One Shot: Simple Yet Valuable

Simple Yet Valuable

Eun Hye's POV


"Omo! Look! There's a new movie today. Let's go watch it, Shinwoo oppa," I exclaimed excitedly.

"I still have club activities later," He answered quickly then smiled at me as his apology. I sighed while staring at the paper where I saw the movie.

"Then I guess I'll watch it alone again," I uttered in a low, disappointed tone. It was always like that. He was always busy with his club activities and comes home very late. I was getting used to it but it was still irritating. I can't do anything about it though.

"What's the last time of the show?" He suddenly asked that made me look at him with a pint of joy inside me. I smiled with glee.

Shinwoo oppa and I started dating four months ago. I confessed to him and he accepted it. I thought I was getting rejected but luckily, I wasn't. I liked him very, very much so I tried understanding him in every way I could.

"Run oppa! Run!" I shouted aloud in front of the gate of our school. He ran as fast as he could and stopped when he was in front of me. He was panting heavily, his hands on his knees.

"How many... time left... before it starts?" He said as he catch his breath. He was sweaty and gave off a smell of dirt, sweat and a bit smell of his cologne. He still looked refreshing to me. He removed his glasses for a bit to wipe away drops of sweat on his forehead and under his eyes.

"About ten minutes left so let's hurry up," I answered that made him stood straight again and started running. I also ran to catch up on him but he was too fast that I wanted to call him out to slow down.

"EUN HYE-AH! COME ON!" He called as he offered his hand to me. I held it tight and together we strived to make it to the last show.

"Aigoo... That was tiring but at least we're already here," He panted and looked at me. I looked back at him and tilted my head wondering. He suddenly pulled his hanky out and started wiping drops of my sweat. I stopped his hand as I blushed. It was embarrassing! >.<

"Andwae. I-I'll do it. Hmm, we don't h-have popcorn," I told him then snatched his hanky and started pretending that I was really making his hanky absorb my sweat. He stood up and left to go get some popcorn so I was left there with his hanky. I held it tight and pouted at what he did. That was extremely embarrassing but it made me happy to feel how he cares for me. I was still waiting for him to come back since fifteen minutes already passed by but he still isn't coming so I went out to check him. As I open the cinema door, I saw him talking to a girl in a uniform but wasn't from our school. He suddenly gave her one of the popcorn he was holding then the girl smiled as she thanked him. The girl waved goodbye. He turned around and came near me with a curious look. *Why are you looking at me like that? Aren't I suppose to be the one giving you that kind of look?*

"Why did you come out?" He asked, his right eyebrow raising. I gazed at the direction where the girl was a minute ago and back at him.

"Was she a friend of yours?" I asked and tried to give him a fake smile.

"Aniyo. The popcorn ran out and she was going to buy so I gave her one since I have two of them. We can just share with one," He explained and gently pushed me back inside the cinema.

"You're so nice..." I told him bluntly and stuffed some popcorn in my mouth.

"Stop it!" He pouted, embarrassed. He continued watching the movie cheerfully. *I wasn't praising him. I know he didn't have any other intention but it worries me all the time.*


"Eun Hye, let's go home," Chorong said and looked at me. At that moment, I was staring at Shinwoo oppa outside the classroom window. He was practicing. I was in a deep ponder when Chorong snapped her fingers in front of me. I turned to her, frowning.

"Yah, what's wrong? You seem a little sullen. Is it something about Shinwoo sunbae?" She asked me, her brow raising. I sighed hopelessly as I put my elbows on the window and rested my chin on my palms.

"Bingo! So what about him?" She exclaimed and leaned on the window as she also looked at Shinwoo oppa. I sighed again and uttered in my breath, "Geurae... He's too nice to others that it makes me jealous so much. Its as if he treats me the same as everyone else. I can't help it. I love him too much it hurts."

"Oh. You think you're not special at all. He's just being nice. Don't think about it too much," Chorong exclaimed and patted my back. I rolled my eyes and tried to build a smile on my lips. The practice ended almost evening. I waited too long but when I saw him walking towards me, I felt that the effort of waiting was at least worth it.

"Hey. You waited even though I'm late. We have a game next week so we were having our strength-building and other stuff," He grinned as we walked. I was so happy that I held his hand but he flinched and released his away from mine. I looked up at him in curiousity.

"Omo... Your hand is cold," He gasped and stopped in front of me. I faced down, my hair covering my face, "Mianhae, oppa."

