
It's Time.


A/N: So here it is guys! By the way,  "your thoughts" are italized, and center. Have fun reading!




"Hello there, are you new here?" asked the little boy sitting in front of me.

"Yes, I am new here. My name is Hana, what's your name?" I asked him smiling.

 "My Chinese name is Wu Fan but you can call me Kris. Its very nice to meet you! Let's be friends!"


…and that is how me and Kris became best friends. We've been friends since the first grade. That year, I just moved to Vancouver with my family. I remember that day very vividly. That day, Kris gave me his lollipop. Ever since that day, giving each other lollipops sort of became our little tradition. It was a very happy day for me, I don't think I'll ever forget it. Tomorrow I will be starting twelfth grade with Kris. I'm so excited. Kris went on a tour in Europe with his family. I haven't seen or talked to him in months. Ahh, I miss him so much! Kris you see, comes from a rich family, like me. His parents were strict with his studies, but they didn't forget to give him the love that parents must give their children. He's not spoiled, arrogant or rude, as a matter of fact, he's the very opposite of that. When I'm sick and my parents were away, he'd bring me to his house, and he would help his mom take care of me. Kris' family became my second family, and vice versa. Our families are very close and often go on vacation together. This summer my parents were busy, so I couldn't join the European tour. I'm disappointed, but what can I do? Aha, Kris should be landing in an hour and a half. I should go get changed.


I changed into a white collar shirt and a light blue, distressed high waisted shorts. Looking into the mirror, I tied my hair into a messy bun.


I have to look good enough to be with Kris. Kris has an amazing sense style, so I would always have to plan my outfits the day before. Its hard to have a very good looking best friend. Its stressful to know that wherever you go, there will be some creepers following him around taking pictures and selling it to other creepers that are head over heels for Kris. These creepers are about 50% of the girls at my school. I mean, I totally understand why they are in love with Kris. Kris is tall, handsome and smart. He's in other words, perfect. The other 50% of the student body thinks that me and Kris have a secret thing going on, and they ship it. However they expect me to look my best for Kris. I have to dress nice, have perfect makeup, have a perfect body or I will be judged, criticized and scolded by Kris' die-hard fangirls and by our "shippers". I'm not ugly per se, but I'm not beautiful. I think I'm average, but Kris always tells me that I am the most beautiful to him. I would be lying if I said I don't have a crush on Kris. Its impossible really. No matter how many times I try to push those feelings away, it doesn't work. Kris and I are just too close. Skinship, dates, its normal to us, or well him. Every time we go on dates, I would get butterflies, but I can't tell him I like him, too risky. I can't make it obvious that I like him, or the fangirls that didn't get over the fact that me and Kris are extremely close, will make my last year at this high school a living hell. I just hope he doesn't fall for anyone. However, through the years I've know Kris, he's never shown interest in anyone. He never really talked about the love aspect in his life, nor did I. I mean, how could I talk to him about liking /him/, its awkward. As long as he's my best friend, and I get to spend time with him, then I am more than satisfied.


 "Omma! Appa! Let's go pick the Wu's up now!" I screamed as I ran down the cold marble staircase.

"Pabo, we were waiting for you for the past ten minutes. Did you not hear us calling you?" Appa said laughing.

"Oh, sorry I was too busy in thought..." I said stopping in front of omma and appa, catching my breath.

"My little girl, do you like Kris?" Omma suddenly asked.

 "What? A-aniyo! Why would you think such a thing! Omma, you're very funny!" I answered, fake laughing.

 "Oh, I see. But if you ever like Kris, you know that both our families will support your relationship..." Omma said, softly smiling.

 "Ahh, omma, I'm not looking for a relationship right now. Maybe next year when I get into university." I answered. I was only partially lying. Of course school is important, but I'm definitely wishing for a relationship for with Kris.

 "Aigoo, look at my little girl, she's all grown up!" Appa said smiling proudly.

"Of course, now let's gooooo!" I said running out the door.

 "Uh, Hana! YOU FORGOT TO PUT ON YOUR HEELS" Omma screamed.

"Oh, opps!" I faked laugh to hide my embarrassment.

I ran back inside on put on my white Louboutin heels. I then speed walked to my car. My parents and I will be taking different cars, I get to drive Kris home. Just thinking of Kris gives me butterflies. Hehehe. 

