In this crazy world

Beautiful in my eyes


Reina’s heart sank and Namie looked at her frowning.

“Go ahead.” Reina mouthed earning a pout from Namie.

“But…” Namie bit her lip as she looked towards the opening.

“Go.” Reina said before pushing her out of the crowd.

Reina watched her friend walk up the stage with 3 other girls. Wait, that wasn’t right. There were supposed to be five. Right?

“Omo! Where’s our other princess?!” Jiyong pouted shaking his head in disapproval. Indeed he was a perfectionist.

“Maybe she isn’t around?” Top added looking at the crowd. The crowd rooted to catch his attention.

“Gyu Ri?” The 5 boys walked around the stage looking at the crowd.

“Aigoo, that’s too bad. She’s not around. I hope she’s okay…” Daesung concluded

“Arasseo, because she’s not around we will pick another girl!” Seungri said walking towards the raffle box and sticking his hand in.

Reina bit her lip and held her light stick in between her hands and prayed hard to every God she ever knew and started to throw every bribe she could think of just to get chosen.


“And the next VIP is….”

                Reina kept her head down as the other fans screamed in anticipation.



“Reina Suetsugu.”


                Her eyes shot open and she looked up towards the stage, her eyes met Namie’s that were just as wide.


                “Oh my God!” Reina screamed and jolted towards the opening. On stage Namie was jumping just as excitedly while she waited for her friend to get on stage. This caught the boys’ attention.

                “Omo! They know each other!” Seungri exclaimed and Namie nodded as she faced towards Reina again.

                Once Reina got to the stage she was greeted by Taeyang and Daesung, she covered her face in embarrassment and the boys giggled at her cute reaction.

                She sat next to Namie and gave each other that smile which made each other know how happy they were – that genuine smile.

                This caught Top’s attention. Almost immediately Top ran towards the girls and sat on Reina’s lap like a cute little boy who found a very pretty noona, Reina’s eyes widened as Top turned his head to face Reina as if to make sure it was her. He smirked at his triumph,  it IS her he thought.

She couldn’t look properly for his eyes were too powerful.  This caused quite a stir between the fans and the boys.

                “Hey Hyung! What are you doing?!” Daesung said as the rest of the boys cracked up. Jiyong got up and held Top’s arm and pulled him away from Reina. “W-wae? I picked her!” Top argued and Reina blushed furiously. Top truly was an alien and was very much unpredictable.

                The boys so happily performed songs for the fans and the girls who they were able to pick via the raffle. Taeyang sang I need a girl for his girl, Daesung sang Wings for his and even held her while he “flew” across the crowd while dropping roses towards the fans, and being the cheeky maknae that he is, Seungri sang Strong Baby to his girl. The poor girl nearly fainted out of excitement.

                The stage darkened and only Reina and Namie remained, the lights were dim and they held each other’s hands up.

                Suddenly a familiar beat played and the crowd went wild as the lighting synced with the beat. Reina and Namie looked at each other as they realized the song.

                “Jibe Gajima baby!” Jiyong sang and danced his way towards Namie pulling her away from Reina. Jiyong danced around Namie as he finished his part. The first part finished and Reina violently shook around waiting for that one person that gave her butterflies.

                “A yo, turn it up!” Top boomed as he was lifted to the stage, and almost by instinct he knew where Reina was he shook his eyes towards her and walked ily towards Reina as he fixed his hair. Reina poked her fingers together and looked down completely shy. Top pushed his fingers to her chin and lifted her head up while he rapped his part and stared into her eyes.

                Towards the end a bunch of back up girls pulled Reina and Namie away from Jiyong and Top, however Jiyong and Top ran over to them and put their arms around them, with the hand suddenly holding a long stemmed red rose.

                Reina was still looking down and was shaking a bit, Top however pulled her closer (not helping at all) and with her other hand pressed Reina’s cheek and made her face him.

                Reina squirmed in his arms as Top’s powerful eyes dug unto hers, surprisingly Top’s eyes spoke something else. There was an intensity yes, but something else was in there. Something… soft.

                “O—oppa.” Reina murmured. Top smirked and the lights went dim.


                After a few moments the lights went up again and the 5 boys and girls re appeared on the stage. The boys each held something behind their back and slowly walked toward their girls.