"You were cold because you were waiting for me, right?" He stated and held both of my hands with his. My eyes widened as I looked up at his wonderful, good-looking face. He smiled at me and chuckled in a silly way.

"My hands aren't that warm but at least they could warm yours," He muttered shyly and I saw his cheeks flushing. The mood was changing around us. It was becoming awkward but it made my heart race.

"I watched you practice today," I proclaimed in a soft voice. He smiled to apologize.

"Mianhae. I was late," He responded and grinned, showing how white his teeth were. I nodded and stared at his face, slowly moving closer to his. The aura of romance was circling around us. His face was moving down to mine. We were about to kiss when he suddenly turned his head away from mine and shook his head all over again. I frowned in disappointment.

"Wae?" I asked as I looked at him, pouting.

"Please. Not here. Look at the surroundings," He answered as his cheeks turned bright red. My eyes widened and saw dozens of people around us. They were anticipating at our very moment; Some shriek, others tease. My face heated up so fast. I hurriedly ran away from the crowd and stopped under a tree far from school. Shinwoo oppa chuckled softly and said, "You didn't have to run."

"But... It was embarrassing! That  was so stupid. Aiyaaa..." I exclaimed while panting. I sat on the grass and brought my knees up, hugging them. I didn't want him to see me. My face was all flushed. *Eotteokhae?!* I was in the middle of thinking about my most embarrassing moment when he laughed again.

"Don't laugh!" I yelled at him and covered my ears. He laughed harder and loudly as if he was teasing me so much. I pouted and shut my eyes.

"Eun Hye..." He called gently. I was about to turn to him when he grabbed me by the arm and kissed me on the lips. I felt surprise but later on melted away. When he moved away, both of us smiled. It felt as if the world has stop between us.


"Yah, Eun Hye! I heard that you were begging for a kiss from Shinwoo sunbae yesterday in front of their clubroom," Chorong smirked teasingly that made me choked from eating. I ran away, hearing her calling out.

"Going to the bathroom! Rice coming out from my nose," I responded and quickly washed my face when I heard people chattering outside.

"Yah, I heard Eun Hye kissed Shinwoo oppa in their clubroom..."

"Andwae, they didn't kiss because oppa stopped her before she'd be able to kiss him,"

*Stop talking about it, please...* >.< I peeked outside to check if they were still there and dashed hurriedly to the stairway. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed oppa's number. He answered immediately.


"Oppa, did anyone in your club ask you anything about what happened yesterday?"

"Hahaha! People are kind of jealous. Don't mind about it,"

"Mianhae, oppa..."


"Hey, today I'm going somewhere so just call me when you're done, nae?" I ended the call and stared at him from afar as I made an air kiss at him. As I turned around, I saw a kid staring at me. I gasped in surprise and quickly made an excuse as I walked away. I went to a bookstore and searched for the magazine that Shinwoo oppa always buy. When I found it, I sat on a chair and scanned it. Unfortunately, my eyes started to feel droopy when few minutes passed by. I was about to fall asleep on the desk when my phone rang.

(CNU) -Sorry, I'll be late so go home first.-

My eyebrows curled as I read the message all over again. My patience was over its limit. What the..? I was waiting for nothing at all?! I was about to throw my phone when I thought of replying.

(Eun Hye) -MWOOO?!?! Did you know how long I wai...  *Erased*

(Eun Hye) -I understand. It must be tough. Jaljinae, oppa. :) -

I decided not to send the first text and sent the second one. With my shoulders falling and face frowning, I slowly walked myself home after I bought the magazine that I would give him. *Oh well, he said it was strength training.*


The next morning...

"Okay? Now I bought this. I should look for him," I mumbled to myself, holding the magazine. I went downstairs and quickly saw him passing by. I chased him and called him out. He turned to me, yawning.

"You must be tired, oppa," I told him and held his arm.

"I am tired..." He babbled and tried to give a smile. I held onto the magazine tightly and was about to give it to him when...

"SHINWOO! YAH! You forgot this. It's the magazine you bought at the store yesterday. Here," His club manager, who was a girl, said cheerfully and handed him the magazine that was exactly the same as what I was holding.

"What store? I thought you ended so late because of club activities?" I sneaked in the conversation, slightly annoyed.

"Well, they felt hungry on the way home and suddenly went to a store to eat some ramyun," The girl answered, smiling. *Why was she the one answering, anyway?* >:(

"I was waiting like forev--" I stated when the girl cut me off.

"Mianhae for keeping Shinwoo so late," She cheerfully apologized and made a peace sign.

