
This Secret


{Hye Mi's POV}

Ever since the day I couldn't go against Shin Mi, she had been teasing me about Daniel all day, every day. She kept going on about how he liked me and that I liked him back. I tried to point out that she had walked out before I could say anything but she wouldn't listen. What made it worse was other than trying to point that out, I didn't protest. I learnt that it was better to let Shin Mi go on because any form of protest would fall on deaf ears. So she now assumed I had a thing for Daniel. Which I didn't.

It was Wednesday and I had to stay behind after classes for my weekly club meeting. It had ended late, and by the time I was dismissed, it was raining heavily without mercy.

And I didn't bring my umbrella. Great.

Ensuring my bag was fully zipped, I clutched it to my chest and ran the shortest way, which wasn't short, to the bus stop nearly a kilometre away. Since I hadn't ran for so long, I was drenched and drained of all energy by the time I reached the stop.

I took a seat and leaned my head on the railing behind me. I rubbed my arms, trying to keep myself warm despite my soaked clothing.

It didn't work.

I was freezing and according to the schedule, the bus wasn't coming for at least another ten minutes. Perfect.

As my head rested on the rail, I felt my eyes slowly close and I didn't even bother to fight my own body.


{Daniel's POV}

The rain was crazy. Didn't Hye Mi have a club meeting? Did she get home safe and dry? Should I pick her up? Should I drive by her school just to see if she was still there?

I slowly drove past Yonsei University and kept an eye out. A figure at the bus stop caught my attention and I stopped under the shelter of the bus stop to get a closer look. Those clothes, that figure, that hair.

Hye Mi.

I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and ran toward the sleeping figure. My jaw fell open in shock as I swept my eyes over her body. She was drenched from head to toe, most probably freezing, and she was sleeping?!

I laid her head on the crook of my elbow and my other arm went under her knees. Another wave of shock hit me as I swiftly carried her into my arms. Did this girl even eat?

I buckled her in and drove off to my own apartment. Dalmatian's dorm wasn't a choice. The other members would only disturb her. Besides, they only knew her name since I had told them a lot about her. Something told me showing up with an unconscious girl in my arms wouldn't exactly be nice.

I took hold of her again when I reached our destination and brought her into my apartment. She unconsciously wrapped her arms around my neck and let her head fall closer to my chest. I froze momentarily.

Th-thump, th-thump, th-thump.

I ignored the fast beating of my heart and laid the poor girl down on my bed. I didn't mind my sheets getting wet. I took a towel but stopped as I stood beside her. Who was going to take her clothes off? I couldn't and there was no one else here, nor could I call anyone over. It would only raise suspicions.

I gazed at her sleeping face. She looked at peace and even more angelic, if that was possible. I couldn't possibly wake her up just to get her to change. Maybe I could take off her cardigan and leave her in her shirt and jeans. Yeah, that would probably be better.

I shook off her wet cardigan and put it in my dryer. I wrapped two towels around her body; one for her legs and the other for her torso. I lightly squeezed her arms, legs and stomach area, trying to absorb as much water as possible. I was careful to avoid both her chest and... yeah, you know what I mean.

Satisfied that she was mostly dry, I wrapped a thick blanket around her and let her sleep. I placed a set of clothes and a small note beside her and left the room.


{Hye Mi's POV}

I found myself on a bed when I finally woke up. Who brought me home? I looked around the room.

Wait, this wasn't my apartment.

I was about to cry when I saw the note beside me. I wiped my eyes and picked it up.

Hye Mi

I found you asleep at your school bus stop and brought you here to my own apartment. There is nobody else around so you don't have to worry. Change into the clothes beside you. I'll be outside. :)



Oh, so Daniel was the one who brought me here. So this must be his bedroom. Very nice. Big bed, neat layout, pretty black and white colours all around.

I picked up the pair of white shorts and v-neck t-shirt and walked into his bathroom. The clothes were a little too big but they were still fine, I guessed. I walked out with my wet clothes and saw him watching television while munching on cheese crackers.

"Umm... hi," I started awkwardly.

"Oh, hey! You're finally awake. You've been out for two hours. I hope you don't mind I brought you here," Daniel turned to face me with a gentle smile.

"I don't mind. Do you have a dryer?"

"Oh, yeah, your cardigan is already in there. I kind of took it off for you... I didn't touch you inappropriately, I swear!" He held his hands up, as if surrendering himself.

I just laughed and handed him my wet T-shirt and jeans. I looked at the clock and got a shock when I saw it was already nine o'clock. Should I call Shin Mi?

Forget that. She'd probably let her imagination run wild. I switched off my phone so that she couldn't contact me. I settled myself on the couch and waited for Daniel.

"Hye Mi, could you come here, please?"

I walked into his kitchen, where he was, and my mouth dropped in amazement.

