ღ Rules and Regulations ღ

ღ Twisty Icicle Roleplaying ღ

1. Make sure you had already subscribed to our Admin's asianfanfic's account : ( apink_panda )

2. If you would like to join us , please comment on the comment box below :

Eg . Hello ~ , can I book Yoon Bomi of Apink ? Thank you :)


3. Please alert the Admins if you would like to change your character or change your class :) 

4. If you want to leave , just direct message Admins or Main Account to let us know .

5.  If you have reserved a character , you have 5 days to create your account , if 3 days is over , the idol will be available again . 

6.  You should have your username starting with " Twist " . Example , it can be @Twist_YoonBomi or @TwistYoonBomi :)

You must also put " Verified  student of Class _____ ( Your class ) , in Twisty Icicle Acedemy . " After that , you could put anything on your bio , for my case , it would be " Apink's vocal Yoon Bomi here ! ".

7.  Please remember to follow our main account ( @TwistyIcicle_RP ) and the Admins , then we will verify you once you tweet " _______ ( Idol's name ) has arrived " .

8. If the Admins have not yet accepted your application , do not create your account first . Likewise , if you are not verified by the Admins , don't talk to the members . Thanks for your understanding . 

* All admins have the right to decline your request .

1. Only 1 account per RP-er , we do not want spams or multiple accounts because we want this to be a comfortable roleplay for all of us . 

2. If the Admins has changed the rules , do not criticise us . We have the right to change all rules or kick out any members .

3.  This is a closed RP , so do not follow people from other RPs or get into a relationship with others .

4. You can follow real idol's Twitter or their official fanbase accounts .

5. Transgender is allowed , but please do not overdo it , or we will change this rule .

6. In Character dramas is okay , but we don't want any OOC dramas as the Admins wants us to enjoy this right ?

7. Do not bring your OOC problems to our roleplay , we seriously don't care . You can put it once in awhile .

8. Please remember to not reveal your true identity , because we don't want any incidents to happen . Thanks :)

9. Don't ruin your idol's image . Since you have decided to roleplay as the idols , you have the responsibility to protect their image . Therefore , sursing and swearings are not allowed .

10. Please follow all members . Be friendly and make friends . We would love to see peace in our acedemy .

11. Use // and ** for actions please , you all know .

12. If you would really like to talk about your real life ( which we don't recommend ) , put [[ or ( ) please .

13 . You have to be active , if you have been inactive for a week , we are sorry but to kick you out . Feel free to re-apply .

14. If you have to go on hiatus , or semi-hiatus , just tell main account . 

For hiatus : Put [H] or [Hiatus] on your display name .

For Semi-Hiatus : Put [SH] or [ Semi- Hiatus] on your display name .

15. If you really really want to leave , you can either deact your account or change your usernames to random usernames . 

Eg . From @Twist_YoonBomi to @bleh.yoonyoonmi


Relationships , Pregnancy , Families :

1. If you and your other half would like to be an official couple , direct message main account as soon as possible .

2. If you would like to marry , just change your bio , and inform us :)

3. Pregnancy is allowed , but keep it less , thanks :)

4. and Yuri is accepted . Unless you don't want it . We won't force you .

5. If there are ulzzang babies , and you would like to adopt them , it's allowed .


School and Dorm rules :

1. Please always wear proper school uniform .

2. Keep your dorm clean ! Or else you might be punished to clean the school canteen :)

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apink_panda #1
- updated and checked by Yoona -