Chapter Two: First Mission

[HIATUS] UnBreakable

"I'm sorry... I didn't catch that. We have to... SAVE six souls? What exactly do you mean, Lord?" Jungmi asked, dazed by their sudden task.

"Yeah! I mean, HOW do we do that? And we only have 90 days! This is so freaking--!" blurted Youngmi. God gave her a warning look. She cowered behind her sister. "...hard."

"Don't worry. You two won't be humans, but still angels. And your 90 days doesn't start until December 30th. But, I'll be sending you two down to Earth tomorrow. Do whatever it takes to get them into heaven. Their souls are just as important to me as yours. Here are their profiles. Make sure to study them well so that they can come to trust you." God handed the both of them one-inch-thick manila folders. Jungmi stared at the folder in her hands for a few seconds before opening the top flap to check out its contents.

She skimmed through the personality traits. She figured that she could study that later. She flipped through each photo, but stopped at a certain photo because it seemed so familiar to her.

Jung Daehyun had a bright smile that lit up his eyes in a way that made her heart pitter-patter unevenly. One could say that he was devilishly handsome, from the way his toffee-colored bangs hung over his forehead, to his plump lips, to the tip of his chin. It took her about a minute for her heartrate to slow down. What the heck? He's just a part of our first mission. Don't get your feelings involved in this, Jungmi!

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot. You're right, Jungmi, like you always are. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT get your feelings involved in this. You may love them, but I forbid you two to FALL in love with them. ANY of them. Got it?" God asked firmly while giving them pointed stares. Jungmi and Youngmi quickly nodded, not wanting to witness God's wrath on their first day in Heaven.

"Good. Now, study up tonight. You'll have access to Earth at exactly 8:00 in the morning tomorrow. Meet at the well. Good night, you two!" God smiled radiantly at them while gesturing toward the office door, which was their cue to leave. They bowed to him and made their way to their personal sleeping quarters.

(*Author's Note: The best thing about Heaven is that God has the best of the best of everything. That includes housing and much more. All of these places and things are in their true forms, which means they are all perfect. Not a single scratch or dent. Angels are perfect beings, so they have no need for perishable items. They don't get hungry, nor thirsty, nor tired. They are perfect. As for Jungmi and Youngmi, they are being sent back to Earth, but they'll still have angelic traits. They'll be able to eat human food, but they'll never die, since they're already dead. Does this make any sense? Sorry for the confusion.)

Youngmi was the first to step out of the office. A temperate breeze picked up around her, enveloping her in warmth. The sun was already beginning to set, making the sky blush pink and orange. Youngmi outstretched her arms and wiggled her fingers in the wind. She giggled as the air lifted her hair and tickled her face. Ah... this is paradise.

Jungmi stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her. Youngmi turned around to find her sister with her eyebrows knitted together. She chuckled and pressed the space between her sister's eyebrows with her pointer finger. Jungmi looked up, suprised.

"Eonni, what are you doing? You look troubled," Youngmi said with her head tilted to the side.

"Nothing. Just thinking about our mission, that's all. Don't you think it's a little weird that this mission was given to us? JUST to us? I mean, we aren't the best, nor the most experienced angels and WE have to take care of six souls. And all of them are boys! How are we NOT going to fall for them? This is insane..." Jungmi mumbled, half to herself and half to Youngmi. Youngmi smiled at her motherly sister.

"Sure, it's a little weird. But, for our first job as Guardian Angels, I'd say it's pretty adventurous! I can't wait to get started!"

"Don't get your hopes up, Youngmi. We aren't allowed to fall in love with them! God was adamant about this. Understand?" Jungmi said firmly with a glare at Youngmi. Youngmi pouted and crossed her arms cutely.

"Fine. I understand. But, flirting is okay, right?"

"I guess so, to an extent. But, I'll be watching you. Don't do anything stupid!"

"Arasso, arasso. Gosh, you act so much like an ahjumma."

Jungmi couldn't suppress her smile as she reached over to rub Youngmi's head affectionately.

"It's because I care, Younggie-ah."

