
This Secret


{Hye Mi's POV}

Two weeks have passed since Dalmatian's fansign in Ilsan. I haven't seen Daniel and to be honest, I was wishing I'd bump into him again. I would even look out for him on the days I went to the supermarket. We didn't have a relationship beyond idol and fan, but I wanted to see him all the same.

That was only at times, though. Since it was the final two weeks of the semester, work kept piling up and I often had to stay up late to complete my many assignments. University was a big pain but I had to get my degree. As a result of me burning the midnight oil every day, dark circles had formed beneath my eyes and I had to cover them up with liquid concealer.

Even Shin Mi could see through my tired smiles and she was careful to keep her distance when I seemed busy, which was nearly all the time. I was grateful, being offered peace and quiet to do my work in. I couldn't be happier when semester finally ended. Shin Mi had it tough, too, but her major wasn't as heavy as mine.

"Hye Mi, let's go to the cafe!"

I nodded my head repeatedly, more than happy to follow Shin Mi. I could really use an iced chocolate or a milkshake.

We walked into a cafe near school and settled down in a booth at the back with Shin Mi facing the entrance. We placed our orders for a cup of cappuccino for Shin Mi and a tall glass of iced chocolate for me.

As we chatted, we ignored our surroundings and concentrated solely on catching up with each other. We hadn't been able to spend time together because of the torture we had to go through. Shin Mi kept going on about her accounting work and I filled her in on the experiments and observations I had to do.

"I'm so happy semester is finally over! I don't even care that we've only just finished our first year," I giggled.

"Silly girl, we still have two years left. I hope we make it out alive," Shin Mi crossed her fingers while lightly chuckling.

Her chuckles died down and I saw her lips twitch up into a smirk as she fixed her gaze on the entrance. A smirk I knew too well.

I was about to turn my head but Shin Mi stopped me.

"Hye Mi, I'm going to the restroom. I'll be right back," she suddenly exclaimed.

I nodded and turned my head back to look down at the glass. Shin Mi left and headed for the restroom. I was sipping on my drink quietly until I sensed someone slide into the seat opposite me. I never knew Shin Mi was this quick.

"That was fa-"

My sentence got caught in my throat when I looked up.


{Daniel's POV}

"Hi," I smiled.

I had walked into a random cafe, wanting to get a cup of coffee on the go. I had the day off and I was walking around with no clear intention or destination.

Just my luck that I had spotted Shin Mi in a booth at the back of the cafe I entered. She saw me and used her eyes to ask me to look at the girl in front of her. From the dark brown and wavy hair, I knew it was Hye Mi.

Ah, Hye Mi. I hadn't seen her for two weeks and I didn't know why but I missed her. I had been hoping to bump into her but it never happened. She had obviously left a deep impression on me.

Shin Mi stopped Hye Mi from turning to see me and I picked up the hint. I stealthily brisk walked to their booth and waited for a few seconds after Shin Mi had left before showing myself.

The look on Hye Mi's face when I sat across from her was so adorable.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" I winked.

She nodded slowly, and I thought she was still in a bit of shock so I ordered a drink for myself first. I asked for an iced mocha, deciding to have it then instead of on the go.

"What are you doing here? Don't you have schedules?"

I shook my head. "Having the day off and decided to walk around aimlessly. You?"

"Hmm, having drinks with Shin Mi?" She laughed, pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah, I knew that, of course," I chuckled along. I looked at her face, immediately spotting her eye bags and dark circles. "Not getting enough sleep?" I tapped the space below my own eyes.

"Oh, shoot, didn't I cover them up?" Her hands flew up to her eyes, covering her eye bags with her fingers. "Nearly sleepless nights for the past two weeks. Only two to three hours a night because I had to complete a lot of assignments," she explained, blushing in embarrassment.

I took hold of her wrists and lightly pulled them down on to the table before letting go.

"You look fine," I reassured her. "It's just easy for me to spot them since I have them all the time."

formed a small 'o' as she took in my explanation. I wasn't lying. She really did look fine.

"I'm so happy semester is finally over! Free time for myself, yay!" Hye Mi giddily sipped her iced chocolate, beaming as she did so.

