Miss Chic

Adventures with Zhou Mi.

     I’m not going to deny that Zhou Mi and I didn’t get closer after that.  We still bickered constantly.  He still got on my nerves constantly, but I learned to ignore most of what he said. I also learned that he was the most annoying person on the earth.

     “You are the most annoying person I’ve ever met in my life.” I said to Zhou Mi who was singing off key and loudly.

     “You know you love me.” He smiled.

     “You know I rather die than say that.” I said stretching out my legs. Today was the day we would be choreographing his solo for Super Show 3. “You have some long legs my friend.” I said as I stood up next to him and looked into the mirror.

     “Thanks doll face.” He said turning his head towards me with a smile. The door to the practice room opened and the backup dancers fell in.

     “Now don’t be a pain in the and just listen to me okay?” I said turning to the dancers. “Hello, I’m Nana, Super Junior’s choreographer.” I said with a smile.  “Today we will be learning the dance for Zhou Mi here’s performance for Super Show 3.”

     We finished the choreography for his song “Miss Chic” without any problems, and surprisingly no bickering from the both of us.


     Now the day of his solo performance one of the female dancers decides to break her ankle. And guess who the only other female who knew the dance was? Me of course. I really didn’t mind until Henry said something along the lines of ‘Get it Mimi.’ When he saw what I would have to wear on stage. Only Mochi would make things awkward.

     “Henry, do you have to make everything awkward?” I said to him through the bathroom door as I was getting changed.

     “Of course I do. You know I only do it to you.” He said while I was assuming he was stuffing his face with chips.

     “And I appreciate it so much.” I mumbled pulling on the stupid tight I had to wear.

     “Please, any other girl in the world would die to have Henry Lau as their best friend.”

     “Do you honestly think I’m like any other girl in the world?” I said zipping up the white sweatshirt and opening the door.

     “Damn shawty got a donk.” He said as I walked over to the couch he was sitting on.

     “Pretty sure that’s illegal.” I said as I grabbed the shoes I was going to be wearing.

     “Not if you enjoy it.” He said raising his eyebrows. That earned him a smack with the sneaker I was about to put on my foot. “When do you become legal anyways?”

     “Next week.”

     “Oh really? I’m going to plan you a party if you don’t mind. It’s going to be amazing; you’re going to love it.” He said stuffing more chips into his mouth.

     “You’re going to get sick if you eat all those now."

    “Good, I’ll make sure to turn to you if I do.” How is he my best friend again?

    “Well, wish me luck. Time to go and not mess up. Do you know how embarrassing it would be to mess up my own dance?” I said with my mouth wide open.

    “Just don’t look at Zhou Mi’s long legs and and you’ll be fine.”

     “I’m ignoring and leaving.”


     The song started and I watched Zhou Mi and the other back up dancers complete the first part of the dance perfectly. I saw the two other girls that were in the dance gather around me and we all ran onto stage at the right time.  We all were almost perfectly in sync with the music throughout the entire thing.  Until I looked at Zhou Mi’s long legs, damn you Henry for putting that into my head.

hi yall! how have you been? lol. anyways I'M GOING TO SEE JYJ. I might die. I'm so excited.

new chapter proabably on thursday because that's when spring break starts for me. (:

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hi. i at updating, i think you all know that by now, but i'm currently working on the longest chapter of my life to make up for it.


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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 28: This is such a good fic! I hope you continue it!
next next next please!!! ^__________^ i really love ur fic <3
awww this fic is cute! alskdjfhg ;A; author you're cute too! >.<
PS i share your sentiment okay :) xoxo
ilovepicture #5
black ocean? when did they do that to our lovely mimi?

i really love your story!

but i'm feeling really sad. finally, i get to see superjunior at supershow 4 in paris, (france isn't even the country i live in!) and then, someone told me henry and zhoumi wouldn't be coming! aaah, it's making me cry... zhoumi is my 2nd bias and 3rd is henry! does anyone knows if this is true btw? i really want to know if it's true... i don't hope so, mimi and mochi should be there too!!!

please update soon!
fighting unnie!
xxx ilovepicture
p.s. I ABSOLUTELY ADORE THIS STORY!!! i was crying when i read the thing she wrote when she had left, and even more when she met zhoumi again! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS AWESOME FIC!!
They /do/ like to scream o____o