

Seunghyun let out a frustrated sigh.  It had been a long day at work and he had reached his and Daesung’s apartment waiting to be buzzed because he forgot his key again.  He pressed the button one more time before the door made a buzzing sound.  Daesung probably knows it’s him.  He always comes home around this time and forgetting his keys is not surprising coming from the older man.  Even though he is only 25 and only 2 years older than Daesung his memory sometimes resembles a 70 year old.  Daesung always makes fun of him for it, but he has ways to get revenge on his lover.

He reaches his apartment door and the door swings open on cue.  He sees Daesung smiling and holding his keys to his face.

“They were on top of the tv.”  Daesung smile reaches his eyes.  He looks like he is in a good mood and it brightens Seunghyun’s day and pecks him on the lips before he gets through the door.  He doesn’t notice what, or who, is behind Daesung until the door closes.  A little girl about 5 years old has her arms wrapped shyly around Daesung left leg.  Her “apple” hairdo is so cute that Seunghyun let’s out an “aww” before he can ask her name Daesung introduces them.

“Seunghyun this is SeNa.  I’m babysitting for my sister’s friend.  Long story short my sister was taking care of her, but then something came up and I’m her last resort.”  He reached down and tried to pull SeNa off his leg, but she just cling tighter.

“SeNa, this is my boyfriend Seunghyun oppa.”  The toddler just stared at Seunghyun with big indifferent eyes as Seunghyun waved and smiled like you would to a 3 year old.  He looked back at Daesung “should you really be introducing me to a baby as your boyfriend? That’s kind of confusing isn’t it?” Daesung just shrugged.  They weren’t particularly good with kids.  Yes, they knew the basic stuff like not killing them or loosing a child, but other than that it was like one hard trivia game.  Luckily SeNa was especially good to Daesung and he hadn’t had any trouble with her.

“Listen, why don’t you go color with Seunghyun oppa while I finish making you dinner?   Daesung reached for her hand and pulled her to the living room.  Seunghyun was surprised how well his boyfriend was handling her.  He looked like a real dad.  The thought of possibly having a child of their own passed through his thoughts.

Maybe one day.

Daesung left to the kitchen and SeNa was standing by the living room table coloring.  It felt a bit awkward, but Seunghyun wanted her to open up to him like she did with Daesung.  He kneeled by the table near SeNa. “Who is that you’re coloring SeNa?”  She didn’t bother to look up or acknowledge him, but he was determined to be as close to her as Daesung.

“So is pink your favorite color?” His assumption was made because she was wearing the floral color head to toe and she happened to be using the “tickle me pink” crayon to color in Mini Mouse’s hair tie.  SeNa rolled her eyes and replied harshly at Seunghyun.

“Of course I like pink. I am a girl.”  The whole statement was said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and like Seunghyun was as dumb as the color blue.  Blue because most boys like the color blue, and to SeNa blue is stupid.  Except Daesung oppa isn’t like other boys because he is like the sunshine, which is yellow her other favorite color.  The little pink flower holding her hair in a ponytail has a little yellow in the middle and she made sure she let Daesung oppa knew that.

Seunghyun’s lip quivered. He had smart evil comebacks at the tip of his tongue.  He held it back though and started coloring a green turtle. He hasn’t colored in a while and he forgets how much fun he is actually having that he forgets about SeNa and her attitude.   He was about done and he puts his crayon down and looks at SeNa.  SeNa looks down at his picture.

“You forgot to add a pink bow like Minnie.” She scribbles all over the turtle’s face and it looks nothing like a bow.  Seunghyun stares at her wide eyes and mouth hanging open.  She stares back like she hasn’t done anything wrong and runs to the kitchen with her finished picture.  Seunghyun follows out of curiousty.  He wants to know what she will tell Daesung, but he kind of wants to tell Daesung what she did to his drawing.  Maybe he won’t tell because he doesn’t really care about coloring a stupid picture. Yes he does.

“Daesung oppa! OPPA!” SeNe is trying to get his attention.  Daesung is putting madu on the plate to serve.

“Oh, SeNa it looks nice.” Daesung smiled widely at her looking genuinely proud of her coloring skills.  Seunghyun went around behind Daesung and hugged him from his back.

“Madu my favorite.” Daesung smiled back at his boyfriend, but then they were pushed away by a little girl by the name of SeNa. 

“No!” she muttered in a little whiney voice.  Seunghyun looked at her like she was crazy.

“SeNa what’s the matter?” SeNa reached her arms to Daesung and he lifted her in his arms.  Seunghyun just watched and SeNa stuck her tongue out at him.