They stopped in front of a large house that sat at the edge of a serene pond. Hanging from the roof of the house was a ten-foot-long banner that said, "Welcome Home Shim Jungmi & Youngmi!!!" Something seemed familiar about the house, but Jungmi couldn't pinpoint what it was. She was sure that this house wasn't the same house back on Earth. It was too perfect for that. There are no missing shingles. The chimney is still there. The porch steps aren't demolished. And this house is DEFinitely not burnt to the ground. This has GOT to be a different house!

"Isn't this...?" Youngmi asked while sharing a look with her sister. The house we died in...

"Nonsense. Let's go have a look! Kaja!" Jungmi held out her hand so that she could grasp hands with Youngmi. Swinging their arms, they boldly walked into the house and was pleasantly surprised.

Inside was the exact replica of the one on Earth, but it was more... perfect. It was all they had known it to be and more. Jungmi stared at the pictures lining the left wall. All the pictures were of the two of them and their parents when they were younger. There was the television, still in the same place, on the opposite wall of the fireplace. The kitchen's stone floor was unmaimed and the stove was still sterling silver, not burnt charcoal, which was the color in which Jungmi saw it last. Nothing was out of place. It was... impeccably flawless.

"I don't believe it... God knows...?" Youngmi breathed. She didn't realize that she just asked a ridiculous and childish question. But, she didn't care. How God knew that this was their most favorite place on Earth, as well as their death place, Youngmi had absolutely no idea. All she cared was about sleeping on the her bed that was sure to smell of lavender and feel like silk.

We're home.


"Aish, ppali, Younggie-ah! We're going to be late for our meeting with our parents at the airport!" Jungmi shouted up the stairs. She quickly untied the white apron she was wearing and swung it over the black marbled kitchen counter. She turned off the stove and left the boiling kimchi jjigae on the counter so that it could cool down.

"I'll be down in a minute, Eonni!" Youngmi's voice was muffled, as if she was in her closet. Jungmi rolled her eyes. She knew what that meant. It wouldn't be a minute, but an HOUR. She knew that she had to get Youngmi out of the closet soon, or else they would never get to their parents in time.

"Forget it! I'm coming up!" Jungmi said as she ascended the stairs.

"No! I'm not completely ready yet, Unni! You promised that you would give me as much time as possible to prepare for their arrival, remember?"

"I didn't say--"

"Yes, you did! Now, stay right in front of my door. I know that your hand is on the knob." Jungmi froze. Her hand was indeed on the knob. She felt a smile tug on her lips. Of course, her baby sister had a sixth sense about these sort of things. She could never get around her observant yeodongsaeng. She folded her arms, leaned on the wall beside Youngmi's bedroom door, and tapped her foot rhythmically.

"Stop it! I can hear you!" Youngmi shouted, closer to the door. The door suddenly swung open to reveal Youngmi in a bright yellow summer dress. She had matching yellow heels in her right hand and a matching yellow purse in her left. Gold shimmered softly on her arms, face, and hair. She looked exactly like an angel. Jungmi couldn't help, but smile at her pretty little sister.

"Yah, what's this for?" Jungmi asked bluntly while trying to hide her amusement. Youngmi frowned at her.

"This? It's for mom and dad! Who else?" As soon as she asked that, Youngmi's cheeks felt a little hot. She knew who Jungmi was thinking of.

"Who else? Hmm... maybe that Jongup boy from your school? He's not even in any of your classes, babo! Why are you still trying to impress him? So what if he's the ulzzang of your school?" Jungmi scoffed playfully. She always loved teasing her sister about her unrequitted crush on her high school's ulzzang. It was obvious that if the boy didn't notice Youngmi the first hundred outfits she tried using to attract his attention, then he wouldn't notice her in this one.

Jongup, or as Jungmi would call him, Jup, was really an oblivious boy. Oblivious to his looks, his talents, and to his admirers. Most of all, he was oblivious to Youngmi. Jungmi couldn't understand what her sister saw in him. She thought that his eyes were too small, his smile too big, and his personality too... 4th dimensional. Though, in all, Jungmi had to admit that the boy was attractive, enough to attract Youngmi, who happened to be the school's queenka and resident aegyo expert.

