That Man

That Man [ One Shot ]

That Man…
One man loves you…
That man loves you wholeheartedly
He follows you around like a shadow everyday
That man cries…as he laughs…

Henry stared off into the distance of the small window. His eyes watched the pale snow that sparkled on the ground. He smiled lightly to himself checking to make sure no one was around. The snow, the cold sparking snow reminded him of Canada.  Even though he didn’t want to admit it, his missed home.  He felt out of place here.

On countless occasions he told himself that he didn’t belong here.  That this wasn’t the place for him.  But his heart wouldn’t just let the dream in his mind go free. He wanted to sing and be an entertainer.  It was what he strived for.  The reason he was here.  All to fulfill a dream that may or may not come true.

Henry grabbed his messenger bag before heading out to train.  While he walked through the cold streets he started to encourage himself mentally.  I can do it, I will work hard. He kept on telling himself that.  Suddenly a pair of arms grabbed him from behind.  “Henry!” Ryewook shouted holding Henry who squirmed free.  Ryeowook pouted lightly and waved his hands childishly in front of Henry’s face.  “What?” Henry asked confused. “Nothing I’m just greeting you.” Ryeowook said smiling as they waited at the bus stop.

“I thought I would be late today, thank goodness.” Ryeowook commented when he spotted the bus and pointed. “Why are you so happy?” Henry asked a bit annoyed.  “What’s wrong with being happy? I should smile while I can because as you grow old there are fewer reasons to smile.” He said getting into the bus.  “Hurry up!” Ryeowook said jumping up and down while Henry took his sweet time to get on the bus.  He scanned his bus card and took a seat. Of course he avoided Ryeowook’s eyes as he took the seat opposite to Ryeowook who looked hurt by his actions. Eventually, Ryeowook did sit next to him and looked out the window.

Henry had always felt odd around Ryeowook.  He felt as if the all the world’s happiness had been fit into the small frame of the male he could almost call a friend. Ryeowook was older than him but acted younger.  Henry always would go to the studio with Ryeowook who excelled at singing while Henry excelled at dancing and playing instruments.  He was a fair singer but not much compared to Ryeowook.  Again, Henry found himself amazed by Ryeowook who completely changed when he started singing.  The happy ‘childlike hyung’ turned serious and looked like the gentlest person in the world.

Henry looked at Ryeowook who stared out the window with a grin on his face.  “Henry! It’s snowing!” Ryeowook pointed out before becoming quiet again.  Henry just nodded.

How much longer must I gaze at you alone?
This meaningless love
This miserable love
Must I continue for you to love me?

 “Henry! You’re burning up! How come you didn’t tell me you were sick?” Ryeowook asked while Henry stirred in his bed.  “How did you get inside?” Henry asked groaning and sitting up.  “Simple, I used the spare key you hide under the mat.” Ryeowook answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world that Henry had his spare key under the mat.  Henry was too sick to even try to find out how Ryeowook knew where he put his keys.

“Your trainer told me you were sick so I made porridge for you. C’mon sit up properly.” Ryeowook said running out of Henry’s room and into the kitchen where he had left the warm thermos.  He emptied it out into a bowl and grabbed a spoon.  In the meantime, Henry sat up and fixed his pillow.  His insides felt like they had been chopped by a knife.  Everything seemed to hurt.  Ryeowook entered dragging a chair with him and placing it next to Henry’s bed.

Henry gave Ryeowook a look when he tried to feed him. “I can do it on my own!” Henry said acting stubborn. “Please keep quiet.  It’s between guys nothing wrong with that! Plus your sick and you’ll waste energy attempting to feed yourself.” Ryeowook said and stubbornly brought the spoon up to Henry’s lips.  Henry gave in eventually and let Ryeowook feed him.  He didn’t want to admit it but the sight of Ryeowook was giving him a funny feeling.  He felt all warm in his cheeks and Ryeowook’s porridge seemed like it was a pain killer healing him instantly.

