Not an update. ):

Adventures with Zhou Mi.

So I have this long story on why I didn't update, but I'll make it short and sweet.

My computer died. (... and I was on vacation for three weeks...) But it's gone, forever.  I'm working on getting the files and things transfered to my brand new laptop. :) In the mean time, I'm writing the next chapter based off of what I wrote previously, so it will proabably be up tomorrow, or Friday.

I'm sorry that it took me so long, but computers can be a pain. ): Thank you all for sticking around with me! And see you soon!

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hi. i at updating, i think you all know that by now, but i'm currently working on the longest chapter of my life to make up for it.


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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 28: This is such a good fic! I hope you continue it!
next next next please!!! ^__________^ i really love ur fic <3
awww this fic is cute! alskdjfhg ;A; author you're cute too! >.<
PS i share your sentiment okay :) xoxo
ilovepicture #5
black ocean? when did they do that to our lovely mimi?

i really love your story!

but i'm feeling really sad. finally, i get to see superjunior at supershow 4 in paris, (france isn't even the country i live in!) and then, someone told me henry and zhoumi wouldn't be coming! aaah, it's making me cry... zhoumi is my 2nd bias and 3rd is henry! does anyone knows if this is true btw? i really want to know if it's true... i don't hope so, mimi and mochi should be there too!!!

please update soon!
fighting unnie!
xxx ilovepicture
p.s. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS STORY!!! i was crying when i read the thing she wrote when she had left, and even more when she met zhoumi again! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS AWESOME FIC!!
They /do/ like to scream o____o