight can not see me clearly his face, so it should make me have to squint.

1 second ....

2 seconds ........

3 seconds ...........

Kyaaa ..... That's Yoseob Oppa. I screamed hysterically in the heart.

"Gwenchanayo?" His said.

I was stunned. I want to answer, but my lips felt numb, I tried to speak, but because it was so vague, what I said sounded like a murmer meaningless, and I'm sure it makes me look stupid in his front.

"Hello .... Do you hear me? "Said Yoseob Oppa.

Jieun nudged my arm, so that brought me out of my reverie.

"A-Ah .... Yes, I'm fine! "I shrieked loudly, so that makes some people laugh at me chuckle.

I received a helping hand Yoseob Oppa who helped to stand.

Oh my god, I touched her hand, Kyaaa .... !

With the help of Jieun, I cleaned the dust off my skirt. Do not forget, I was tidying up my hair to make it look cross-eyed.

"You sure you're okay?" His said.

"Yeah, Im okay, Oppa" I say to convince him.

Actually very sick, but for the sake of Yoseob Oppa's okay do not be sick first. Moreover, I see some Yeoja seemed jealous that I could be talkings with Yoseob Oppa.

I'm sure that was throwing the ball at me that Yoseob Oppa.

He will feel sorry and guilty and apologized to me. So I do not want to lose this moment, who knows I could meet him.

"Ah, thank God. I was worried before! "Said Yoseob Oppa looked relieved.

Aw, heck ni really good guy, ampe worried about everything.

"Ne, Oppa. You do not have to worry anymore "I said softly. Well, maybe people will think I hear so cute. Caring beibeh deh.

When We're talking, a boy with big body and slanted eyes coming towards Us, none other than Kim Sunggyu.

"Sunggyu-ah, can you apologize to her, She fortunately this is not okay!" Yoseob oppa said as he pointed at his friend.

"Sorry for what? "Sunggyu replied coldly.

"Haish, You're a basketball throw up to her!" Reply Yoseob.

What? So who threw the ball is not Yoseob Oppa? But Kim Sunggyu?!

"I do not want to, I did not intentionally!" Sunggyu defensively.

"Yes! You should apologize! "I yelled at Sunggyu oppa.

"Wae? Why do I have to apologize to you?! Who told you stand here, disturb it! "Said Sunggyu snapped.

Aish, it's really annoying people. Yoseob Oppa that was throwing the ball I can willingly, but if Sunggyu oppa did it, I'm not blessing the afterlife. He should apologize!

"Hello .... Are there restrictions for me standing here? "I said curtly.

"Then, if it were hit ball, i was wrong? Was my mom wrong? or it was 'nyi blorong' mistakes, huh? If you do not want to throw the ball in contact with do not stand here, there stood a red light at the intersection Tomang! " His said very spicy.

"Grr ... Namja Pabo! Stupid boy! how can you dare say that to a girl like me?!! "I said.

Me and Sunggyu eye contact. I believe we in the blanket around aura of the darkness.

"It's been done before, Sunggyu you budge it! And girl, if I may know what's your name? "Yoseob oppa tried to lighten the mood.

"Naneun Jung Eunji imnida, Oppa" I said.

"Ne, Eunji-ssi, please forgive Sunggyu,okay!" He pleaded.

"Akh, ne oppa. That's okay ! "I smiled at Yoseob Oppa.

Huh, if Yoseob Oppa who asked where could I refuse anyway. Although actually I refuse to forgive guy annoying as Sunggyu.

"Wait a minute, Jung Eunji, what you wrote a letter with a pink envelope" asked Yoseob Oppa suddenly.

Kyaaa .... What Yoseob Oppa already read it? And surprisingly he realized that I sent the letter.

"Ne, it was my letter, Oppa" I said with confidence.

"Well, Sunggyu-ah, it turns out this girl who writes love letters and put in your locker?" Said Yoseob Oppa enthusiastic.

"MWO?" Me, Jieun, and Sunggyu squealed in disbelief, while Yoseob Oppa could only smile happy.

The sound of boisterous schoolgirls are all around Us. They looked shocked and said, glancing sarcastically mencibirku.

"Cih, You are one of my fans turned out anyway. If you do not want to find attention like this! "Sneered Sunggyu oppa disparaging tone.

"MWO?" I shouted.

Sunggyu looked at me from head to toe, then sighed as he looked at me in disgust.

"Do you think I want to be your girlfriend? Haah .... Do not dream! "Said rude to me.

Oh god, there's so rich jerk and make me upset. I think his attitude was limited to cold and curt, apparently filthy rich 'garbage mouth'.

"Yes! You think I want to be your girlfriend. Ugh, Never ! "Protested not accept.

"Anyway, what I have to read it in front of everyone?" He threatened.

Aigoo, brave He threatened me.

"Look if you dare," I said turning menacingly.

I floated a kick to the leg to make Sunggyu oppa winced in pain.

"Ya! What are you doing?! Youre stupid girl! "His screamed when i kick his legs.

"It's a present for someone like you!" I said, pulling Jieun hand and ran off.

I just smiled mischievously when Jieun looked at me puzzled.

Every now and then I looked back, although far enough, I can still hear detraction calumny-that came from the lips Sunggyu oppa.

So, do not try to fight me. I'm not like other girls who are weak and can be suppressed.


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