Stay With Me Forever

Just Another Day In Seoul (One Shot)


     Honk honk! Vroooom! It was another busy morning in the streets of Seoul. Everywhere you looked, you can see people in thick coats drinking warms cups of coffee. I, myself, is one of them as I took a sip of my drink. While walking back to my apartment, I was so cluttered in the crowd that I could feel the warmth of their body and smell their coffee.

      I stopped at a cafe to break away from the chaos, but it was crowded in there as well. I sat down at the only empty table, and decided to finish the rest of my drink. Afterwords, I pulled out a book and started to read, but BONK! I turned around to see my best friend, Se Hun. 

     He smiled then sat down infront of me. "Whatcha doing here Eunny?" he asked. Eunny was a nickname he always calls me.

     "Just waiting till the streets are clear. What about you?"

     " Same." 

    We looked at each other with complete silence. We were best friends since first grade, but when we entered high school, things sometimes got awkward. After sitting like that for a while, Se Hun broke the silence.

    "It looks like the crowd is gone," he said while looking out the cafe windows.


     "So, ummm, Do you want to go ice skating?"

    "No, I'm not really good at it," I replied.

     "Come on. Pwease?" he asked with an adorable puppy face.

     "Fine, but you have to piggy back me to the rink then."

      He smiled with joy as we left the cafe. Outside, he bent over and I got on his back.

     "Oh god your so fat," joked Se Hun.

     "Shut up. You wanted to go ice skating, and this is your punishment."

      We soom were at an outdoor ice rink surrounded by trees with bright white lights on them. I jumped off of Se Hun's back so he could go get skates. When he returned with the shoes, I tried putting mine on slowly to avoid getting on the ice.

     "Stop stalling," he said to me.

      "What? I'm not stalling," I lied.

       "Here slowpoke," he smiled and helped me put my skates on.

      After he finished tying up the laces, I stood up all wobbly like. There was no way I could make it to the ice walking with these on.

     "Hold onto my hand little kid," chuckled Se Hun.

     I grabbed his hand, and we made our way to the rink. He stepped on the ice and motioned me to come, but I just stood there. The reason I hate ice skating happened 10 years ago, when I was 8. Our class was on a field trip to an ice skating rink. While everyone was smoothly skating, I kept clinging to the walls of the rink. Everywhere I looked, people were smiling and having fun so I decided to let go of the wall. Sadly, my first step led me to falling and breaking my nose on the ice.

     As you can imagine, I was rushed to the hospital with a bloody, broken nose.

     "Don't worry I got you," coaxed Se Hun as we flashed back to the present.

     I hesistaed, but then took my first step on the ice. As I gripped onto his hand tightly, we slowly moved around the rink. I soon started to get the hang of this, and now we were gliding on the icec. But throughout the whole time, I still held onto Se Hun's hand.

     "Hey, I have to tell you something," he said as we stood in the middle of the rink.

      "What is it?" I asked.

      "This," he said and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

       From that day on, my best friend became my boyfriend. And six years later, he even became my husband.


Thank you everyone for reading my first one-shot. I hoped you liked it, and please subscribe to my other stories!

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Other Stories:


The Handsome Devil

Transferred To Love You

The Phone Mishaps


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NerdyBunny #1
Chapter 1: Awww i like it. It's cute though. Keke. Hope to have a friend like Sehun too. Lol. Nice work! :)
Chapter 1: This is so cute!! ^^