Settling In

My Hearts Insomnia


AN: Sorry it's short I've been having tests in school but I have a long weekend!! So if I get another subscriber I will update it again this weekend <3 Thank you everyone for reading, commenting and subscribing, I don't know why but it really motivates me.. maybe because then I know people actually like it? I don't know thanks anways... Love you all <3


Sunlight peered through the window, stabbing Myungsoo in the eyes as they fluttered open, trying to figure out where his sleeping form was stretched out. He sat up with a start as he held his head, feeling his world spinning from the sudden movement. He stood shakily and peered around the room, it was comfortable in size and appearance, a bit quirky but then again they were living in an ancient manor. He took his possessions from his bag and began to unpack them, hoping it would make the room more like home. 'At least it's big.' he thought to himself as he had taken a lot more then just his own, all the things he had wanted to keep which mean he had comprised a whole memory trunk of his parents things, from his mothers favourite recipes, to his dad's special cologne.

As his eyes flickered across the family photo, the one they had taken during their holiday during the summer he put it up beside his bed, hanging his memory board from the wall over the desk. He stripped down the pillows from the bed, putting them outside the room and replacing it with all of his own and his own collection of blankets. Once satisfied with his room he curled up on the window seat, pulling his soft panda blanket around his shoulders as he leaned his head against his shoulders. All the words he would never hear again from him mother, all the things he would never learn from his father. They had all left that day, and with that silent tears rolled down his cheeks, in that moment of quiet alone, he left his walls down falling to pieces as light icy snow battered the window panes.

He woke up to a elderly woman shaking his shoulder lightly, he blinked up at her, rubbing the sleep and dried tears from his eyes, yawning as she tenderly fixed his askew hair,. “Come on little one, breakfast is ready...” her voice was warm and motherly as she helped him up folding the blanket before replacing it on the seat, glancing out the window as the blanket of white below. “You've settled in well, I'm glad... welcome to your new home, I am your grandmother.” Myungsoo nodded his understanding, going to the closet and pulling on a light blue and navy sweater to help keep out the chill.

He followed the woman down the hall, the house seemed well furnished and he figured it was a family heir loom. His family would have lived here for generations, slowly building up or eating away at a family fortune. He hoped it was the first, rather then the later, but it felt odd to think of these people as his family, in his mind they weren't his family. He sighed, realizing that they now would be considered his family... now.

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flickycute #1
Chapter 5: update please~ ^^
Kat0912 #2
Chapter 5: please update I would like to read more of the story.
ally-chan #3
Chapter 5: i know, getting to update is really a bit of a pain...
i've started a story and i'm totally all in that story, but it's really kind of...a pain in the .
but still,
update soon~~
Chapter 5: it seems pretty interesting... I can't wait until he meets the others ^^.
Chapter 5: I'll be waiting for it update. The story is good so far
ally-chan #6
Chapter 4: update soon~
Chapter 4: interesting..its not easy being a kim myungsoo in this story right?.cant wait for the next chapter and of course the infinite's stories, so does myungyeol.thanks authornim=)
ally-chan #8
Chapter 3: oooohhh!
so nice!!
update soon~