Chapter 5: Against All Odds. On Right Days Where Everything Goes Wrong

Himchan: The Green-eyed Monster


Chapter 5: Against All Odds. On Right Days Where Everything Goes Wrong


If Himchan’s life were a movie, Against All Odds should be the main theme. It feels like, at least to him, that he had to compete with the whole world just to get their well coveted leader’s attention. These days, it feels like everyone is after him. Himchan’s thoughts jumbled as much as he stirred in more sugar to his coffee.


“Ah, yes, yes. I understand. Ahaha, no, not really. Yes, with B.A.P. Just a short vacation,”


Himchan observed their leader closely as the older man sheepishly scratches his neck while on the phone. B.A.P.’s umma was too intimidated by the other voice on Yongguk’s phone to even notice that the little devil had conveniently placed himself by their leader urging the other to lovingly pat his head.


“Ah, yes, yes. Thank you. Hahaha. Okay, thank you, I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you on Monday, Gyuri-sshi.” He finally puts off the phone and smiles at Zelo.


The young visual is yet to forget that one episode where Yongguk asked for a kiss from KARA’s goddess. The leader looked really happy at that moment and the scene would have been a sweet one had it not been Yongguk. Ooh, so sweet, I got diabetes.


Himchan finally takes a sip of his coffee only to realize that he had stirred in salt rather than sugar. Who the s puts salt next to the stirrer? Then a snicker. Oh. Zelo just giggles as he walks off. I’ll crush you.


“Oh, I think I need to charge this,” Yongguk suddenly said,


“I think you need to put it away,” Himchan absentmindedly said that aloud, he realizes this as his eyes widen, he looks at Yongguk who stares back at him.


“I-I was joking, hahaha” Force the laugh. Force the lauuuuugggghhh.


Yongguk laughs a second and agrees, relief, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I said we should relax but here I am, on the phone with like a dozen people early in the morning.”


Oh, don’t remind me.


- - -


There were only six members in B.A.P. Count himself and Yongguk, there are four people he had to compete with. However, outside all four kids, there are still other people to worry about. The idol world is a fierce arena. Beautiful people, beautiful people everywhere, Himchan muses as he looked at his reflection on the aluminum tissue holder.


And aside from all those beautiful idols, there are a lot of pleasant staff and producers. If you count the hundreds and thousands of the people in DAUM café… Himchan will probably go mad now.


Yongguk is the most popular member of B.A.P. Actually, Himchan knows that Yongguk is well known not for their idol group, but just because he’s Bang Yongguk. He had the most activities and Manager Kang’s phone will always be busy with shows and producers asking for Yongguk to guest in their shows. In fact, only months have passed but Yongguk had already been in a number of shows alone. No matter where they go, someone will recognize the familiar face. In fact, even before Yongguk could reach the other side of the café, twelve boys, seven girls and two kids have already asked for Yongguk’s photo and signature.


The visual closed his eyes and allowed the warm sun seep into his soul, calming his nerves.


“Hey, lookie” he hears his leader’s voice.


Himchan looked at his leader who was gesturing at a plate he held. Himchan eyed the conveniently decorated cake which had a bunny design made with strawberries. The younger man smiled, it was quite cute how a very manly looking man like Yongguk would pick it out. It was during these times that Himchan thanked heavens that it was him who could see this thoughtful and gentle side of their leader.


“He looks like Tats Mato, doesn’t he?” Yongguk tells him with a smile.


Himchan nodded, noting how the bunny was compared to his mascot, still eyeing the nicely bunny-decorated cake saying, “He’s lucky he survived, I thought at the rate he’s going, Daehyun would eat even the plate.” And their leader laughs… he sighs at the sweet sound.


“I saved this piece for you,” Yongguk said, looking cheeky, smiling sheepishly.


“Really--?” As Himchan was about to take the cake, a huge fork comes out of nowhere, and the cake was stolen away by a six-foot baby who quickly prances away.


“Or maybe not,” Yongguk sheepishly sighs at his boy, “I’ll get you another one,”


“Jello! You come back here!”