“You lit-“ Seunghyun muttered, but decided he was better than a five year old and turned the other cheek.  She was pure evil.  What was she trying to do? Take Daesung away from him?

Oh no honey Daesung belongs to me.

“Can you bring all this stuff to the table babe?” Seunghyun looked at the mandu and realized he was glaring at nothing.

Two can play the game.  Yes, Seunghyun did aknowledge that he was battling a five year old little girl, but she was really mean.  She asked for it.

“Give me a kiss first” Daesung gave a playful smirk while Seunghyun gave a trickier one.  Before their lips touched Seunhyun felt little fingers on his lips.

“Oppa is mine, he can only kiss me.” Daesung laughed while Seunghyun stood there clenching his jaw trying not to say anything.

Dinner was no different.  SeNa wanted to sit closer to Daesung was sweeter to him, but when Daesung wasn’t looking she would make faces at Seunghyun and he would do the same.  He didn’t care anymore about what age he was. He didn’t want Daesung paying attention to her because she didn’t deserve it. SeNa was pure evil

The door closed and SeNa was finally out of his life.  He still wasn’t all too happy because Daesung was still talking about how cute she was, but he wasn’t about to tell him about their little battle for his attention.  So he sat there on the couch unconsciously pouting while Daesung talked about when he was around SeNa’s age.

“Kids ” Daesung, who had been busy talking to himself, turned and realized Seunghyun did not look happy.  In fact he had been pouting all throughout dinner.

“What’s wrong?” he asked the childish man beside him.  The pout really made him look five years old.  It also made Daesung giggle.

"Now you care about how I feel?"

"What are you talking about?" Daesung leaned back on the couch waiting for Seunghyun to explain his weird actions.

"Ever since I got home it's been all about SeNa.  You haven’t even asked me how my day was or why I've been so quiet.  You wouldn't even believe me if I told you all the mean things she said to me today because you love her so much."  Daesung was laughing hysterically he held his stomach and tried to catch his breath, but the angrier Seunghyun looked the more he laughed.  After a few moments Daesung calmed himself, but the big grin remained.

“Aww come on Hyunnie.  Don’t be mad.”  He snuck his arms around the grumpy man-child and tried to use his natural aegyeo.

“Please don’t be jealous my love, she doesn’t mean anything to me I promise.”  He kissed the side of his boyfriend’s pouting lips.  Seunghyun looked back at him and pushed a finger Daesung’s forehead.

“Ahh” Daesung yelped.

“You are mine Daesung.  I don’t think I can share you with anyone.”  Daesung tucked in his bottom lips to refrain from saying something to make the elder mad, but he couldn’t resist.

“I don’t think I can take care of more than one child if I already have you, big baby” and he ran towards the kitchen away from Seunghyun’s wrath.

Before he could get to the kitchen to make his boyfriend beg forgiveness the next words stopped him.

“If you lay one hand on me I’m throwing all this pudding away”

He had him.

 Seunghyun’s favorite pudding.

 He wouldn’t dare.









SOO YEA...kinda did not update the other story like I said I was lol

sorry bout that...yesterday was kinda weird.  All the people i used to hang out with are getting prenant or already have kids

and i realized I'm gonna be 21 soon and we won't be able to do the things we wanted to do together.

So this story came to me this morning, but I wanted it funny and fluffy.

[the theme is don't have kids until you're ready and if you're having use protection (birth control, condoms etc.) LOL

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LoneShiba #1
Chapter 1: bahahahhahahahahhahahahhaahhahahaahahahahahhaha XD bingu vs SeNa, the cutest match ever XDDDD I srsly love this!!!!!! <3 so much >w<
Chapter 1: This was so funny. I can totally see that scenario playing out. I knew a little girl like that. Whenever I would baby sit her my friends would get so mad because she had to have all my attention on her.
Chapter 1: Kyaaa!!! >///< this was really, really, really cute <3
Chapter 1: this is so adorable! :D <3 i heart this fic
Chapter 1: so cute :33 I love it <3
Chapter 1: Cute! >.<

Loved it :D
todaeforlove #7
lovely. i love this one..
ILuvBigBang #8
THAT WAS PROBS ONE OF THE CUTEST THINGS IREAD!!! i could totally picture TOP like making faces and pouting and stuff!! XD UBER CUTE!! <3
ILuvBigBang #9
THAT WAS PROBS ONE OF THE CUTEST THINGS IREAD!!! i could totally picture TOP like making faces and pouting and stuff!! XD UBER CUTE!! <3