This Is Not A Summary


Annyeonghaseyo, readers!! This is my first fan fiction on this ROLEPLAY account. So please be nice :)


Choi Ji Ra's room is full of magic and especially the things inside it. The books, the chairs,the wardrobe. Oh...especially the books. What if the magic slowly goes into her body, slowly making history...


Choi Ji Ra 




♣Her family can survive through life. She is a smart girl and can be resourceful which helps the family a lot.

♣16, Single, Broken-hearted, her guard is now high, STILL STEADY. 

♣ She is one who likes to read often whenever possible. She also sees the name Kim Na Mi in the book "Seoul's Soul Princess" and thinks that she also has 

HER MOTTO: I don't need anyone to hold me up. I have my own feet.


Park Chanyeol

♠ Shy

♠ Can be cheerful at times

♠ Age 17

♠ His rich family can afford the whole world. But he remains shy, friendly and funny. Usually being dorky makes everyone laugh but not the insulting way. He was friends with Ji Ra but they soon stopped talking for no apparent reason.

Famous Line Used: Nerds have a future. Good luck finding yours.

Kim Na Mi

♠ The shy one

♠ Smart, witty, clever. Pretty much all the smart qualities

♠ Age 17

♠ She is the one who discovers first the magical room of Ji Ra. She senses great power in it and it will be soon transferred to Ji Ra which she also senses. 

♠ She gets this from her mother who had the power of the sky and has a strong sense. Her powers are also inhabited from her mother.

♠ She is new to this world, trying hard to hide her secret: she is only read out of a book by the author, Baek Ye Eun


Baek Ye Eun

○ the one who wrote and read Kim Na Mi and Byun Hee Jun out of the book "Seoul's Soul Princess"

 A simple woman.

○ Age of 22

○ A very beautiful woman who Chanyeol has a slight crush on and Ji Ra gets a bit jealous.


Byun Hee Jun

• Obsessed with Ji Ra ever since he saw her. 

• Age of 18

• He can be nice at some point.



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