
Just Forget The World

"Are you sure you want to get that? That looks way too cheap for someone as pretty as you."

Sehun smirks at the loose button-down in the boy's hands, and then at the boy himself. He can't deny that out of all the people in the store, this one was the only specimen that caught his eye. He had just come from a nasty break-up with his latest girlfriend, and he isn't really in the mood to wait three months (or whatever number of months the 'rule' is supposed to be) before he bounces back into the market. And boy, was this one ready to be claimed. Looking like one of the young, just out of legal management interns that passed by his office everyday at work, he supposes this one won't be so hard to charm.

He holds out his hand. "I'm Oh Sehun."

The boy stares at his hand for a few moments, then up at him. The impassivity reflected in his rather large eyes disarms Sehun a little, but it's not as if this is a total--

The boy walks away.

"Dud," Sehun says, sighing. He walks up to the aisle full of neutral shirts where the boy is currently sorting through an assortment of v-necks and plaids. "Hey, that wasn't very polite. I was trying to help you get the best outfit for your figure. And skintone. And you know, one that fits the color of your eyes."

The boy raises an eyebrow at nothing in particular and walks away from him yet again. Before Sehun can think of catching up with him and trying his luck for the third time, he's already walking in the direction the check-out counter with an armful of shirts that looked way too big for his body. Before he gets there though, he stops at a rack of expensive blazers, lower lip jutting out. He lingers for a minute, staring longingly at the navy blue one up front, before exhaling in a small breath and walking away to the check-out.

"I've got you." Sehun smirks to himself and heads straight for the blue blazer. The price almost rivaled his newly acquired iPhone 5, but what the hell, he's done crazier things before than buying some beautiful stranger an expensive ing piece of clothing.

Out of the corner of his eye, he sees the boy exiting the store. "This better be worth it," he mutters, before moving to exit as well.

"Hey!" he calls, voice muffled by the sudden torrent of rain. What the ? It was sunny when he went inside the boutique. The boy is standing at the foot of the stairs, a distance shy off the unroofed pavement. Probably waiting for his ride home or a taxi. "I still haven't gotten your name."

The boy finally looks at him, and Sehun isn't gonna lie - he expects this guy to be a little rude, or possibly to kick him in the nuts. Hell, he wants to kick himself in the nuts for trying so damn hard. 

"Just because you want something doesn't mean you can always get it."

Holy , he even sounds perfect. He detects a mild accent - Chinese, probably - but he could easily pass for a native speaker to the untrained ear.

Sehun regains himself from a second-long feeling of utter awe, and smiles. "I'll have you know I always get what I want."

The boy rolls his eyes.  "You're probably more than a little delusional."

"I haven't heard that one before," Sehun concedes, and his stomach does a little jig when the corner of the boy's mouth curves up in a little, amused smile. "My friends, sometimes even clients, say that I'm more on the reckless side. It's what wins the cases. So I have a proposition for you. I'll buy you that amazing navy blazer - if you agree to go out with me for bubble tea."

"Bubble tea?" the boy says, incredulous. "Aren't you... a little old for bubble tea?"

"Bubble tea is a suitable drink for ages six to sixty," Sehun recites, having repeated this exact litany to his friends many times. "It's a universally loved drink. And we're getting the warm kind." As if that made it more mature.

"I'm not going out with you and I'm definitely not asking you to buy me a blazer. You don't even know me."

"I will get to know you if you go out with me," Sehun counters. 

The boy looks straight ahead, silent for a while. "I told you," he starts, voice far-away, "that you can't always get what you want."

"This rain isn't going to stop anytime soon; it looks pretty nasty. The taxis are probably all stuck in traffic." Sehun moves to stand in front of the boy. "Okay, I'll give you a better deal. I'll give you until the count of ten to give me a definite answer. Will you get bubble tea with me? Forget about the blazer. One, two, three..."

The rain stopped. 

"What the--"

The boy is already pushing past him, stepping onto the drenched cobblestone street and leaving Sehun wondering what the hell just happened.

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I LOVE THIS !!! Adssagshdhfkkdg please update soon !!
-intothenewworld- #3
super interesting! /subscribed ^^
And so the lion is falling in LOVE with the Lamb!! Let the game begin!!! LOVE it so far!!
cassie17 #5
Oh God,oh God....!!
I ing love this story!!!!
All my fav OTPs are here!!!!
Kya..........!!! YunJae!!!
But why you make Jae suffering.... Why????
And what happened to Luhan mom?
Did she forget her own son???

Anyway thankyou for making this story and sorry for my long blabering!
Update soon!!!
can imagine luhan's expression when he met sehun-with-smirk.jpg XD
Nomichui #7
This is great! Its like I love Sehun,but I wouldnt mind beating him up for being soo confident,its annoying everybody xD aah great,now I'm totally addicted to this and its only been two chapters,I dont even want to imagine what will become of me later on xD thanks for sharing your story,i love it ^^