Until the End

Until the End


박재범 1집 ['12 New Breed] - 11 너 없이 안돼 (Acoustic Ver.)

(Without You)

Chanyeol fic.

Since I'm in college now, I haven't had time for any of the things I usually put so much effort into--like drabbling-on. I hope you guys can forgive me. So many things have been happening and I've only been here for three weeks. I feel like I've been here for months already... Please leave your feedback in our ask. I miss you guys and your comments.



It's been three weeks--three intensely painful, long weeks since Chanyeol last saw his girlfriend, and the worst part was that it he couldn't even put any blame on Exo for the distance. It wasn't Exo's latest promotions that set this relationship on parting ships, no, it was something else.


He couldn't tell her. How is a guy supposed to tell his girlfriend that he misses her so much that he practically scribbled her name over forty times on a sheet of paper absent-mindedly? Heck, even Baekhyun said that he was mumbling "________? ________, come back!" in his sleep.

Stupid distance. Stupid college. What's so great about college anyway?

Chanyeol sat in his bedroom with his elbows propped up on his knees and his chin resting in his hands. He pouted to nothing as the thought processed in his mind.

Here there were friends and family; she knew the area; there were all those tiny coffee shops that she adored and loved; and she had him. They could be together whenever they wanted. It was wonderful--when you're best friend just so happened to be your girlfriend, there really was no downside to anything.

So what's there in college? Classes--ew. Expensive textbooks--disgusting. Dorms--well, that isn't too bad, but she'd be rooming with a stranger. What else?

Chanyeol's eyebrows furrowed as he realized he was just formulating any kind of insult about college as a way to satisfy his own nerves. He needed reassurance that she'd come back, that she wouldn't forget how happy she was with him. Sure, there were some weeks when they couldn't see each other because of Exo promotions, but he always made sure to call her at night before she slept (even if there was a time change), and he'd even surprise her with video messages which (even if she doesn't outwardly admit it) she watches all the time.

Stupid college.

"Yah, what are you doing?" Baekhyun stood at the doorway smirking at his roommate who seemed so into his thoughts that he was even clenching his hands into tight fists out of frustration.

"Oh," Chanyeol sat upright and smoothed out his jeans. "Just... just thinking."

"You miss her, don't you."

"Is it that obvious?" He laughed once as a poor attempt to hide his true sadness over not having seen his girlfriend face to face for practically a month.

Baekhyun sat down on his own bed. "Why don't you video chat her?"

"You know it's not the same." Chanyeol smoothed out his hair nonchalantly. "I can't kiss a screen the way I want to kiss her. I can't take her into my arms or whisper in her ears how much I--"

"Okay, save me the details!" Baekhyun stood up and walked towards the door. "What I'm saying is that video chatting her is what you've got so you better use it. For all you know, she's probably missing you just as much as you miss her. Sitting on your contemplating ways to cope with it won't solve anything." He handed Chanyeol his laptop. "Just try to see if she's available. And if she isn't, just call back later."

Chanyeol gave his friend a soft smile of gratitude as he accepted the laptop. Resting on his stomach, he waited a few seconds before taking a deep breath and signing into the video messenger.

"Should I tell her I'm online...?" He mumbled to himself.


As if on cue, she signed on. Chanyeol could feel his heart racing.

There she was.


"Oppa?" You couldn't stop yourself from smiling as you finally saw your boyfriend grinning at you with the same goofy smile that he always had on. Even if it was through a computer screen, you didn't care.

You had meant to call him every night, but after the first few days of class, you realized that there was just no time. The hours you used to dedicate to being with him were now going to assignments and studying. Of course, you couldn't lie, you went out with friends, too, but they couldn't compare to Chanyeol.

No one could compare to Chanyeol.

"Hi, _______-ah." His deep voice sent familiar shivers up your spine.

And for some reason, you had to stop yourself from crying on the spot. You missed him so much.

"How are you?" You leaned in closer to the webcam.

"I'm... holding up." He chuckled.

"Everything is okay over there?"

"Fine. Baekhyun found another stray cat, but we convinced one of the coordi noonas to take it home."

"That's good."

"How are classes?"

"Oh, you know. Work, work, work. I have to try not to fall asleep in some of my classes, but in general, it's not bad." You forced a small smile.

For a moment, you two just sat in front of your webcams just staring at each other, studying and searching for any changes in facial features. You two had often done this before you left. You wanted to memorize him. Just like your favorite song--you wanted to really know him. You wanted him to be your fail-safe:  that one thing that you'll always know even if everything else around you changes.

"Oppa, are you okay?" You asked hurriedly as Chanyeol suddenly hung his head down, your view of his face suddenly blocked by his hair.

"I can't do this."

"What are--"

"I miss you so much it hurts." Chanyeol looked back up with fresh tears ready to spill over. And yet, even with all this sadness, he still managed to leave a small smile playing on his lips.

"Knowing that you're not just a few minutes away anymore--knowing I can't hold you or kiss you or... not being able to see those little things that you do. Like when you scrunch your nose after being teased. Or how you naturally pout when you're bored."

By now, you were a mess on the inside. The only hints you gave of being upset were the few tears gently sliding down your face. You didn't know if Chanyeol could see them were he was, but you hoped he could see how hard you were trying to keep it in.

"For a good while, I considered taking a plane to where you are just to be with you, but I know you need to focus. I'd be a distraction, and I want you to focus. I want you to succeed more than anything, and I know this is the way to go for you." He paused for a second or two. "Even if it means not being able to see you."

"Will you wait for me?" You asked quietly.

Chanyeol smiled softly. "Until the end of time, babe."

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Chapter 1: Omggggggggggggggggggggggggg~ You never fail in making an utterly amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing fanfic author-nimmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kpopfan_13 #3
Awww I can't decide whether to be sad or think its cute^_^