And they were having a moment, too.


I don’t want no cake. I want that one and that one alone. That was my goddamn cake. And I want MY moment back. That kid is gonna get it somehow.


- - -


The whole day had been everything but restful. Left and right, someone would ask Yongguk if he was, in fact, Yongguk. Himchan had it easier since he wore a hat and a face mask. Even with his shades, people would just spot that it was Yongguk. Goddamn sharp people. He still wondered how they would figure out it was him. Maybe the tattoos? Oh, maybe the eighth world wonder. Yeah, those ing collarbones.


Himchan just wanted to spend the day walking on the beach, probably collecting small shells and crabs, then later on running into the sunset as the credits roll and a cheesy love song plays in the background. With the kids playing off in the beach arcades, Himchan had the delusion that he could keep the older man to himself. However, as it stands, there is no way in hell that he could, unless Yongguk could somehow change his face. Himchan shakes off his thoughts by shaking his head.


“Sorry about that,” Yongguk apologizes as he jogs next to the guy.


“It’s probably the hair,” he adds.


The leader drags Himchan to a small souvenir shop by the beach. He buys a hat hoping that it could disguise him. Himchan was pretty happy that Yongguk bought one, at least there’s now a smaller chance that people would recognize him.


The two sat by the beach as they looked at horizon. Himchan noted how picturesque everything was, with the lights, the beach, and the mellow rays of the sun just falling upon Yongguk. Himchan noted how everything is just like Yongguk’s dream date. Wow, feels like I’m the dream date.


“Feels great, doesn’t it?” the low voice said.


“Yeah…” was his soft reply as he nods just as slowly.


“Everything is just…” the leader continued, Himchan looks at him and he looks back.


“Perfect, isn’t it?” Fireworks.


It was just like how Himchan imagined, with Yongguk smiling, and the fireworks. Wait, why does it sound like something really just exploded?


“Heads uuuuup!” And Himchan felt something cold burst on his back.


“What the ffff-----” as he turned around, another one hit his face.


When everything registered, Himchan saw three running boys and one laughing Youngjae. Water balloons. Mothering water balloons filled with mothering Kool Aid!


And he runs after the boys, leaving a laughing Yongguk behind who just shakes his head in amusement.


- - -


Himchan chewed his meat violently. If one could see aura, they’d find how terrifying Himchan’s aura was at that moment. The boys apologized but Youngjae asked even further why Himchan was so agitated. Himchan had to lie that he was wearing his new Dolce shirt and the Kool Aid might stain. Yongguk made the kids apologize but Himchan was still so pissed at the fact that their moment had been ruined. What agitated him more is the fact that it may never happen again. It was so beautiful and it just ended so badly, it was like a joke.


Don’t turn off your lights tonight. And he stabs another piece of meat, sending shivers to the kids’ spine.


- - -


The morning after, Himchan had grown really silent. He said he was no longer angry about the whole water balloon prank but he just didn’t really have a good day. He spent the whole day observing Yongguk and everybody else, rubbing even more salt to his injury. He had to endure watching Yongguk cooking breakfast with Youngjae, assembling a delicious samkyupsal wrap for Daehyun, playing with Jongup and uh… doing what he usually does with Zelo. Himchan also had to fight the urge to just throw Yongguk’s phone somewhere since it felt like he had thousands of people calling him by the hour.


Come afternoon, Himchan had grown agitated and would just violently convulse in his seat bickering with the other members or alternatively, just spontaneously running after Zelo. The kid was fast though and Himchan found the connection between the kid and Tazmanian devil, the quick, annoying, hurricane like character from Disney. Or was that Looney Tunes?


Come night time, he had grown tired of his own mood swings and just wanted to sleep everything off. He wanted to just dismiss everything as a dream and maybe when he wakes up – he will wake up to a better version of their lives where Yongguk is always at his side and everybody else is just a side character. Roll credits. He just… what does he really want? Rest, probably, from all these. Zelo may have been prophetic. Maybe he’s right, maybe it’s high time to throw in the towel. Maybe everything is for naught and nothing will come out of his delusions. Maybe he’s just… As it stands, it looks like he’s…


I just want to go away. Where there’s no you, since there will never be ‘us’ anyway.


