I Want U Back..

~Nobody's POV~

While 4MINUTE and SHINEE are having a meeting...YES...They will have a special stage together and What should Hyuna/Minho do if they will know that they will be paired...

Onew+Jihyun =OnJi




and Minho+Hyuna=MinAh

And what's more shocking is that almost all of the SHAWOLS request it...When they finish there meeting Hyuna must wait a little because her manager will give her something...And what's more itriguing is that SHINEE and 4MINUTE will have a dinner together to build there chemistry together...When Hyuna comeout from the office she's already bringing these...

~End Nobody's POV~

~Hyuna's POV~

"OMO..."4MINUTE says with unison...

"What's this unnie?"questioning by the maknae...

"It's from a secret admirer..."

While my members busy checking my flowers...I took a little glance...Just it looks like I just rolled my eyes...And guess what he's looking at me ...dugun ...dugun ...dugun ...YAhhh... STUPID will be dead if it stop thumping...Oh Yeah my heart thumps because it's producing blood that's all...I suddenly come into reality when NamJiji read the letter loudly...

"Dear Queen Hyuna...

Since I saw you...I can't stop thinking of you...And do you know that when I saw you I thought your not a human...Because I though yo we're a GODDESS...From INW..."

"YAHHHH..."I shout when I saw there O_O faces....

"Hyuna...How the hell...This secret admirer of yours... Know that this is your favorite flower..?"Leader question me...(a/n:I don't know Hyuna's favorite flower...But I know she likes color yellow)

"Guys...Let's talk about it later...We still have schedule..."I said trying to avoid the question... Actually I know who's this INW is...























I know I just reveal it but can Woohyun make Hyuna forget about Minho our he will just make her remember about the past...


Thank You




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camalig #1
Chapter 3: come on update pls <3
Hyunajs #2
Chapter 18: I love it..
Update soon..
Love this a lot!!!!
Stefani_98 #4
Chapter 18: wahh i can't wait to see what will happen and i ship Hyuna with everyone in shinee <3 <3 :) please update soon ^_^
sheryin #5
Chapter 18: Wow challenge accept!!!fighting
Please keep update soon
aksh1992 #6
Chapter 17: I like wooAh more please update
Chapter 16: update soon ^^^^^^
Chapter 16: update soon ^^^^^^
Stefani_98 #9
Chapter 16: I loooove Minho and Hyuna <3 update soon ^_^
Abchihi #10
Chapter 15: Sorry minho but i like woohyun-hyuna more