All Henry could do was stare.  He ate quietly and let Ryeowook heal him. Ryeowook came to his house almost everyday and made him food.  He made sure Henry took his medicine and ate his meals on time.  He even stayed until midnight at times to make sure Henry was asleep.

Eventually Henry got better and Ryeowook became his happy self again with the same routine. But Henry was starting to open up.  He was starting to realize what he was feeling.  He was starting to realize where his heart was. He started to laugh again, started to care.  He would smile more often but he only did such things in the presence of Ryeowook who was oblivious to Henry’s attraction.

That man’s personality it very shy
So he learnt how to laugh
That man’s heart has many secrets that he can’t even tell to his closest friends
That man’s heart is filled with scars

“Henry! Remember when we first met?” Ryeowook asked suddenly as the two stared out into the distance. How could I forget? Henry thought to himself smiling.  The two were going to debut in the same group.  Finally was his dream coming true but all he could think about was Ryeowook.  Again Ryeowook repeated his question nudging Henry’s shoulder.  “I don’t remember…” Henry said smiling to tease Ryeowook. 

“I do.  I saw you walking alone, sitting alone, and practicing alone.  I guess you can say I felt bad for your pitiful soul but then I saw you looking out your window one day smiling. It was such a nice smile and I was curious as to why you kept it hidden so I randomly started to appear in front of you. I followed you everywhere even when you didn’t want me around.” Ryeowook said looking at Henry to see a reaction.

Henry just smiled and nodded. Ryeowook leaned against the railing looking out into the snow.  A year had passed and everything had seemed to change.  To think the winter last year Henry a complete stranger and now there he stood as Ryeowook’s closest friend. Ryeowook slowly wrapped his around Henry’s waist hugging him.  Henry stared at his before hugging the smaller male back.  His heart was beating rapidly.  Was this really happening? Was this reality?

He started to question it.  The two stayed like that for a couple of minutes before pulling away.  “Henry…” Ryeowook called out and Henry turned his way.  “There’s something I’ve really wanted to tell you…” Ryeowook said smiling nervously.  “For the past year I’ve started to feel like…ummm…I’m not sure how to say…” Ryeowook played around with his fingers looking more childish than ever. “Never mind…its nothing.” Ryeowook said turning back.

“Ryeowook wait!” Henry said grabbing the shorter male’s wrist.  “I’m not someone who can express what I mean with words, so this is really something really hard for me to say.  I don’t even have the confidence to say it without-” Henry suddenly was cut off by a pair of lips on his.  He wide eyed before he closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet taste of Ryeowook’s mouth.  He pulled Ryeowook closer, who was on his toes because of Henry’s height.

Henry felt his heart flutter.  He felt all fuzzy inside and could feel his face reddening. Ryeowook pulled away with a smile.  “Why did it take you so long?” Ryeowook pouted before attempting to pinch Henry’s cheeks who grabbed his wrists in defense.  “I didn’t know…why didn’t you say anything?” Henry replied.  “Because I was waiting for you…” Ryeowook answered innocently.  Henry grinned feeling happiness overwhelm him and pulled Ryeowook into a big bear hug squeezing the life out of the petite male.

Just come a little closer…a little more…
If I take one step closer to you
You run away with both feet
I who loves you even now is by your side
That man is me…

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diprik #1
Chapter 1: my favorite otp, I love Henwook and this is adorable.
EveDay #2
Chapter 1: the font size is too small but it's nice though

I actually think I'm dying from happiness right now. There is nothing cuter than Henwook. Nothing.
Omg this is so adorable! I was listening to the song while reading this... <3 Aww and it helped with the mood xD Henwook is always awesome.
sosososososo cute <3 i love HenWook but so few people ever write it :(
HenWook, <3
Awww..<br />
HenWook is so sweet!!~ ♥
CupcakeChoi93 #8
"Ryeowook pouted before attempting to pinch Henry’s cheeks who grabbed his wrists in defense" My friend does this to me!! <br />
<br />
This is so sweet :) I love Henry haha <br />
Awesome fic.
sweet. really loved it