I drove to the airport in my red Ferrari California. When I bought this car, Kris was with me. I didn't know anything about cars, so he picked it. When we go to places, we'd rotate between his car and my car.

He has the Lamborghini Aventador, and personally, I think it fits him perfectly. He looks pretty bad , and the car looks extremely bad . The perfect bad combination.

After 15 minutes, I parked beside my parent's white Cadillac Escalade in the airport's underground parking lot. I got out of the car, and straighten my shirt. I walked over to my parents and linked arms with both of them and walked inside the airport. I smiled as I saw Mr. and Mrs. Wu walk out. But where was Kris? My parents went over and embraced the Wu's, but again, where is Kris? I hugged Mr. and Mrs. Wu, and smiled along to their conversation, but I was just wondering were Kris was.

Finally, my omma asked where Kris was.

 "Oh, he was waiting for the his luggage. We didn't want to make you wait so we left first. He should be out soo- oh he's out! Yi Fan! Over here!" Mr.Wu yelled.


 I stood there, frozen. As he walked out, of course, he looked absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but why is Sa Rang with him? Sa Rang was one of those popular, arrogant, snobby, spoiled girls. We were friends, since we hung out in the same circle, but no one likes her. She is always hanging onto Kris, he eventually got use to it and ignore it. But did they go on the tour together?


"Hana!" Kris said as he ran towards me. He pulled me into a tight hug, leaving Sa Rang behind.

"Oppa!" I said smiling and I snuggle myself into his arms. "Look what I got you!" Kris said excitedly as he pushed a suitcase in front of me.

"This suitcase made me wait longer and run into her" Kris whispered and made a face, and hugged me again.

"Oppa, thank you! But that's your only suitcase... Did you leave your clothes in Europe?!" I asked smiling.

"No pabo! I meant like some of the stuff in there are meant for you!" He smiled as he ruffled my hair and pulled me into another hug.

"Hana!" Sa Rang said smiling as she skipped her way to separate me and Kris. She then proceeded to give me a tight hug. I swear if anything, she wanted to choke and kill me with her hug.

 "Oh how I miss you! But I have sad news. I forgot your present at the hotel..." She pouted and went back and linked arms with Kris.


...forgot my present? You didn't even buy me one. You're so fake, Sa Rang.


Kris rolled his eyes, and walked over to me. He put his arm around me.

 "Omma, appa! Mr. and Mrs. Choi! Let's go!" As Kris walked with his arm around me, Sa Rang had her arm linked with Kris, and tried talking to him. I just laughed and continued walking.

"Ouuu, you just washed my second baby yesterday right?" Kris said dropping the suitcase he was rolling on the ground and ran over to the shiny red Ferrari. I laughed at his cuteness.

 Sa Rang went up to my car, and examined it. "So you drive Hana? Since when?" Sa Rang said still examining the car.

 "Since I got my license." I replied bluntly. Kris burst out laughing. Sa Rang's face was red with embarrassment

 "So where do I sit?" Sa Rang said as she looked through the window.

"No where, it’s a two seated car..." I said as I got in. Kris got in on the other side. He pressed the button for the window to go down.

"Toodles guuuuurl" Kris said in his fake high pitch voice.


 Once I drove away, he puts on his shades, and looked at me.

"What..." I asked still focused on the road.

"You're my favorite one." Kris said smiling.

"Seriously? You're still on that? Ever since you found the meaning of my name, you kept on saying that..." I said, not looking away from the road.

 "It’s cute though. Did I tell you? You're freaking beautiful." Kris said as he pecked my cheek.

Right then, my stomach did a million flips. There were freaking fireworks. I was dying of freaking happiness at that freaking moment.

 "Yah, your face is red." Kris teased. "ACHHOOOOOO. I have the sniffles.

" I said as I faked sniffing and sneezing. "Cutie!" Kris teased. I swear he likes teasing me.

"You haven't stopped complimenting me since you got on the car... Did something happen?" I asked as I stopped at the red light.

 "What can I say? I missed seeing your face for the whole summer!" Kris said as he leaned in for a kiss. KissKris just kissed me. Okay. He kissed me. What. Kiss. Kris.

"Omo, your face is so red! Hana! It’s the green light now!" Kris said smiling.

"O-o-oh, I, okay." I stuttered trying to control my feelings.