"Your kitchen is so pretty! Nice colour combination!" I exclaimed as I looked around his kitchen that had white cabinets and black marble counters.

Daniel was standing over at the island with two mugs, a packet of marshmallows, strawberries and packs of chocolate in front of him.

"Thanks," he chuckled, amused. "Hey, help me melt the chocolate. You know how to double boil, right?"

"Of course. Did you forget I love to bake?"

I took a bowl and set it over a saucepan of simmering water, which Daniel had began boiling. I made sure it was on high heat before breaking the chocolate into pieces and putting them into the bowl.

"Are we making chocolate-covered strawberries?"


"Then what are the mugs for?"

"I'm making hot chocolate," Daniel smiled back at me. "It's better for you to have a hot drink so you won't catch a cold after getting drenched like that. How could you even sleep at the bus stop?" His smile turned upside down.

"Sorry," I apologised sheepishly.

I grabbed a cookie tray and lined it with parchment paper. After a few minutes, I stirred the melted chocolate and set it aside. I dipped the strawberries into the chocolate one by one and set them on the tray. When the tray was filled and the box of strawberries gone, I put the tray into the refrigerator for the strawberries to chill. I turned around to wash my hands only to find Daniel leaning against the island, watching me.

"You're treating this like your own home," he smirked. "Not that I mind, of course."

"I was just helping," I admitted, feeling blush form on my cheeks.

Daniel walked towards me and bent down to my height. He leaned in close and I stood there, frozen.

"Cute," he said while pinching my cheeks.

He laughed and pulled away. He walked out to his living room with the two mugs in hand and I followed behind him after washing my hands, cheeks still flushed red.


{Daniel's POV}

I didn't know why I did that. Maybe it was because she looked irresistibly cute blushing. Maybe it was because she looked unbelievably good in my clothes that were a few sizes too big.

I plopped myself down on the couch and pat the space beside me, gesturing for Hye Mi to take a seat. She did, then turned to look at me.

"Pick a movie," I said as I pointed to the row of DVDs on the rack beside the television.

She chose The Game Show. She put the DVD into the player, turned off the lights and sat back down next to me. I handed her her mug of hot chocolate, topped with marshmallows. Hye Mi accepted it and whispered her thanks, making herself comfortable.

Halfway through the movie, I went to get the strawberries which were now nicely chilled. For the first half of the time, I had silently observed Hye Mi and absorbed the sound of her melodious laughter. Everything about her lured me in. Her face, her hair. Her scent. Her fashion sense. Her smiles, her laughs. Her slim figure. Her sweet, selfless personality.

Hye Mi was so engrossed in the movie that she didn't even notice I had brought the strawberries out until I held one up to . My fingers slightly brushed against her lips as she bit into the sweet fruit.

Electricity pulsed through my veins and my heart started its now familiar and fast beats. I fed her several times, my heart beating quicker and quicker each time.

I held up her sixth one, only to find that she had fallen asleep. The sight of her took my breath away. She honestly looked like a sweet little angel.

I shook my head, an amused smile on my face. I switched off the television and hooked my arms under her body. Without breaking a sweat, I carried her light figure and carefully placed her on my bed. I pulled the covers up to her chin, tucking her in.

"Goodnight, Hye Mi," I whispered.

I contemplated for a moment before leaning down to place a soft kiss on her forehead. I brushed away a few stray strands of hair from her face and leaned back. The corners of my lips twitched upwards as I looked at her.

I walked out of my room with an extra blanket and pillow, setting up a makeshift bed on my spacious couch. That night, knowing that Hye Mi was sleeping peacefully in my bed, I slept in tranquility. 



Hi! I won't be able to update for the next few weeks because of exams, so I hope this triple update makes up for it somehow. When I come back during the first week of November, I'll have a Daniel one-shot, a Hoon (U-KISS) one-shot and an all-new series ;) Please look forward to it!! Also, do subcribe and comment! ^-^

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Edited the whole story plot and taking quite a while to re-write Chapter 11 onwards. Sorry for the wait! :(


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clodhopper #1
Chapter 3: Nice stuff! Love how realistic it is. Can't wait for more!
@Diannexxdmtnb: You're too nice >_< I won't, though! ;) Thank you! :D
Thanks! Being a chemistry major is no joke! But this fanfic lets me escape from reality ;) hehe, don't stop writing beautiful fanfics!
@Diannexxdmtnb: My pleasure. :) Good luck for all your midterms! Thank you for always leaving a comment~ ^^
You totally made my day! After a long afternoon taking midterms, this is exactly what I need! Thank you :)
@Diannexxdmtnb: That's cool! You'll be able to relate to Hye Mi more, then. :D Thank you for reading! <3
I'm loving this story, especially since the OC is a chemistry major like moi :) hehe. Thanks for the update!