"JUST SHUT UP!" I yelled at her. Shinwoo suddenly pulled me to him and patted my head to stop me.

"Mianhae, oppa. Don't worry about it," I apologized. He sighed restlessly and apologized to his manager that made me angrier.

"I feel bad about yesterday but you didn't have to yell at the manager. It looks bad," He told me. *Crap, if I talk to him now, I'll just end up saying something terrible and bursting in tears but I wanted to hear from Shinwoo oppa. I waited for him for ages, too. Why were you defending her? Babo!* I yanked him away out of madness and walked away with my hands clenching the bottom of my vest tightly, not knowing that the magazine fell and landed at Shinwoo's foot. He picked it up and scanned it with his very own eyes.

"You're right, Chorong! He doesn't even like me!" I cried, hugging my knees at the corner of our classroom. She sat beside me with a questioning look on her face.

"Waeyo? Eun Hye, that's not true," She exclaimed with a loud sigh.

"It is true. It's just like what you said before," I immediately replied back, not looking up at her. She smacked me lightly and said, "I was joking, silly! Look, here comes Shinwoo sunbae."

I quickly looked up and saw him entering our room, heading towards me. He stopped in front of me and pulled me up, not saying a word. I kept quiet as I follow him. We went at the school rooftop. Both of us leaned on the wired fence. I couldn't look at him in the eye so I closed my eyes and felt the cool breeze as it lingered on my skin.

"You bought this for me?" He then asked, holding up the magazine I was suppose to give him. I faced him as I answered frankly, "You don't need it anymore."

I tried to grab the magazine back but he stopped my hand from getting it.

"I do," He uttered and held on the magazine with his firm hand. I looked at him straight in the eyes, surprised of what he said.

"But you already have one..."

"Then I'll sell that one to someone."

"That's impossible!" I chuckled softly as I saw him flipping through the pages. Our conversation continued.

"Until the end of the game..." He suddenly proclaimed.


"You head home first until the end of the game."

"Mwo? Wae?"

"Isn't it hard to always wait so late?"

"Andwaeyo! It's not hard! I want us to go home together." I stated as I grabbed his sleeve with my fingers. *You don't feel that way? Oppa?* He looked shocked and a bit embarrassed as he replied, "Okay. Then as a reward for waiting, I'll buy something for you."

*Maybe I was just thinking too much...* We went to a restaurant and told me to order what I like. I ordered hamburger, pasta, salad and some ice cream.

"That's too much! Goodbye new tennis shoes," He sighed restlessly.

"Here. I'll give you a bite," I cheerfully said and gave him a bite of what I had ordered. Next, we headed to a karaoke and there I sang for him. I sang a lot that I didn't even thought of the time.

"Oppa, can you sing this next?" I requested but when I looked at him, he was fast asleep. He was leaning on my shoulder and there I put the mic down on the table and leaned gently beside him. I slowly touched his hair.



And his cologne... what I smell of him.

The smell of Shinwoo. :>


The next morning I saw him getting his things in his locker. I passed by him and he greeted me. I greeted him back then all of a sudden, I slid down on the floor, leaning on the locker, knees together and hands on my stomach.

"Eun Hye-ah, what's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts."

"Liar, you're fine."

"Aniyo, I'm really not."

"Wait there. I'll go get the nurse."

"Ani! Don't go," I said and quickly grabbed the end of his pants. He bent beside me, left knee bending and the other one knelt down.

"Then I'll go get some medicine."

"Ani, ani... The nurse is probably out. I'll just go home and rest."

"Give me your bags," He said and helped me stood up. My knees were shaking as I took a step forward. I held onto him tight for support.

"Kwaenchana?" He asked worriedly and there I saw his face full of concern as I smiled and answered, "Nae."

Shinwoo oppa accompanied me to the bus terminal and made me sit on the bench at the waiting area. He then asked me if my stomach still hurt but I blurted out laughing so hard, covering my face. He held up his hand which was about to tap my shoulder and made a "what-the-hell-is-going-on" kind of face.

"Escape success!" I proclaimed happily. He raised an eyebrow and curiously asked me, "Eun Hye-ah, how about your stomach?"

"It's fine. It's fine. It was all an act. It had been a long time since we went home together this early. Let's go somewhere else for fun," I quickly answered.

"I'm going back to the club," He exclaimed and turned his back at me.

"Mwo? You don't have to go back. Just tell them you skipped practice today because your girlfriend is sick," I told him. He clenched his fists tightly. My smile faded as I felt how he was controlling his temper with patience.

