Haunted Legends : Cards Curse




"Sara, do you hear me? Sara!" The signal was cut off.

She bit onto her nails as she walked down the dark hallway.

Her heart thumping so loudly that it hurts her ears. She wiped the sweat that covered her forehead.

The hallway was way too scary for her to continue but she had to. She's a detective, on to find out whats with the missing people recently.

A card, similar ones, were found to be at every suspect's last scene.

And many claimed that the mystery lies in this mansion.

Therefore, Kim Sara, a detective has to come over to find out the truth.

She felt a cold breeze behind her, plucking up all her courage, Sara turned around.

Only to see, a tall and skinny woman, she was looking down on the floor.

"Uh... Hello?" Sara croaked the words out.

She looked up. Her eyes were white, lips were stitched.


She was smiling,

At her.


For Kahhahh


All rights reserved
None of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted through any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.


Copyright © l3lisscuitte 2012





Hi there, so i'm back with a new story. Heyhey, I know I'm a slow writer that updates so slowly -.-

But I have a life to live and other people to please. I can't really please everyone right?

So please, just bear with me as I struggle through my life (and writing). Anyway, I'm always having great ideas for stories. :D

That's a good news.

Tired of same old romance stories? Tired of same old high school life stories? Tired of nonstop dramas?

I know right. (But they can be really nice to read :o)

So I'm here to present to you a mystery + horror + some romance kind of story. Hope you will like it. Thanks <3

Yours Truly,




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OHH MY GOSH this story is gonna be so fun to make a poster for o___o
I'll get to work on it right away! :3