When Sungmin Has Pimples.......

Sungmin's Problem

Sungmin was staring at his reflection in the mirror while pouting his m-shaped lips. He was doing it for half an hour already and the evil magnae was getting worried while waiting for him to come out from the bathroom.

"Hyung, are you done?" Kyuhyun called for the nth time, receiving only silence as a reply. He's getting impatient and soon banged the door loudly.

"Yah! What do you want?" Finally Sungmin shouted from the bathroom.

"Hyung, you've been there for so long already and my bladder will soon burst. Have pity on me!" Kyuhyun answered in a pitiful way.

"I can't." Sungmin replied.

"What?! Why?"

"I can't face you right now. I don't want you to see what my current situation is."

Kyuhyun furrowed his brows in confusion. Sungmin, his beloved bunny don't want to see him? Why? What happened to him? Is it because of what they did last night? But if he remembered it right, he was so gentle and even tried his best not to leave any marks in his boyfriend's body while they were doing "it" to avoid getting their make-up artists mad. He smirked at that thought.

"Min, what do you mean? Tell me what happened, baby." Kyuhyun asked in a gentle way.

"I can't, Kyu. Please. Just leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now."

Kyuhyun was shocked to hear those words. He felt his world crushed into pieces. Sungmin had never said those words to him. And even if he said those words to him before, it was in a gentle and loving tone. And it would be at those times when they were just simply bickering. But now, his Sungmin sounded so.........broken? What did he do to deserve hearing those words from his beloved bunny?

"H-hyung? Why? D-did I do something wrong? Please tell me. I'll try to make it up to you. Just please don't tell me to stay away. I can't bear a single day of not being close to you." Kyuhyun said in a pleading tone. He tried his best to control his tears.

Sungmin, who heard the broken tone of his boyfriend, sighed in annoyance. He wanted to punch his reflection in the mirror. He don't want this to happen. Kyuhyun don't deserve to be hurt this way. But what can he do? If Kyuhyun will see him now, it will only hurt him more knowing what the evil magnae's reaction would be like.

"Kyu, it's not you. It's me. I just need time." Sungmin replied. Again, Kyuhyun's world fell apart. Is Sungmin breaking up with him? No! He won't let that happen! He can't live without his Sungmin. He will do anything to get Sungmin out of that damn bathroom and explain to him why does he need to break up with him. That's it! Kyuhyun had lost all his patience and started banging the bathroom door loudly.

"Sungmin, if you won't come out now, I swear I'm going to break this door and I don't care if Leeteuk hyung would have a panic attack! I want to know what is wrong with-" Kyuhyun's words were cut when the bathroom door opened and slowly revealed a sulking Sungmin. Kyuhyun looked at his boyfriend who keeps his gaze lowered and was trying to hide his face from him.

"Hyung, look at me." Kyuhyun said in a gentle tone, but Sungmin only shook his head. "Tell me what's wrong, baby."

"You'll laugh at me." Sungmin whispered, and Kyuhyun heard it.

"Eh? Why would I do that?" Kyuhyun asked in confusion.

"Because....... Because I'm ugly today."

"What are you talking about?"

Sungmin looked at Kyuhyun and met the latter's questioning gaze. "This, Kyuhyun...." Sungmin said as he pointed at his face. "Can't you see it?"

Kyuhyun carefully examined Sungmin's face and cupped it. "Min, baby, your face is perfect. I can't see anything wrong with it."

Sungmin stomped his feet like a child and pouted his lips. Kyuhyun can't help but chuckle at the adorable sight of his boyfriend in front of him. "You don't get it! I have three pimples in my face right now! And it's ruining my face. It's making me feel ugly. See?!"

After hearing what his bunny had told him, everything clicked in Kyuhyun's mind. So, Sungmin was not meaning to break up with him, instead he's worried about his pimples and what Kyuhyun's reaction would be. He then laugh which earned a deathly glare from Sungmin. He laughed for being stupid of thinking that Sungmin is breaking up with him. He laughed because his boyfriend can be too adorable at times that he wanted to keep him in his pocket.

"Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Stop laughing at me!" Sungmin complained and was still wearing that adorable pout on his face. Kyuhyun kept on laughing and this further irritate him. "This isn't funny! If I knew that this would be what your real reaction like, I should've not gotten out from the bathroom and shown my face at-mmph!" Sungmin was silenced by Kyuhyun's mouth. The younger kissed him tenderly and Sungmin felt butterflies on his stomach. He s his arms around Kyuhyun and let himself drowned by the kiss. They soon parted when the need for air got in between their sweet kiss, but they were not letting each other go. Kyuhyun's hands were around Sungmin's waist protectively, while the latter's arms were still on his neck.

"You're really beautiful, Min." Kyuhyun whispered while looking at his lover lovingly. "And that's the truth. I was laughing because of thinking a lot of stupid things. I love you, Min. I really do."

"But, what about my pimples?" Sungmin asked while pouting. Kyuhyun pecked his lips and nuzzled their nose.

"Is that how you judge my love for you? Min, with pimples or without pimples, you are still beautiful. Look at me. My face have been full of acne marks but you still love me. Well, besides that I'm good-looking that is."

Sungmin lightly hit his lover's chest. "Kyu~"

Kyuhyun chuckled before cupping Sungmin's face. "Baby, you are beautiful inside and out. And I love you for being just the way you are. Physical appearance won't matter as long as your heart is pure and all mine. Soon, we'll become old and our skin will sagged. But it won't change what I feel for you. You will always be my Lee Sungmin. My Minnie that I wanna grow old with and spend the rest of my life."

A tear fell from Sungmin's eyes when he heard those words from his lover. He hugged Kyuhyun tightly. "Kyu~I love you so much!"

"I love you more, my Minnie." Kyuhyun replied and gently wiped his lover's tears, when suddenly........"Min, I think I have a problem."

Sungmin looked and smirked at his lover. "Maybe I can fix that "problem"."

"That's not what I mean. Although I would love to do "it" with you now. But I need to fix this first before I can't stop myself from touching you." Kyuhyun said and winked at his blushing lover.

"W-what is it then?" Sungmin asked embarrassingly.

"It's my bladder. But if you want, you can accompany me and then we can do "that" after I finish my business. You know how much I love what you had suggested to me a while ago. Hearing you moan and scream-"

"You erted brat!" Sungmin shouted as he pushed the evil magnae towards the bathroom and covered his blushing face.

"I love you too~" Kyuhyun answered from the bathroom and laughed.













(A/N) I really hate it when a new pimple comes out of my face and exposing itself to the whole world that I get so frustrated and irritated.... That's how I came up with this random story... hehe... hope you guys like it.. and forgive me for any grammatical errors and mispelled words.. english is not my mother tongue~~^^

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aleihs19 #1
Chapter 1: I was reading this and i thought you saw the video with shinwha where he has a pimple mark. But he still look adorable with a blemish like that.
Chapter 1: I was worried they might break up but then ;)))
Chapter 1: Love the way you wrote the dialogue xD <3
Chapter 1: I don't know why but I find it funny that Kyu looks like he was about to cry hahaha :D I like this story.. :)
kwokjiayi #5
Chapter 1: Sweet! :)thanks for ur wonderful fanfic
arinaabrar #6
Chapter 1: so ... fluffy >///<
Silver-Soul #7
hahahahah!! Reminds me of Saturday Night Live Super Junior!! Love the story! Minnie so cute!!
XD "problem" oh kyu such a _______
arg go to hell pimples
but that's not a reason to be insecure^^
cute story<333