"Oppa..." I uttered gently, looking at his back. I stood up and was about to hold his arm when he yanked it away with his hand.

"What do you think you're doing, Eun Hye?!" He gritted through his teeth. *Huh? He's angry?*

"This... To do something like this is even more exhausting..." He said and quickly walked away, ignoring me. I was staring at his back as tears flowed down my cheeks. That was the first time he got angry at me and it hurt. Later in the afternoon, I went back to school just to check on him. I stood in front of the wired fence while clenching my right hand on it.

"Shinwoo oppa isn't at practice today," I proclaimed as I wandered my eyes around and never got a sight of him.

"Um... Shinwoo... has to run extra laps since he was late without any excuse," Their club manager said when she accidentally heard me.

"There was the regular roster announcement for the tournament and he got dropped because of skipping practice today," She continued to tell me. My eyes widened of what I just heard and wandered to search for him. I saw him jogging around. *He got dropped. Is the reason he got dropped me?*

"Shinwoo oppa!" I cried aloud. He stopped in front of me while the high wired fence was between us.

"Mwo?" He sighed, exhausted and sweaty. I frowned and curiously asked him if what the manager told me was true. He closed his eyes tightly, opened them and looked away with a straight expression. When I saw him that way, tears came dashing down my cheeks. I rubbed them continuously but they just won't stop.

"This is all my fault. It's because I was selfish to make you skip practice. I was reckless and all I always think about was--" I cried, my voice becoming husky but he cut me off.

"I can't believe they were so strict! Well, duh! I was dropped because I was with my girlfriend?! What the hell was that suppose to mean?!" He complained irritatingly. I looked at him as I wiped my tears away. *He's not listening to me...*

"I'll steal that slot back..." He proclaimed, looking at the other players. There I realized something that made my heart skip a beat. He was about to walk away when I called him again. He turned back at me with a questioning look.

"I... I'm admiring you. Kind of," I told him shyly.

"Mwo?" He asked curiously. *Not because he's mine, it's because Shinwoo is Shinwoo...*

"Well, goodluck. I'll be waiting," I said with a smile.

"I'll be late again."

"I can make plans with Chorong."

"Seriously, can you go home first?" I stopped moving when I heard him say that. *What was that suppose to mean?* I turned away, looking down and said, "Am I an inconvenience to you? Aniyo, I said I'll wait for you."


"Because what?! In the end, you just don't want to be waited on!"

"Wai--" I backed away, my hands covering my ears. *I don't want to test this. I don't want to hear this.*

"Don't tell me, you're tired of being with--"


I turned to him, shocked. He was shuffling the wired fence, his hands clenching hard on it and he was looking at me with his very serious eyes.

"If it was just anyone, I don't care if they waited," He exclaimed, breathing hard.

"I just..." He said and stopped as he looked away.

"Just...?" I questioned, gazing at his face.

"You waiting there even though it's dark, I'm worried. Eun Hye has a lot of gaps in her guard and seems temptingish," He explained, embarrased at the same time worried. My eyebrows raised from what I heard and blurted out, "You're the one that's tempting!"

Both of us were surprised at what I just said. Our eyes widened but mine was even worse. *Oh no! What the hell did I just say? I wanna run away!!!* >.<

"I mean... Uhh..." I d for words. He looked sideway and scratched his nose with his finger.

"Mianhae. Don't worry. Next time, I won't leave you craving," He proclaimed.

"That's not what I meant!" I yelled, blushing. My heart beat went faster than usual. It was throbbing so hard. I pouted, looking at him.

"Hey, Shinwoo! Time to practice!"

"You keep slacking, you bear!"

"Omo! They're calling you already. Jaljinae," I told him and was about to walk away when he called me. I turned back, "Mwo?"

"Lend me an ear. I have something to say. Hurry, hurry," He whispered and came near the wired fence, his lips close to it. I also went near him and put my ear close to his lips. *What is he gonna tell me, anyway?* But as soon as my ear was close enough to his lips, he kissed it gently. My cheeks heated up and it felt like my whole body was steaming from what he did. I looked up at him and saw him smiling from ear to ear as he said, "Wait for me. Saranghae, Eun Hye."

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Can you do a JinYoung one? xD Sorry to trouble you....
SohEunYoung #2
Chapter 1: I LOVE THIS :) GOMAWO!!~
Jiriyanu #3
Hahahah Yin looks amazing<3
awesome picture. <3