Scary Movies and Deep Thoughts

The Modest Dancer


Eunhyuk and Tessa had arrived at the cinema just in time to catch up with the rest of the group. “There you guys are, we almost gave away your tickets” Sungmin said.
“It’s not my fault!” Eunhyuk protested.
Tessa rolled her eyes, “Says the person who took 45 minutes to fix his hair”
“Well, you took an hour and a half!” Eunhyuk pouted.
“Correction: I took an hour and a half to take a shower, get dressed, fix my hair, and put on my make-up… whereas you took 45 minutes solely on your hair” Tessa clarified.
The rest of the people started laughing, especially Donghae. Eunhyuk turned to him, “You’re one to talk, Donghae”
“Let’s just get to the movie already” Sunny interrupted everyone’s laughter.
“What movie are we seeing?” Hyoyeon asked.
“I hope it’s not a chick-flick” Jessica snidely commented.
“Me too” Tessa added.
“Don’t worry, I got it covered” Donghae said, “I got tickets to the most romantic and lovey dovey film there was”
Donghae was then smacked by about three or four people. “Don’t worry, he got tickets to see some scary movie” Tiffany told the others.
“Sweet” Tessa quietly cheered to herself.
“You actually like scary movies?” Donghae seemed surprised.
Tessa just shrugged while Sunny draped her shoulder over her. “I like you, Tessa-yah!” she exclaimed.
Eunhyuk then forcefully took Sunny’s arms off of Tessa, “And I like her too, but she’s mine”
“You’re such a jerk” Sunny pouted and used some of her aegyo.
Tessa only chuckled as Eunhyuk replaced Sunny’s arm with his. The rest of the crew just laughed at them as they walked in the theater.
Donghae then turned to Eunhyuk, “She seems a lot different from when you first met her, huh?” he whispered.
Eunhyuk nodded, “Yeah, but it’s a good change”
They got their seats and Donghae asked a question that got Eunhyuk thinking. “Do you know if she can dance?”
“I asked her one day and I remember her saying she can’t” Eunhyuk quietly replied.
“She can’t? Are you sure you heard her right?” Donghae asked.
“All I head was ‘I can’t’, she probably said something else but she seemed a little upset when I asked her” Eunhyuk said.
Donghae seemed disappointed and turned back to the movie. Most of the girls in the theater were screaming their heads off at the scary parts but not for Tessa and Sunny. Eunhyuk seemed impressed by Tessa and her reaction to the scary movie.
While everyone else was scared, Sunny and Tessa started to grow close as friends because of this scary movie. Eunhyuk was watching her carefully and started to smile to himself… then proceeded to scream due to something popping out in the movie.
After the movie was over, everybody went out to a nearby pizza place just talking about the movie. “And don’t forget the part where the man in the mask just jumped out at the guy” Sungmin said before he took a bite of pizza.
“And Donghae was scared less” Jessica started laughing at the memory.
“Yah!” Donghae protested, “Why do all the scary movies have to be in creepy-looking castles?”
“Yeah, why can’t they be in Wal-Mart or something?” Hyoyeon joined in on the joke.
“It would be like: ‘Cleanup on aisle 13!’” Sunny said.
Then Tessa joined in in a creepy tone, “But there is no aisle 13”
Everybody started laughing when she said that. Eunhyuk then took a glance at Tessa and saw how genuine her smile was.
“You picked a real winner here, Hyuk” Tiffany quietly told Eunhyuk.
Eunhyuk just nodded and continued eating pizza. After a while, everyone headed out and Eunhyuk was quietly walking Tessa home.
“So… did you enjoy tonight?” Eunhyuk asked.
Tessa looked up at the night sky and replied, “Yeah… I did enjoy it”
“And please excuse my friends, they can be really crazy and stupid at times” Eunhyuk said for the millionth time to her.
“Like I’ve said before, it’s fine” Tessa chuckled.
Eunhyuk smiled a little bit, “You know… people have told me that we make a great couple”
“Jinjjah?” Tessa shyly asked.
Eunhyuk nodded in reply, “I’d just thought I tell you that”
Tessa couldn’t help but smile but then she seemed to be in deep thought. Eunhyuk noticed this but decided not to ask about it. After he dropped her off at her house, he headed back to his own.
There, he was greeted by his sister. “Annyeong, Hyuk” Sora smiled at him.
“Annyeong, Sora” Eunhyuk greeted back with a lackluster tone.
“What’s wrong?” Sora asked.
Eunhyuk released a sigh before saying, “It’s just… Tessa seems upset about something and I don’t know what it is”
Sora completely understood, “Have you asked her about it?”
“I’ve tried, but she keeps telling me it’s okay” Eunhyuk slumped down on the couch.
“Sounds to me like she wants to tell you something” Sora concluded.
“Yeah… but what?” Eunhyuk started thinking heavily about this subject.
“That is probably for you to figure out soon” Sora quietly warned.
“I sure hope so…” Eunhyuk mumbled as he walked to the kitchen.
Sora seemed worry about Eunhyuk by his tone of voice. She observed his body language to try and figure out what he was truly feeling. “What the hell is on your mind, Hyukjae?” Sora muttered to herself but Eunhyuk ended up hearing it.
He released a sigh, “Noona, do you think something might happen to wreck our relationship?”
“In any relationship, there is always something that happens that causes conflict” Sora replied.
“True… but why do I have this feeling it might be me to screw things up?” Eunhyuk was in deep thought.
Sora didn’t know how to reply but she kept what he said in mind to try and figure out an answer.


There's been a lot of talk about Eunhyuk screwing something up... this is probably a sign of a bad omen.
Sorry for somewhat late update, I've been busy plus it took me a while to write out the chapter. The idea is in my head but sometimes it takes me a while to find a way to write it out.
Just letting you guys know, the story will be taking a turn here pretty soon. It might be a left turn, it might be a right turn, or it could be a 180... or a 360 and nothing would have happened. I don't even know what I'm saying anymore.
See you next chapter!
Currently listening to: Chotcha - Super Junior-T
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YoungMiPark #1
for the first time reading eunhyuk ff
Chapter 28: Oh oh oh~ I reaaaaally like it ^^ <3
Chapter 28: Aww! This is just one of the most adorable stories I've ever read! It should be featured! ^-^
Chapter 5: LOL! The horse to your Gangnam Style! =D
claribelmiranda #5
Chapter 28: awwwwww............. :) nice story indeed! :)
chocolat_hyuk #6
Chapter 28: Great fic!! I really enjoyed reading it!! The couple is so cute!! :)
Park_HyeSun #7
Chapter 28: The story is pretty good! Very entertaining. The only thing that put me off was when the characters' speeches(?) didn't end with a comma or a fullstop x.x For example, "Text text text" Most authors do it like this ("Text text text.") or ("Text text text,") OTL IT LOOKS SO WEIRD.

On a side note, I didn't know Eunhyuk has a gummy smile XD
myeolchi234 #8
Chapter 28: awww! its still too early to end this! but waah! this fic is so cuuutee!!!! :)) cant wait for ur amazing ficsss!!! ^.^
Chapter 28: Awwww~ sweet ending..I love ur story..*claps*..they are perfect together..
Chapter 28: they are sooo cute together your story was perfect :)