Can we be fated by singing?



Chae Min Seo ( you) is the least popular girl in her high school and she never tries to her best to be liked anymore.  Often called by names, like dandruff, loser, pig and ugly. Even on certains days, she is just invisiable.

DaeHyun is the most cutest guy in high school also known as the idol singer from their school and Chae min's childhood crush. But Daehyun doesn't remember her now, he only remembers playing with a girl when he was young, his childhood crush. Which happens to be Chae Min... 

These two, both have a talent for singing but also having perfect pitch at the same time is rare. But Chae min doesn't know she posses such a gift.



Name: Chae Min Sora

- Shy, stubborn, clumsy, sweet, kind-hearted

- Likes to sing alone

- She is always defencelss when there are bullies


Name: Jung Daehyun

- Clueless, confident,show off his teeth

- likes to show off to his "fangirls"

- Dances with his friends 

- also known to fail any course 






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Arizona118 #1
Chapter 2: I love this story! Please Update soon..........
Chapter 2: thank you~ ^^ asdjkldjfkl
Wow, great start ! :D I can't wait the next chapter :) x Please, uptade soon~ ^^ <3 Zelo is so niiice, and daehyun is so cute :) x
Maii210 #4
Chapter 2: Looks good so far. Keep up the good work!
Sounds interesting... Keke~ 2nd subscriber and first commenter!! I feel proud! Im sure you will write an amazing story Hwaiting!!