The Diary

The Diary

The Diary
a story by resatsekon18



It was a rainy Thursday night in the midst of August, and the small gush of wind brushing through my skin is lightly giving me shivers. I don’t want to go home yet, I don’t have my umbrella with me.


What a nice timing Chanyeol, I silently cursed myself—an obvious sarcasm. I used to bring my umbrella with me, but today, thinking that the rain won’t show up, I left it at home.


I rubbed my palms together, letting the small heat temperate my skin, and then slots my hands inside my jacket pockets.


I stopped walking when I passed by the library entrance. I stared the letters engrave on the cement, and vaguely, my feet brought me walking ahead to the door.


Its not that I don’t like books, but being in a crowded place isn’t my thing. After scanning my ID, I continued walking ahead. There were only few people inside, and the place is quite, so good enough for me.


I cautiously took a sit around the empty table. Maybe I have to stay here for a while until the rain stops roaring. With a sigh, I took notice of one book left open on the table surface. I grab the book and read the certain bolded texts at the header.


            ‘Love is the most precious gift of all…’


I blinked and put the book down. Sometimes, I think not all people are lucky enough to experience what love is. I don’t know, but that’s how I see it. I sighed and lazily slumps my back on the lean.


I heard a faint crash at one corner, and when I turned my head to where the sound came from, I saw a girl groaned. She immediately stoops down and picks up the scattered books on the floor. I frowned and followed her movements.


She has a messy hair. She was wearing an eyeglasses and she has a weird sense of fashion. Someone came to where the crash occurred, and when the older one saw the mess, she began scolding the girl.


The pity girl made her apologies—simultaneously bowing her head as she picks up the books one by one.


The older sighed. “Clean this mess before the supervisor sees it,” and then left.


The girl vigorously nodded her head and continued picking up the books. I looked around, and it seems like I was the only one who saw the scene. I contemplated—should I help her or not?


With a sigh, I got up from my seat and walked towards her.


I picked up the very last book that she’s about to pick. She looked up and when she saw me, she abruptly stood up and patted her skirt clean.


I gave her the book. She took it from me with a bow. “Thank you,”


I nodded my head, and without uttering any word, I left.




The very next day, I can’t believe myself coming back at the library again. I have my homework on the Philosophy subject and I need to get a better and reliable source for the research.


Once I found the book I was looking for, I took an empty spot on one of the tables and occupied it.


After copying a good amount of information, I closed the book and stood up from my seat. I headed my way to the certain shelf where I took it, and carefully slots the book in between. With a nod, I clasp my hands and turn my heels around to head back at my table.


But something caught my attention. I turned my head back at the shelf. With such curiosity, I pulled out a specific book. When it was already in my grasp, it turns out to be a notebook.


I titled my head and opened the first page.


It was a diary, with the page written in a very delicate and careful handwriting. I read the first few stanzas,


            ‘Just like people, life isn’t perfect. Life has its perfections and struggles. Our future depends on the attitude we carry throughout it.


We have different destinies to be fulfilled. We have different roads to journey. And we have different stories to encounter.’


I find this diary interesting. The words are catchy, and it has this sensual feeling towards me.


I slowly walked back to my seat, not taking my eyes off from the reading through the pages.


            ‘People tend to forget the less important things that it even leads of forgetting the promises they made. Ironically, they never forget those people who break their promises towards them.’


I saw some quick movements at the corner of my eyes. I looked up and saw that girl I helped yesterday. She has a panic-stricken face, and she was looking for something at the book shelves.




I never intend to steal things, but I had brought the diary home. Throughout the night, I didn’t sleep at all. This book is one of a kind, and I really like the person who owns this.


            ‘Faith is what you believe that you couldn’t see, and when the faith grows, you begin to see what you believe.’


The owner was a girl, younger than me by a year. She doesn’t have her parents around, and she was living with her grandmother. Her parents died when she was still young.


Her story was interesting. She has a great point of view in life. She writes skillfully. And I could see that she was a person with a positive mind set. That instead of thinking her weaknesses, she had set it aside and aimed for success.


She was an active member of the Helping Hand Organization. She willingly helps people even without gaining something in return.


When I finished reading the diary, at the back cover, her mobile number was written.





I took a deep breath and after how many pondering, I finally pressed send key. It wasn’t really my attitude to text unknown people, but this girl is an exception. Heck, I never felt this nervous when texting someone before.


After some few minutes, she replied. “Hello, how did you get my number?”


I can feel my heart leaping in joy. I don’t want to lie so I told her the truth. “I had read your diary. Your number was written in it. You are a great person,”


Was I a bit too forward? What if she tells me I am a thief? I flinched when I felt my phone vibrated. It was a reply from her, “Oh, you had it with you? I thought I lost it. Good thing I wrote my number in it!”