"You have soft lips, we should kiss more often." Kris teasingly said.

"Are you crazy?! Those girls will KILL ME!" I protested, but of course, I would love to kiss him every day.

"I'll protect you, yeobo." Kris said happily.

 "Yeobo?" I asked.

"Yeah, you know like baby, honey, etc." Kris said as he played with my hair.

 "You're ridiculous Wu Yi Fan." I laughed, "so where are we going to go? The parents are going to your house..."

"Let's have some alone time at your house. Can I sleep over?" Kris asked.

"Okay!" I said smiling.

We talked about his tour, and he asked if I met any guys, blah blah blah. It was the usual small talk. When we were nearing the front gate of my house, I saw a bunch of girls outside with cameras.


 ...I sighed. Why is my best friend so good looking...


 "Why am I so good looking? You think I'm good looking?" Kris teased.


 ...Crap, I was thinking out loud...


"You're so cute!" Kris said as he kissed my cheek.


"Yup, and they took pictures too!" Kris said.

"Great, starting the year off with some creeps angry at me..." I mumbled.

"HELLO GIRLS! How have you been!" Kris yelled. Half the girls are screaming, while the others are crying. "Girls, we have to get inside, I'll see you all tomorrow okay?" He winked, and I can guarantee that all the girls melted.

"FINALLY, away from those girls!" Kris said as he got out of the car.

"You know oppa, if you stop being so flirty with the girls, they might back off..." I said as I unlocked the door.

 "Are you jealous?" Kris teased as he back hugged me.

"No, pffth, why would I be?" I said as I closed the door.

 "You have every reason to be..." Kris said as he nuzzled his face into my shoulder.


... He's a bit too affectionate today, maybe its because he misses me. I can't even lie, my heart is about to burst. Its beating so fast, I hope he can't hear it....


"Yah, your heart's beating really fast! You like me don't you!" Kris teased.

"You're absolutely ridiculous!" I said as I threw my hands up in the air and walked away.

"Yah! Don't worry! Your heart isn't the only heart that's beating really fast!" Kris said as he ran past me into the kitchen.


... What does that mean? Does he like me? Or is his heart beating fast from one of the girls outside... No way. He's teasing me. Ugh.


 "So what's the plan for tonight?" Kris said as he sat down on the stool.

"Movies." I answered.

"Living room or bedroom?" Kris asked.

"Your choice.” I replied.

"Bedroom." Kris said as he stood up and hugged me from behind.

 "Kris," I said as I turned around to face him.

"Why are you suddenly so affectionate towards me?"

... I mean I like the attention I'm getting but it’s weird.

"Are you uncomfortable with it?" Kris asked as he continued you hug me.

"No, but I want to know why..." I said.

 "Sa Rang was talking to me when I was waiting for my luggage. She told me it was time to get a girlfriend. Of course then, she started to be all up on me suggesting that she should be my girlfriend, etc. You know how she is. So I thought about it, and like,  I immediately thought of you. So basically, Hana, will you be my girlfriend?" Kris asked.

"Y-y-you just asked me out right?" I asked.


... I cannot contain my happiness right now. I can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. Its ridiculous and its thanks to Sa Rang.


"Yes, silly girl!" He said as he pulled away and held my hands. He looked straight into my eyes.

"Yes I will be your girlfriend..." I said cautiously just in case he's kidding.

 "YEES. I waited so long! It was only until recently that I thought that I should officially make you mine before someone else does..." Kris said smiling.

 "I love you Kris!" I said happily.

 "I love you too Hana!" He said as he leaned in for kiss.





The end.








A/N: another author's note, ahaha. So I was considering a possible sequel? Yes or no? I have like this big idea for a sequel, but if I do get to it, I'll have to finish my other fanfic first! Thanks for reading guys! xoxo

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naobleung #1
omg the story is definitely so sweet!
so it seriously needs a SEQUEL!
LeetleHamster #2
SEQUEL. I DEMAND A SEQUEL. OR ELSE. Puwahaha. Just kidding. I love it. So, yeah.

Sequel, puh-lease. (:
yes sequel
Yes yes sequel pleaseee~!
Sequel please!!!!!
That's really sweet...hope my future boyfriend is like that!
Make a sequel.. this oneshot deserves to be in a sequel. XD <3