Lets have fun ~! ^^

Even thought your a robot i still LOVE you !

I walked my over to the lunch room to go to my friend Kisame. "Hey Kisame i have big news!"i told her. She looked up at me. "What is it Hasturi?"she asked me. "Well my parents friends kids will be going to this school with us-"i was cut off. "Are They CUTE?!"she asked me. "Aha yeah they are, me and them used to play together when we were young."I smiled trying to make it seem real as possible. She just nodded her head and smiled. "I cant wait to meet them."She giggled. I laughed with her at how silly she was being. Lunch was over and we needed to head back to class. "I'll see you after school Kisame."I said waving goodbye at her. She did the same. I Walked to my class when my name was called on the speakers. I walked to the office to see why they had called my name. "Miss, please get your stuff your gardian is here to pick you up."She told me and i looked who was here to pick me up. I saw it was Chief. I nodded my head and bowed polietly and went to get my stuff. We walked out the school. "Why did you take me out early?"i asked. "We have to get everything done early before your piano practice, you cant miss it."he said. I looked down remebering i had piano practice with a new teacher since my mom wont be able to help me anymore. I felt my eyes water but i ignored the feeling. "Dont worry Hasturi she might be really nice."He smiled down at me. I smiled as well hopping she will be nice. We arrived at the store of clothing. "Chief we need the guys to measure them."i said. "They are already here thier getting measured now."He said. I nodded my head and walked in. "Hasturi!"i heard Mir yelled and ran to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but laughing. "I thought you were at school?" Seungho asked me comming up to me. "Yeah i was but Chief picked me up to see you guys."I explained. They nodded thier head yes. I saw that they have finished measuring them and told to come in 3 hours for they can finish. We left me and chief were about to get in the car. "I wanna go with Hatsuri!"Mir screamed like a little kid. I giggled at how cute he was acting. "Misstress you can go in the van with them." Chief told me. The next thing i knew was that i was being pulled to the van by the boys. I sat next to Mir and Thunder and Joon and G.O and Seungho were together in the other seat all 3 together. "So how we will pass time togther in 3 hours?"Joon asked. I saw they all looked at me , i just shrugged. "How we go to Karaoke?"i asked. "Whats that ?"Thunder asked me. "Its when you sing in a room or at home and have fun."I said. "LETS GO!!"The said together. They told the driver to head over to karaoke place. We did and we spent most of our time laughing and messing around and singing. By the time was gone and we had 45 minutes left to pick up thier uniforms that were made. "I'm starving."I whinned. "Lets go somewhere to eat?"G.O said. We left the karaoke place behind and went to a place where they grilled meat. We ordered a table and sat thier patciently and talked till a waiter came to take our order. "You guys order to."I said and they nodded thier head and ordered. Joon saw that the waiter was looking at me and i guess he put his arm around me. I looked at him confused. The waiter left. "Why is your hand around me?"i asked him. "Because that guy was looking at our Princesses."He said. I blushed at the Princesses part. Thunder was annoyed and kicked Joon's leg because he was infrount of him. "Why did you kick me?!"Joon exclaimed. Thunder stayed quiet and saw the waiter came with the meat and ready to grill. After a while they were done and we digged in and ate. We saw we had 3 minutes left to get thier so we paid the bill and left. As we arrived they sent the boys to wear thier uniforms. They looked great in thier uniforms. We payed for everything and went home. I arrived at the door. "Hasturi that pianoist is here she in the regular room."Chief said. I saighed and nodded my head and went to the regular room and walked in to find...


Hi guys ~! Thanks for being patient till i update ~! :)

Thank you commenters and suscribers ~! <3 im soo happy ~!

I hope you liked this chaper as well ^^

  Aren't They Cute ~? *^^* hehe  <3

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Chapter 12: Now joon!!!!
Chapter 11: Weird ._. Update as soon as you can
Chapter 10: Oh my gosh!update soon
Chapter 10: Haha! Oh that was unexpected.
Chikitten1698 #7
Chapter 10: Awwwwwwwwwwwww,soo cute...and blushing now!
Chikitten1698 #8
Chapter 9: Update soon please