Defeated, Himchan walks off to the direction where their room was, all these thoughts aren’t helping him along with the giddy scene before him. Slurring his good-byes to all the members, he just stalks languidly away. He didn’t notice their leader walking after him, quietly following him to their room.


- - -


“Are you alright, Himchan?” He hears the voice after the faint sound of the door closing.


Himchan slumps on the bed defeated. He didn’t want to talk to anybody. He just… he just wanted to be alone. Regardless that it’s Yongguk, he didn’t want to talk.


“Juuuuust perfect.” He didn’t mean it, to be snarky, that is. With you, never with you. Please just leave me alone.


“Come on, talk to me.” Yongguk sits at the bottom of the bed, shaking Himchan’s leg lightly just to gain his attention.


This does not do anything however, as the other man lays still. He only moves to swat the other man away, tired of all the bull he had to endure.


“I’m okay, go, watch the kids or some other .”


“Is it about work? Is it about Hyosung-sshi?”


“The ?”


“You can talk to me about anything I swear, what is it about? Is it about Jongup?”


“Stop it, I’m not in the mood. Just go, Yongguk.”


“Okay, is it about Youngjae?”


“Jesus Christ, Bang Yongguk! I swear to God if you ask me about Youngjae again or just about anyone for that matter you’re going to get it!”


“Goddamit, Kim Himchan! Can't you just… Can't you just, for once, pay attention to me?!” And their leader storms off the room.


“What do you…” Himchan looked at the direction to where their leader disappeared to.


Himchan’s world, simply stated, was quite shaken.





Note: I hope you liked this chapter! Sorry about missing out on a posting day, I just got home after a very busy day. I've actually finished the whole fic, there will be two chapters left, please look forward to it!

Thank you again for all the subscribers, readers and commenters. I would love to read what you think about this chapter and what you think will happen next. No previews for the last two chapters!

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Chapter 2: /"You should be nicer to your Himchannie-hyung, he totally saved our asses today with his perfect variety skills!”

Flawless. Himchannie. Asses. Perfect.

Yongguk thinks my is perfect.

And once again, all is well with the world./

Oh god I died at this part xD!! How come he came to this conclusion?! I'm so done with Himchan xD
Chapter 3: you have a really awesome story here..the plot is really smooth and well amde, and your sense of humor made my day..i keep laughing on and on..Thank you for this great story..:3
Chapter 10: Really good story I really enjoyed a lot !!!!!
Chapter 10: Wow, this is unlike anything I have ever read. The first few chapters were very hard for me to read. It was so well written that I could feel Himchan's misery, but because it was so well written I forced myself to keep reading. The first chapter to suddenly switch to Yongguk's side of the story completely blew my mind. I love how you explained every misunderstanding between them, it was such a relief. I LOVE how Yongguk's confession was so sloppy & awkward, & he looked a mess & Himchan had sobbed. It was ugly, it couldn't have been more beautiful.
Chapter 10: Hello new subbie here !
Oooh I really love this nice-great-detailed story ! Great job author-nim ! :D
Chapter 10: i really liked this banghim story :] himchan has nothing to worry about. gukkie has always been and will always be his.. junhongie needs to bud out XD
parachutes #7
Chapter 10: this definitely is one of my favorite banghim fics. it was so funny and cute and gave me all these giddy FEELS I cant even... ugh. and it was such a perfect happy ending /sobs
parachutes #8
Chapter 2: "Would he ever like someone like him whose face is nothing short of Ditto, that weird jelly Pokemon?"

sasdgdsfjllhfsbklhdLMAO omg im crying its funny cause its kinda true lolll ;o;;

just had to tell you that i love this because i honestly had to stop reading because i was loling so hard from just this chapter alone.

brb must read the next chapter!
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