Your name

How I Met Your Mother

"It all began when I was in university" Taecyeon said


I was sitting by the window in the cafeteria alone. It was winter and the wind blew especially hard that day. I drank my latte and watched as people pass by. Their feet were shuffling really fast. 

Taecyeon hold his latte tight. The cafeteria was warm thanks to their heaters. In fact, every room have heaters. The ceiling is a dome and is decorated classically.

"Had the worst day ever. I can't believe a professor could do such a thing! Embarrassing me in front of the whole class. Ch, who is he? The owner of this place?" A guy blabbered and sat across of Taecyeon. When he realized that Taecyeon wasn't listening he slammed the table

"Ya! Are you even listening? Are you ignoring the broadcast man?" He says

"Junsu hyung, no one's got the time to listen to your blabber" Taecyeon commented and takes a sip of latte

Junsu made a face, snatch Taecyeon's latte and gulp it down, "Hot! Hot!" he shouted and burst the latte to Taec's face

"Hyung!" Taecyeon whined and wiped his face with his sleeves. 

Junsu fans his burnt tongue, "You could have told me it was this hot" he complain

"Well I didn't expect you to snatch it and drink it!" Taecyeon respond

"I thought it will be cold!" Junsu says

"Who would drink cold when the weather's like this? And why would a cold drink have a cup like this?" Taecyeon rolled his eyes and wave the latte around. More spilled to the table

"Pabo. Now it's all over the table" Junsu mutters

Just then, another guy with tall body, big eyes, and thick eyebrows approached their table and said, "every single time. Every single damn time."

"Would you just cut to the helping please?" Taecyeon replies

The guy took a napkin out of his pocket and wipe out the mess

"Nickhun Jjang!" Junsu shouts in his daegu accent

"What will you two do without me?" Nichkhun raise his eyebrows

"Live like a hobo, perhaps?" Taecyeon grins

"Exactly. And if it weren't for me too perhaps you wouldn't remember that you have class in 5 more minutes, at the Theater. Which is around a kilometer from here" Nichkhun adds

"Oh good god!" Taecyeon says and pick up his backpack who has been sitting below the table all this time. "Thanks Khun" he mumbles

Taecyeon ran and ran and ran. He's not even a hundred percent sure that he's going the right way. Wham! His body collided with someone. Well, something.

For a moment he couldn't see anything making him fall to the ground, -first. He rubbed his forehead as he whispered to himself, "Pabo Taecyeon"

Then when he could finally see properly again, the first thing he saw was a hand. A girl's. He looked up and saw a girl giggling. She had long, straight hair with bangs. Her eye-smile is probably the best one Taecyeon had ever seen. His heart skipped a beat. WIthout hesitating she took her hand and stabilized himself. When he was finally standing, he could see how beautiful the girl really is.

"Uhm, Thanks" Taecyeon said awkwardly

"No problem, it was pretty funny" the girl replies and laughs so hard while holding her stomach.

"Hey, I was late. You can't really blame me" Taecyeon grinned

"Excuses, excuses" the girl mocked

"Don't you have somewhere to go to?" Taecyeon changed the subject

"Actually I was just going home but I can't find the main entrance. I just transferred here. Would you mind telling me the way?" she responded

"That's why I never see you around before. Yeah sure, just go straight then take two rights and a left" Taecyeon said

"Thanks! I hope I can count on your words and I don't end up at a gym or something" the girl raised her eyebrows

"Do I not seem to be trustable?" Taecyeon asked

"Well, I had some experience. Oh never you mind. Thanks again! And see you later" the girl responded and walk to the direction Taecyeon showed

"Wait what's your name?"

"Tiffany. Tiffany Hwang." 

That day I was late to class, but it's totally worth it.

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BlackAndPink #1
omg!! i love how i met your mother!!
NghiTranVo #2
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Omona! Jjang Authornim! Would yoona and jessica appear? Omo! Can't wait! :)
zara2pm #4