
Just Forget The World



Lu Han shuts his eyes, pressing a cool water bottle to his forehead. It's a good thing he's had enough sense to  down aspirin beforehand. He thinks if he hasn't, then his expression might still be cemented comfortably between 'outrage' and 'wanting to sink into a hole in the ground.' What is that guy even doing in the restaurant? Just two days ago the guy's flirting up a storm and offering to take him out on a bubble tea date, of all things, and now he's the restaurant's lawyer? 

Someone up there must hate him. 

"What are you waiting for?" Jongdae murmurs, carefully flicking a baton coated with molten sugar back and forth over a large dessert centerpiece. He lets out a little coo of delight as one of the assistants hands him whipped cream. "Take your break already. You look like you're about to combust."

"Is he gone?" he says suddenly, in a low, private tone.


"That lawyer. The first customer. It's been two hours and he's still sitting outside."

"Then obviously he's still here, isn't he?" Jongdae shakes his head. "Why are you so hellbent on avoiding him? Ex-boyfriend of yours or something?"

"Not even close." Lu Han grimaces. 

"Hey, have some lasagna. The sauce didn't turn out exactly how the customer requested but it's still edible. Tastes good, actually, if a little on the salty side," Yixing interrupts as if it's the most natural thing to do, gooey strands sticking to everything as he loads up a small plate, passing it over. "You want beer? Wine?"

Lu Han shakes his head. "I'll just have some water later, thanks." He turns on his heel and goes out the backdoor. 

The night air outside the restaurant was a strange mix of onions, pepper and smoke off the grill. It calms Lu Han down, makes him forget that his mother doesn't remember him on most days, that he got yelled at by a customer for dropping the cutlery on his newly bought dress shoes, that tomorrow is a Wednesday--

He couldn't help but smile. Wednesdays aren't so bad, though. 

He burns his mouth on the first bite, in air and wincing with the second forkful already halfway to his mouth. He knows it's a little disrespectful to be treating a gourmet meal like tv dinner, but his weary mind goes blank at the thought of having words to describe the flavors, the perfectly melty cheese, crisp and brown in places, the mix of tomato sauce and spices  - pure bliss in a bite. Instead of any worthwhile thought, he lets out a little sound, half-sigh and half-moan.

He blushes when he hears someone laughing nearby.

"Is the occasion of ingesting delicious food the only time that kind of sound comes out of you?"

Lu Han lets out a slight, panicked sound as he drops the plastic fork onto cement.  "W-what are you doing out here?"

The guy - Oh Sehun - shrugs elegantly. "Parking was full so I parked across the laundromat. I do know this area so I know passing by this side is a shortcut. To be fair, I didn't expect to see you here either."

Against the backdrop of moonlight, Sehun looks particularly fair. Tall, but not physically imposing. It's all in his eyes, an intimacy in the steady way he regards Lu Han. Amused, utterly at ease. He is handsome, obviously moneyed, every fold in his button-down pressed and creased, every side a snug fit against a toned physique.

Before Sehun can do anything ridiculous like - god forbid - make Lu Han fall for him at first sight with a disarming smile, Lu Han looks away, and scoops another piece of lasagna into his mouth with the leftover spoon.

"So, Lu Han, huh? I've been wondering about your name since that time I saw you at the boutique." He steps closer to Lu Han. "Your name wasn't easy to guess. But now that I actually know it, I'd have to say it suits you well."

"Don't you have somewhere to go?" Lu Han says, harsher than he intends. 

To his dismay, Sehun only chuckles. "I do. To my favorite bubble tea place, hopefully with a beautiful date on my arm."

"I'm sure a lot of patrons would love to go as your arm candy," Lu Han scoffs, rolling his eyes. Sehun inches closer until Lu Han's back tenses with the warmth practically radiating off the other man's presence. 

"Why don't you just say yes? You have a girlfriend?" Lu Han stabs the remaining lasagna with the blunt tip of the spoon. "Boyfriend?"

"I don't have any of those things." Lu Han stands up, plate in one hand as he brushes his apron with the other. "But I'm not saying yes because I told you. You can't always get what you want."

"That's true." Sehun nods. "But consider me a special case. I will get what I want, especially when I know it's worth it."

"You don't even know me."

"I know your name. Lu Han." God, the way Sehun says his name is absolutely messing with his head. "Your occupation. Your boss. Your voice. Your eyes."

Maybe it's the night air creeping over the city, the air gaining that white-soft quality it had during summer months, making every up and down of Sehun's voice feel like swimming through warmed milk. Whatever it is, Lu Han has to get out of there quick. 

"You're impossible," he says, and quickly goes inside, focusing on the smell of fresh pasta rather than the dryness in his throat.

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I LOVE THIS !!! Adssagshdhfkkdg please update soon !!
-intothenewworld- #3
super interesting! /subscribed ^^
And so the lion is falling in LOVE with the Lamb!! Let the game begin!!! LOVE it so far!!
cassie17 #5
Oh God,oh God....!!
I ing love this story!!!!
All my fav OTPs are here!!!!
Kya..........!!! YunJae!!!
But why you make Jae suffering.... Why????
And what happened to Luhan mom?
Did she forget her own son???

Anyway thankyou for making this story and sorry for my long blabering!
Update soon!!!
can imagine luhan's expression when he met sehun-with-smirk.jpg XD
Nomichui #7
This is great! Its like I love Sehun,but I wouldnt mind beating him up for being soo confident,its annoying everybody xD aah great,now I'm totally addicted to this and its only been two chapters,I dont even want to imagine what will become of me later on xD thanks for sharing your story,i love it ^^