。◕‿◕。 Lollipop Roleplay 。◕‿◕。 [JOIN NOW]



Hey you!
yes you right there!
Have you ever wanted to become famous K-pop idol? 

Here is the solution 。◕‿◕。

Join Lollipop Roleplay now~!


Welcome to Lollipop RP~ *makes a heart with my arms* ♥

This is a place where you can meet pretty girls and handsome guys!

Let me introduce you to the admins~ Our cute admin Ricky~, clumsy admin Onew and me bunny admin sunny~! 

Well now you are thinking "Why should I join Lollipop RP?''I tell you why! You can ride UNICORNS and I'll give you a lollipop so please join! *does aegyo* 

-Admin Sunny 。◕‿◕。


Annyeong~ *waves to you* This is Lovely Boy Ricky ! *makes aegyo*
Please join our RP ~ Neh? *makes a heart* Make me happy, you won't like to see me sad *pouts*
So join NOW! *smiles, gives you a Lollipop* See you there~ *rides away on my unicorn*

- Admin Ricky   (*^▽^*)  

Hello you~ *bows*this is SHINee's leader Onew *bowes again*

Are you chicken? When yes so join this roleplay! ^^

*flys like a chicken* byee!!

- Admin Onew >‿‿◕





If you want join our UNICORN and LOLLIPOP filled Roleplay plese read the rules~ you'll find them in the first chapter ~ 

This RP takes place on FACEBOOK

-Love you all Admin Sunny 。◕‿◕。


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kimmykim #1
Chapter 3: anneyeong can i be Do Kyungsoo... of exo k?
jessica15 #2
Chapter 4: anneyeong can i be jessica... ^____^
Chapter 1: Can I be SHINee's Key? :D
Chapter 2: Luna here :) http://m.facebook.com/home.php?ref=wizard&_rdr#!/profile.php?ref=wizard&__user=100004395459960
Can I be Luna of f(x)? :)