She looked like a kid, and I wanted to do nothing but put her inside my pocket and run away with her.

"Not a fan of coffee?" I asked, looking at her glass of chocolate with a smile as I sipped on my iced mocha that had just arrived.

"I don't like the bitter taste. I accidentally drank my dad's coffee when I was younger and have been hating it ever since," Hye Mi made a disgusted face that was asking for a squish.

"It isn't so bad, actually. You should try it again. Maybe you'll like it. Here, try mine," I said as I pushed my glass towards her.

Hye Mi stared at it as if it was some kind of infectious disease and shook her head many, many times. Then, she looked up at me. I had to suppress a laugh as she continued to look at me with that horrified expression of hers.

"You want me to drink this?! No way!"

"It really isn't that bad!"

I took my straw and prodded her lips with it. She pursed her lips, refusing to allow the straw to enter . I tried using a little more energy, but she simply didn't budge. Out of choices, I used my other hand to squeeze her cheeks, making fall open. I forced the straw in.

"Sip," I ordered.

Hye Mi gulped and took a small sip. Her expression changed from a horrified one to a I-can't-believe-I'm-doing-this one to a disgusted one. She spit out the straw and took huge sips of her chocolate drink.

I could no longer hold it in and burst out laughing. My eyes turned into slits and I had to clutch my hurting stomach. I tried to catch my breath but it availed to nothing. In the end, I felt my eyes water a little.

All the while, Hye Mi was just sitting there with a huge pout and her arms crossed. She looked really upset and when I took in her expression, I stopped laughing within a few short seconds.

"Hye Mi, I'm sorry. I was laughing at how cute your expressions were. I won't force you to drink coffee again. Please forgive me," I apologized and rubbed my palms together in front of her, asking her for forgiveness. I even put my puppy eyes to use.

I noticed her eyes soften and her shoulders relax. She set her eyes on my face, as if she was scrutinizing it. I let my lips form a small pout, silently persuading her. She slowly nodded as a smile began to grow on her lips. Success!

"You're so cute!" She pinched my cheeks while giggling.


{Hye Mi's POV}

I was so surprised when Daniel appeared that I had to take a few seconds to register his presence. The fool made me drink his iced mocha and laughed at my expense. I didn't want to forgive him but his pouting puppy face made me give in. He looked so adorable and it made me want to pinch his cheeks.

So I did.

I let go and Daniel rubbed his cheeks, as if it had been that painful.

"Can I look at your phone?" Daniel asked.

"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at him, clutching my phone tightly in my hand.

"I won't do anything bad. Please," he asked again.

I gave it to him and watched as he unlocked it. He punched in a few numbers and pressed the green call button. His own phone rang. He hung up on my phone and typed something on his. He then typed something on mine and handed it back to me.

"Now we have each other's numbers. We can be friends!" He beamed brightly.

I found myself nodding along to him, a smile forming. He was a really adorable guy and it was hard to believe he was a popular idol when he was so friendly.

"Hey, guys!" Shin Mi greeted as she stopped beside me.

She took way too long in the restroom. I raised an eyebrow at her. She had definitely set this up but I wasn't going to complain this time round.


Because Daniel was now my friend.

We were friends.

And that made me happy.

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Edited the whole story plot and taking quite a while to re-write Chapter 11 onwards. Sorry for the wait! :(


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clodhopper #1
Chapter 3: Nice stuff! Love how realistic it is. Can't wait for more!
@Diannexxdmtnb: You're too nice >_< I won't, though! ;) Thank you! :D
Thanks! Being a chemistry major is no joke! But this fanfic lets me escape from reality ;) hehe, don't stop writing beautiful fanfics!
@Diannexxdmtnb: My pleasure. :) Good luck for all your midterms! Thank you for always leaving a comment~ ^^
You totally made my day! After a long afternoon taking midterms, this is exactly what I need! Thank you :)
@Diannexxdmtnb: That's cool! You'll be able to relate to Hye Mi more, then. :D Thank you for reading! <3
I'm loving this story, especially since the OC is a chemistry major like moi :) hehe. Thanks for the update!