Hyunae: Kwonnie is... U-KWON OF BLOCK B!?

That y Kitty [THREESHOT]

YG Studio

In the studio of YG's studio, Hyunae was sitting in the recording room with Teddy and G-Dragon. In her right hand was a pen and in front of her on the table was a music sheet, while G-Dragon was recording.

G-Dragon was recording his song for his comeback that Hyunae had composed for him.

"Why did you name the song Crayon?" Teddy asked as Hyunae listened to G-Dragon record the song.

"I honestly don't know. After composing That XX and One Of A Kind, Crayon just popped in my mind. Don't ask me why Ted" Hyunae laughed.

G-Dragon soon came out of the recording room, Hyunae showed two thumbs up and gave him a bottle of water.

"Good work oppa" Hyunae grinned "I'm sure this song will be a big hit."

"Of course it'll be a big hit. The songs you've composed have all been a big hit. 2NE1's I Am The Best is an example of that and of course other idols that you have composed for" Teddy said as he chuckled

"I guess that's all for today" Hyunae said as she clapped her hands together.

"You're also working on BtoB's comeback song aren't you?" Jiyong asked

"Hm.. yeah, but I already finished composing the song." Hyunae nodded as she gathered her things.

"What's the song called?" Teddy asked

Hyunae chuckled "Secret~"

"You're no fun"

"Hyunae, come. I'll drive you to Cube" Jiyong offered

Hyunae smiled and accepted the offer.

"Thanks oppa"

GD's car

"What's the song called?" Jiyong asked



Hyunae nodded.

"Which other idol's have you composed for their comeback?" Jiyong asked as he took a left turn

"Hm..NU'EST's Not Over You, 2NE1's I Love You, BtoB's WOW and yours oppa" Hyunae said as they came to a stop.

"Thanks oppa"

"No problem" Jiyong waved as he drove off.

Cube Studio

Hyunae entered the studio and immediately the member's of BtoB greeted her. Hyunae bowed back and greeted them.

"Hyunae-shi, thank you for composing their comeback song" BtoB's manager said as he came in.

"It's a pleasure for me to compose a song for an idol in Cube" Hyunae smiled as she sat down and took out the CD.

"Let's listen to it first and then I'll divide the parts"

The boys nodded as Hyunae inserted the disk.


"Thank you for your hard work!" BtoB said as they bowed to Hyunae and other composers in the studio.

"Is this your first time composing for Cube?" The manager asked

"Hm.. my third time"

"Chincha?" He exclaimed

"I've composed Volume Up for 4Minute and Beautiful Night for B2ST"

"Oh. Thank you so much for your time to compose for us" He bowed

Hyunae smiled "You're welcome"

Hyunae's house

"Why is it so quiet?" Hyunae mumbled to herself as she took off her shoes.

"Usually Kwonnie would come down and greet me"

Hyunae's room

Inside Hyunae's room was a paniking Kim Yukwon. He was able to find a shirt and pants that was big enough for him to wear, but he had no boxers so he had to go out a buy one while disguising himself. He had also forgotten about the collar until he came home and cursed himself for not taking the collar off.

"How do I explain to her when she sees me?" U-Kwon mumbled to himself.


"Oh " He widened his eyes as the door slowly opened.

Hyunae's POV

Seriously, where was Kwonnie? I headed upstairs and went to my room. I was about to go in when I heard a VERY familiar voice in my room.

"How I explain to her when she sees me?"

It sounded like U-Kwon's voice. Explain what though? I shrugged and opened the door.

"Oh "

I heard. I opened the door wider and stood there in shock. On my bed wasn't the cat Kwonnie but BLOCK B'S U-KWON. NOT ONLY THAT THERE'S THE FREAKING COLLAR I GAVE KWONNIE.

Oh my ing god... what is going on here?

Living room

After the two had an awkward silence, they were in the living room still completely awkward while Hyunae was completely shock after what U-Kwon had just explained to her.