                “Yorobeunn, thank you for coming today!” Jiyong said and raised his hands waving to the fans. As everybody did. “But before we leave we have something else for these ladies.” He continued.

                One by one the boys gave their girls a small box. This just has to be the best fan meeting BY FAR. I must have been a very good girl to get all of this.. Omo omo… Reina’s thought were going fast. They were about to open but was stopped when Seungri screamed for them to stop.

                “No! You can’t open them now!” he waved his arms around. The girls all gave them a puzzled look. “Open them backstage…” he stopped and the crowd screamed “…With us!” the girls looked at each other and smiled and jumped around. Reina and Namie held each other close as they squealed.

                “Don’t worry we have something for everybody! Each one of you will receive a special Big Bang ring when you leave! Because we love all of you that much!!” Jiyong grinned at everybody and bowed as the rest of the group gave their thanks.


                Backstage the girls were greeted with the Big Bang oppas stripped down a bit, they were wearing casual clothes and waved at the girls. The girls immediately bowed and approached the boys asking for their autographs first. Reina walked towards Top and shyly presented her Top version album.

                “Reina… Right?” Top said as he pulled out his pen while Reina nodded and blushed furiously she looked down and stared at her toes. He smirked, he seemed to be completely aware of the power he had over Reina. “Yah Reina, Top is in front of you – now’s not the time to be looking at your feet!” Namie whispered violently towards Reina before facing Jiyong who laughed at her remark. Top smiled and signed her album before giving it to Reina.

                It read: “To Reina, yeoja chingu… you are beautiful. Thank you for supporting us. Love, Choi Seunghyun.” Reina smiled and looked up at Top catching him off guard as he got under the trance of her curved lips.

                “Ahh… Girls! Why don’t you open our gifts now?” Seungri cheered and the girls nodded as they opened their boxes.

                Daesung’s had a cute heart necklace

                Taeyang had his customized earphones for his

                Seungri had couple earrings for him and his girl

                Jiyong had couple rings on his and was kneeling down in front of Namie as she looked towards him with oogly eyes. Omo, Namie sure is having the time of her life as well.

                Top walked over to Reina and slowly opened his box, there sat a simple piece of paper. Reina looked at Top with furrowed eyebrows  - only to be greeted by a pen being held up by Top.

                “I want it to be different… I instead want to ask something from you…” Top said and looked away blushing a bit as he ran his free hand over his hair before looking back at Reina “C-can I have your number?”

                Reina’s eyes widened as the rest of the girls gasped at the sight. Reina stood there for a while trying to check if she heard right, if she actually did hear the great Top stutter in his words before smiling and reaching for the pen and wrote her number on the piece of paper then handing it over to Top.

                “I hope that yes had a ‘sure I’ll go on a date with you tomorrow evening’ with it?” Top smiled as he put the piece of paper in his pocket.

                “B-but oppa.. Aren’t you… W-why.. I’m just…” Reina stammered.

                “No… Just remember what I wrote on your album.” He immediately cut Reina off before she smiled and nodded. Top stood closer and leaned over to kiss Reina on the forehead

                “I know it seems quick but…” he said and tucked strands of Reina’s hair behind her ear and lifted her chin up to catch her eyes in his.


“You’ll always be beautiful… in my eyes.” 



credits to for the gifs.

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Chapter 2: Like OMG... You used my name!!! What are the chances?!! My name really is Reina!!
Lisakilljoy123 #2
Chapter 2: You can't just leave it there?! What happens next? ;-;
Chapter 1: I need alive tour in manila day 2 . T_T <3 <3 <3
Chapter 2: lol u should have seen my face while reading this... It had the word kyaa n cheesy writting all over it! I love this... where is the follow up?? ^^
Buy their album as a raffle. LOL. HAHA. How I wish they'd really do this. Thanks for reading. <3
lazybum #6
whoa. you totally blew my mind off! lol~ what we VIPs will do to be any of those 5 girls... hahhaha
Apparently she had better plans than BIGBANG LOL.
HAHAHAHA. I'm glad you liked it bebegurl. HAHAHA. <3 :"""> yes, thank God she wasn't around LOL.
Where's the next button nadie.