Outrageous Love





Name:Kan Mi Youn

Birthday:Febuary 2,1985 (I changed the year.)

Age: 27

Personality: Emotional, jealous, grumpy and kind of greedy.




Name: Lee Jaejun

Birthday: September 25, 1997 ( I made him 15 since his birthday is near.)

Age: 15

Personality: Generous, kind, patient, and caring.



Name: Kim Karen
Birthday: December 5, 1987
Age: 24
Personality: Ghetto, smart, boy crazy, possessive, and judgemental.
Name:Park Sonya

Birthday: September 14, 1998
Personality: Mean, , selfish, narcissistic, conceited, brat, spoiled and emotional.




     Kan Youn,a lonely 27 year met, Lee Jaejun,a young 15 year old, at the coffee she visits often.  After a converstaion she lies about her age, saying she was 14, but after talking and texting him constantly she started falling for him. Soon regretting her actions she thinks about telling him the truth but it afraid that he'll get creeped out. 






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xrainismx #1
You should update on this story. It sounds really interesting :-)