"So... what your saying is that Kyung.. and the others made you eat something that turned you into a... cat?" Hyunae asked again

U-Kwon nodded. The collar was sitting on the table after he took it off.

"Wait a minute..." Hyunae widened her eyes in realisation and mentally smacked her head.

"I never knew you were such a big fan of me" He said as he looked at the posters of him.

Hyunae blushed and then blinked, then she gasped.

"YOU DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING ON MY LAPTOP DID YOU?" Hyunae exclaimed as she remember that the cat was looking at her laptop.

U-Kwon bit his lips, fighting his laughter.

"Sorry.. I saw it..." And he bursted into loud laughters

Hyunae stared at U-Kwon is shock and horror.

"I won't tell anyone. I promise and in return let me stay here for a while"

"Eh?" Hyunae snapped out of her shock.

"Ah.. oh.. okay"

Hyunae eyed U-Kwon for a while before going down stairs, with U-Kwon tagging along behind her.

"Why are you following me?"

"Because I'm hungry"

Hyunae rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make food while U-Kwon sat at the dinning table.

I don't know I don't know I don't know but I'm hot hot

Her phone rang making U-Kwon grin.

"Even your ringtone is my part"

"Oh hi oppa" Hyunae said as she put it on speakers and set down beside her.

'Oppa?' U-Kwon thought

"What are you doing?" Jiyong asked

"Making dinner?"

"Can I come over"

"NO!" Hyunae immediately shouted as U-Kwon sniffled his laughter.

"No. What I meant is that..." Hyunae glared at U-Kwon "I have a guest over so um.. Jiyong oppa, next time?"


"Good luck on your comeback" Hyunae encouraged

"Of course. Any songs that are composed by you are all big hits" Jiyong said proudly as the member's of Big Bang laughed loudly behind him

"Ignore them Hyunae-ah. Oh right, Hyun Suk hyung wants to see you tomorrow in regards with our japanese single"




Hyunae hung up and shot a glare at U-Kwon.

"What are you laughing about?"

"N-Nothing" U-Kwon bit his lips

Hyunae smirked evilly, "No food for you then"

"WHAATTT" U-Kwon whined loudly.

'I never knew U-Kwon was the kitty I took in' Hyunae thought as she took a glance at the sulking and whining child like Kim Yukwon.

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Chapter 4: jashdjadjasbcsjadhasjheduajhda SHO SHORT I WANT MORE aksdkahdjsahdjsadsahd

Kitty U-Kwon gahhh.. I wish you would make him become a kitty longer, you know like show how she treats him, and how he lives as a cat in her house, something like that. T^T
Chapter 4: this girl is staying tuned. <3
is this the end? i want more author-nim ^^P huhu
Chapter 3: woohoo, me composing gdragon's crayon. /i wish
woohoo, me composing btob's wow. /i wish
Ukwon whining like a little kid to give him food!
I can cook him what he wants to eat, and feed him as much as
he want me to feed him. I'll still love him even if he looks
like a chubby cat :3

I ish calling for.. SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2: OMG This is so cute!!!!!!!!!! I can't help smiling like an idiot imagining U-Kwon as a kitty T___________T
And imagining a cat browsing the net LOOOOOOL a cat scrolling the mouse using it's paws ajshdjsahdjsahjdahsd SHO CUTE /faint/ XDDDD
Update soon! FIGHTING!
Chapter 2: Lol, pink collar.. Sounds tho :3
Haha this is so funny, I can't wait for the next chapter! :)
Chapter 2: OMG ____ WHY ARE YOU UKWON?!!!
omg, the pink collar and everything!! LOL XD
no CAT FOOD omg, you are the best writer!
omg omg omg omg omg the members are so mean to ukwonnie, but i love them like that because i say so, and hahahahaha they are so funny putting that special ingredient on the egg hahaa but so upset that nothing happened until the next morning ukwon screams out MEOWWWWWWWWW LOL XD omg- the members are so dead.
omg, an awesome foreword :3 turning into a kitten ~ meow!