I giggled and replied, “Yes, that’s why had to text you. By the way, I’m Chanyeol.”


“Hi Chanyeol, nice meeting you. ^_^”


I had to grin at her reply. She has a good sense of rumor.





For the following weeks, we stayed being text mates. We kept on sending inspiring quotes, and she became a good virtual friend. But I never got the chance to know her personally.


I gathered up all the courage and tells her what I had been planning, “Can I see you personally? I’m asking you out for this Saturday’s Homecoming Party.”


What if she rejects it? What if she won’t text back? Think positive, Chanyeol!


“I want to see you too, Chanyeol.”


I smiled at her reply. She wants to see me too! I swear I felt something tingling inside me. “How can I recognize you? Where shall we meet?”


“I’ll be waiting at the parking lot. I’ll be wearing a white dress, and a pink flower tied around my wrist. 6PM.”


“Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. I can’t wait to see you.”





Saturday came. I had dressed nicely today. I can’t wait to see the girl in my dreams. After how many weeks of texting each other, I am finally going to see her. On my hand, I brought her diary. I had brought some roses with me too.


I glanced at my wristwatch: 5:58PM.


I headed my way to the auditorium’s parking lot. There were already a lot of people, and they were dressed nicely—each coming in with their partners.


I care less about them so I continued walking ahead.


I felt my feet stopped walking when I saw a girl on her white dress, her back facing me. She had a long, wavy hair. I stepped closer to her, and when I was close enough, I called her name.


Dugeun… dugeun… dugeun… Constipation!


The girl spun around, and what I saw was a wrinkled face. She was an old lady?


“Chanyeol?” the lady in her sixties asked me. Her voice was crack and raspy. I noticed the pink flower on her wrist.


I don’t know what happened to me. I smiled at her and took a step forward. “Hello, yes it is me. I’m Chanyeol.”


Without any hesitation, I gave her the roses I personally brought for her. The lady smiled, but didn’t take the roses from me.


But a sudden thought popped my mind. She’s suppose to younger than me. I knew it well! She wrote her birthyear in the diary! She’s supposed to be younger!


And then suddenly, she started laughing—a very healthy laugh. I frowned at her action.


She puts a hand on my shoulder and said, “Look dear, I am not the girl you were looking for. I would like you to meet my granddaughter,” and then she waved her hand to my back.


I blinked. I turned around and followed to where her hand was pointing at.


Right in front of me, a girl with a goddess beauty. She was utterly beautiful, she has a milky white skin, and her hair was beautifully curled into waves. She was wearing a beautiful laced white dress, and around her wrist, tied a pink flower.


“Hi, Chanyeol.” She smiles heavenly. She walked towards me and when I stared at her eyes, she looked familiar.


The flashbacks of that rainy night, inside the library, faint crash and nerdy looking girl.


My mouth agapes when recognition hit me. “It was you.” I whispered. She was that nerd girl who works at the library. I can’t believe that she was actually this pretty.


She grinned and nodded her head. “You have a beautiful heart, Chanyeol.”


I heard someone cleared their throat, slightly interrupting our moment. “Well then, I better get going. You two have fun!” Laughing, the old lady bid her goodbye and left us.


I turned my head back at the girl. This time, I gave her the bouquet of flowers. I chuckled and said, “I really thought she was you.”


She silently laughed. “It was just a test, Chanyeol. I even thought you would start running away if you find out I am an old woman. I guess you were not that kind of person. I had thought wrong.”


I grinned at her remark. I really can’t believe she was that girl, the girl I used to see as low person before. Oh how I hate that old attitude of mine! But her words, her story, she made me change. I am cast by her spell.


I smiled and pulled her for a hug. “I’m glad I met you.”


She smiled and succumbs back the hug, wrapping her hands around mines. “Thank you, Chanyeol. Thank you for making me feel important. I am glad to meet you too.”




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ReinaPark #1
Chapter 1: i love this fanfic~
Chapter 1: Wow, i hope there's still guys like chanyeol out there in the world </3

This was the second exo oneshot that i read and i am soooo coming back for more. Its really good authornim :D
Chapter 1: Wow...this is beautiful (✽˘⌣˘✽) ...
Chapter 1: kawaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~
this story is perfectly written
ShawolMBLFT #5
Chapter 1: How ironic, I'm reading this on a rainy Thursday night
Omgggg this just saved me through a boring Spanish class XD, loved it~
awwwwwwwwwww. i loved it! it's so cute! daebak!