the dream last night—


The Dream Last Night;

short stories, poems, and random stuffs by 970702


♚ behind the name;

The Dream Last NightWhat comes to your mind when you hear that? Do you think of your latest dream? Or do you think of your most memorable dream? Maybe yes, and maybe no. When I heard the sentence, I thought of my dream last night. I can't remember how the dream was but I thought of the dream last night

I named it "The Dream Last Night" because sometimes I think of what I dream about when I sleep and I try to remember it. And sometimes when I wake up, I still remember the theme of the dream, but cannot remember it clearly. So "The Dream Last Night" is something which you can't really remember, but you can feel it. 


My birthdate. I was born on July 2, in 1997. I decided not to reveal my name because if my friends read it, they will think I'm overdramatic and blahblahblah

♚ the dream last night;

I write short stories, poems, songs, and more random stuffs here. I do write songs but I can't let you listen to it because I'm too lazy to upload it and my voice isn't good, also I don't know how to write the music sheet. But maybe one day I can record the song (without my voice, only the melody) and upload it. 


for an old best friend who has always been an inspiration for me to write things



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