The Search for One Sinful Designer!


Looking for one designer to help uplift Sinful Fantasy. Do you have what it takes?




Not alot of people know Sinful Fantasy so Let me explain a little about it and what this whole thing is about!


Sinful Fantasy was created in the start of september of 2011. Its always been a quiet site and is only known to very few because it only caters to a certain kind of fiction. ^__^ or boys love fanfiction is what Sinful Fantasy will accept requests for.


I had at one time worked for Flightseventeen but once they closed down i was extremely sad because i loved only making posters of boys love stories. So i decided to make my own site called Sinful Fantasy.


People may know me as Jjangna but most know me as markie! I owned Adorable love around 2009 and than came to work for Artsy Asian Crew.


So now that we got the intro out of the way lets get to business?


I am looking for 1 Designer. one.


I do have requirments though. and im not picky.. Im not even looking for the BEST.

I want someone I can trust, someone who knows how to design well and who can help uplift Sinful Fantasy.


Do you have what it takes?


Apply Here!


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