A Blessing

When It Rains... It Pours


It was raining so hard that day. I was planning to go out and have a stroll in the park because I’m totally bored and alone in our apartment.  I’m living with my younger brother, Tao. He’s in a wushu training camp at the moment and he’ll be going home the day after tomorrow.

I my television and checked the weather news to know how long this bad weather will last. The reporter said that the heavy rain will last until tomorrow. Great. What should I do with my life now? It’s okay for me to stay in our unit the whole day but if I’m with Tao. Now I’m missing my baby brother.

As soon as I thought of my baby brother, my phone vibrated saying that I received a message. I checked it and I’m happy that it was from Tao. Smile started forming on my face while reading his message.

1 new message


“Jie jie, I heard that the bad weather will last until tomorrow. Take care okay? Don’t catch a cold!! Don’t worry about me. I’m okay and doing fine here in our training camp. Let’s eat noodles together when I get home. Wo Ai Ni!”

“This kid. Of course I’m okay. I miss you. Jie jie needs you T_T.” I replied.

We’ve been staying here in Korea for almost 2 years. Our parents decided to send us in Korea for schooling and also because of Tao’s wushu tournaments. I suddenly missed China and our parents. I blame the gloomy weather. It just aggravates the home sickness I’m feeling right now.

I stood up and headed to our kitchen to make some hot chocolate. Hot chocolate perfectly suits this kind of weather. Actually, I really hate raining and the rain because it suddenly makes me feel down and sad. After making the hot chocolate, I went back to our living room and started scanning the channels in our television. Gladly, my favorite Korean drama was airing at that time. Thank goodness, I will not die of boredom tonight.

The best part of the drama was coming until I heard someone pressing our doorbell. I ignored it at first but that someone continued pressing the doorbell continuously making me annoyed.

“It’s late already and who the hell keeps on pressing the doorbell?” I thought.

I quickly stood up and immediately went to our door to open it. I was shocked when I opened the door. A familiar man standing in front of me, wet, his clothes heavily soaked due to heavy rain and water dripping from his hair going down to his face.

“Yixing?” I said with a surprised expression. “What happened to you?”  I continued.

He tried his best to smile but he’s shivering. I could see his lips trembling while answering my query.

 “I can’t go home because I can’t ride any taxi or bus tonight.”

“Get inside; it’s bad if you catch cold.” I said and grabbed his hands pulling him inside our unit.

He totally looks so weak and tired. How long was he been waiting for a bus or taxi? Hopefully he won’t get sick. I rushed towards our bathroom to get a towel so that he could dry up himself.

“Here. Dry yourself first. I’ll just go again to the bath room to heat water so you could take a bath.”

“Thanks. Is Tao not around?” He asked as he started drying up his hair.

“He’s in a training camp right now. Didn’t he say it to you?” He shook his head.

“Maybe he just forgot to say it to you.”  I answered and left him while he continued wiping himself.

Yixing is Tao’s best friend. He’s also from China but he’s from Changsha. He’s known to be “Changsha’s prince.” He’s smart, good looking, kind and talented. He might be 2 years older than Tao but their attitudes jive well with each other. When they’re together they cause chaos giving me headaches at the end of the day. But one thing’s for sure. I’m in love with him. I’m in love with Zhang Yixing. It’s okay if he just treats me as a sister or a close friend.

“Umm… where should I put the towel?” Yixing suddenly appeared out of nowhere making me startled.

“Are you okay? You look nervous.” He added. 

“Yes! I’m okay. Don’t scare me like that.” I grabbed the towel from his hands and went out to the bath room so that he could take a bath.

“Take a bath now. I’ll go to the kitchen to cook soup.” I answered. He laughed.

“Why are you laughing? There’s nothing funny.”

He stopped laughing and looked at me. He smiled showing his dimples and ruffled my hair.

“Thank you.” He whispered. I instantly felt my cheeks burning. I smiled back and quickly went to the kitchen.

My heart is racing and my cheeks are still burning. He just smiled and thanked me. I think I’m head over heels in love with him. Damn. Why should this happen? Why?

After I finished cooking his soup, I stayed in the kitchen and waited for him. I was still not in my usual self. I think my usual self will return tomorrow, just like the weather.

“Boo!” He hissed in my ear making me startled again.

“WHATTTT?!” I shouted and slapped his shoulders.

“It hurts!” He whined.

“Sorry! I said stop scaring me. Do you want me to die early?” I answered. I glared at him but he just laughed.

“Are you even wearing Tao’s shirt and shorts?”

“Yup! Don’t worry he won’t get mad.”

“Fine. Here eat your soup while it’s still hot.” I answered changing the topic.

I continued observing him while he finished his soup. He’s so cute. He’s like a child happily eating the homemade soup made by his mother.

“You could go back to the living room. I’ll be the one to wash this.”

“Are you sure?” He nodded.

“Okay. I’ll just wait you there.”

I left him in the kitchen and waited for him in the living room. It’s past 12 midnight but I’m not yet sleepy. I the television again and scanned the channels to look for interesting shows. I found none. I turned it off and comfortably sat down on the couch.  After few minutes, Yixing went to the living room and sat down beside me. Awkward silence covered the whole room until he started talking.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked.

“Maybe I’m just feeling down because of the weather.” He chuckled.

“Why are you laughing again? This kid.”

“I’m not jie jie.”

“Jie jie? Why are you calling me jie jie?”

“You called me a kid! You’re now treating me like Tao.” He naughtily smiled as he placed his head on my lap.

“May I?”He looked up to me. I just nodded as an answer.

I started his hair gently with my fingers. It’s automatic for me to do this when someone places his/her head on my lap. He looks like an angel while I was his hair. His hair is so soft and I could still smell the sweet scent of the shampoo he used earlier.

“You know… I want to say something to you.” He shyly said.

“What is it?”  I seriously asked.

He got up slowly from my lap and whispered three words softly in my ears.

“Wo Ai Ni.”

Those three words. It made my heart stopped beating for a while. Am I dreaming or is this a joke?

“Zhang Yixing… You’re joking right?”

“No I’m not!” He cutely said and beamed a wide smile.

“I’ve always loved you and I got Tao’s approval.” He continued as his smile got wider showing his dimples.

I just looked at him blankly. I don’t know what to answer.

“Tao said you always liked me. He’s not joking right?” He frowned.

“AHHH. That kid. He’s dead when he gets home!!” I could feel my cheeks burning again. I covered it with my hands so that Yixing won’t see it.

“So he’s really joking. This is so embarrassing.” Yixing started sulking as he moved away slowly from me.

“No! Tao’s not joking… I also feel the same way for you.” I shyly answered, trying my best to avoid his eye contact.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. Our faces barely a foot away from each other. I could feel his warm breath touch my skin sending tingling sensations all over my body.

“Wo Ai Ni.” He repeated. 

I nodded and answered him. “Wo ye ai ni.”

He lifted my chin and looked at me straightly into my eyes. “Is it okay if I kiss you?” I smiled.

He gently pressed his soft lips against mine. I closed my eyes and kissed back. He deepened the kiss but it was a romantic yet passionate kiss. I never thought that this bad day would turn into a special one.

“Let’s continue this to your bedroom. We need a private time.” He smilingly said as his dimples showing up again.

We laughed as I led him towards my bedroom while his arms were still around my waist.

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Chapter 1: kill me...omg kill me...god yixing FERERFD$$$#$#@#%$%
Chapter 1: Lay,
kill me now -.-
Sujuxx #4
ohmygod how cuuuttteeeee ~
cute :)