The End! :D

Seducing My Ex-Boyfriend

I shouted when I saw some people beating up a guy that I recognized as Myungsoo. I then started running and started punching random guys as I kept glancing at Myungsoo’s who’s breathing heavily with blood all over his face. I frowned as I balled my hands into a fist. I kicked a guy’s gut and started beating him up. When I got to the last guy he was smirking big enough for me to realized that he looked familiar.

I ignored the pounding of my heart as I breathed heavily. I closed my eyes tight as I slowly opened them and dashed as fast as I could over to the man. I swiftly punched his jawline and kneed his organs. When he out I kept punching him over and over and over again. When I looked towards Myungsoo he gave me a small smile before blacking out. I quickly scurried over to him and shook him harshly.

“Wake up! Wake up L! Wake up!” I started crying when I saw his messed up face.


“No, no, no, no. I’ll feed you because you’re sick” I playfully glared at Myungsoo as I snatched the spoon away from him.

“I’m fine.” He said as he leaned over trying to take the spoon out of my hand but only groaned in pain.

“You call that fine?” I asked as I frowned.

“Fine, whatever.” He said as he leaned back.

I scooped up a spoonful of porridge and held it near his mouth.


He looked at me for a moment before opening his mouth. I lifted the spoon inside his mouth as I smiled at him.

“Is it good?” I asked.

He blushed as he nodded putting both of his hands on his cheeks.

I smiled as I took them off. I smiled when he closed his eyes in embarrassment.

I chuckled softly as I scooped up another spoon and held it near his mouth.

He looked up at me and pushed the spoon a little.

“Is there a problem?” I asked as I placed the bowl of porridge on the nightstand table.

“I-I-I have a-a-alw-ays w-wan-ted t-t-to tell you that………I l-love you” he stuttered cutely before looking away.

I bit my lip as I blushed a little.

“I love you too Kim Myungsoo.” I said as I hugged him tightly but not to tight.

“Would you be my girlfriend?” he asked.

I nodded slowly as I looked at him in the eyes.

He smiled and ruffled my hair.

I pouted as I picked up the bowl and fed him again.


2 Years Later


My phone ranged as I picked it up.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Baby~ Can you come to Han River?” My boyfriend Myungsoo asked.

“Okay. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” I said as I got up from the couch I was sitting on.

“NO! I want you to wear something pretty!” He shouted playfully as he chuckled.

“Okay. I’ll be there in one hour then. Bye baby~ Love you” I said as I hung up the phone. I quickly ran upstairs and changed.

1 hour later

I arrived at Han River and looked around for Myungsoo.

“Sunny Baby~”

I turned around seeing breathless L running up to me. He was in a suit that made him so much more handsome than he already is.

“Yes, Myungmyung?” I asked as I fixed his hair.

He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“I want to show you something” he said as he dragged me near the water.

“Look at the firecrackers” he said as I looked at him weirdly.

“There’s no crackers though.” I tilted my head at him chuckling.

“Here it comes!” He spun around as I looked at the sky.





I smiled as I turned and looked at Myungsoo.

“Will you, Sunmi? Marry me and accept me as your husband?” He asked as he pulled out a diamond ring with a red box.

I laughed out loud as I nodded.

“Yes…..Yes of course!” I shouted as I hugged Myungsoo tight!

He pulled away and leaned in………….I closed my eyes when I felt his lips on mine.

Fireworks and butterflies were everywhere in my stomach.

I smiled as I remembered all those stupid dumb memories of my past.

It will now come to an ending because of who I’m with now…….

                          Kim Myungsoo!



The End! Sorry if there isn't enough details. :(

I decided to end it like this because I now have to start on school. I've got exams and more stuff to do. I've been very busy so i decided to end this story! Thanks for those people who subscribed and upvoted this story of mine. Sorry if it's been boring lately. Sorry.

You guys should read my other stories!




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3xo_21_ #1
Chapter 26: The ending is freaking cute..
Is it bad that I wanted gangster sunmi to beat up both Gongchan & Daehyun??
Hahahaha..kidding..*not rlly* xD
Chapter 26: haha sweet enough :))
Chapter 26: Aw~ the ending's so cute!!! <333
Chapter 26: Aw~ the ending's so cute!!! <333
Chapter 26: Aw~ the ending's so cute!!! <333
Chapter 26: Aw~ the ending's so cute!!! <333
kimchiaquino #7
Chapter 25: Please make her myungsoo!!!! This is awesome!!
Chapter 20: what the....OMG ! I HATE GONGCHAN !!!!
He believe all the rumors ??!