Not to mention, Jongup was also their next door neighbor.

Thinking about how much Youngmi obsessed about the dude-next-door brought a smirk to Jungmi's lips. Witnessing this, Youngmi whacked her on the arm with her purse and stormed down the steps. Jungmi whispered a small, "Ouch!" and descended down the stairs after her sister.

"Eonni, you're mean. I don't know how you attract the handsomest guys in your college. Are you mean to them like you're mean to me?" Youngmi pouted while she waited for her sister to come down. Jungmi chuckled for a minute.

"First of all, I'm not mean. Second, since when did I attract the handsomest guys in my college? I don't remember--"

"Hello! Byun Baekhyun? Park Chanyeol? Do Kyungsoo? You don't call them handsome? Or are you just blind?" huffed Youngmi. They were finally outside with the sun shining down on them and the wind swirling effortlessly around them. Their family car, or otherwise known as "the limo", was sitting next to the curb, patiently waiting for them to get in.

"Mwoh? Yah, you babo! They're my friends! Friends! Maybe you should make some so that you wouldn't be crabby all the time," joked Jungmi. Youngmi's frown deepened.

"It's not easy when I'm getting close to ten confessions every day..." Youngmi mumbled truthfully. Jungmi broke out into a braying sort of laughter.

"Don't worry, Youngmi. Friends aren't hard to make. I'm sure that one day, you'll be able to make one." Jungmi patted her sister's shoulder, mocking consolation, which earned her a glare. Youngmi jerked her shoulder away and pouted.

"Aish, you're mean. Twaesseo! I'm going in the car." Youngmi swung the door open and almost stumbled inside, for her heels got caught in a hole on the cement sidewalk. "Aish! So irritating!"

Before going inside herself, Jungmi felt eyes on her back. She looked up at Jongup's house and noticed that the blinds to his room shifted closed. She stared up at the window for a few more seconds, waiting for the culprit to reveal himself. Nothing happened. Jungmi shrugged her shoulders, thinking that it could've just been Jongup's pet cat. Jungmi got into the car and as it was speeding away, a pair of large dark brown eyes from Jongup's window followed it towards Incheon Airport.


Several months later, it was the day after Christmas. The Shim Household was brightly lit and expelled a warm glow against the cold night. The winter wind battered the house, but its residents paid no mind to the noises and frigid temperature.

"Kids, your father and I are going out tonight!" Jungmi's mother, Shim Jungah, called out from the front door. Youngmi rushed down.

"Eomma~! You two just got home! Why are you leaving now?" Youngmi said with a pout. Her mother smiled a radiant smile and pinched her cheek.

"Aigoo, my yeppeun Youngmi. We have a meeting with work friends, so we can't be home tonight. The rest of the kimchi jjigae that your sister made should be enough for the two of you. Jungmi, come say goodbye to me and your father!"

Jungmi, who was in her room at that moment, gave a sigh. She didn't want to say goodbye to her father. They've been on awkward terms since she discovered his secret. And she sure as hell didn't want to see his face, the same superior look he always had while with their mother, his wife. As if the secret didn't matter all too much. As if cheating on your wife, in ANY form, was acceptable. What made it worse was that no one knew about it except her and her father. Not even her mother knew about it.

Jungmi hated anything to do with interacting with him and she really didn't give a crap about saying goodbye to her father. But, she knew that if she didn't, her mother would give her hell for it later that night.

Jungmi rose from her bed and swung open her door with greater force than she had planned. The door ended up slamming into the wall, creating a loud bang that shook the entire house. She figured that she might as well keep her act up and stomp down the stairs. When she got to the bottom of the stairs, she wasn't surprised to see her slightly irritated father crossing his arms with a huge frown on his face. Frankly, she didn't care.

"Goodbye," Jungmi said in a monotone voice. Her father narrowed his eyes at her. Jungmi glared at him, not willing to break under his hard stare. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it when Jungmi took her eyes off of his and walked over to her sister.

"Good night, girls. I hope you have a great night and don't stay up too late," chorused their mother. Jungmi gave a quick wave and Youngmi smiled lovingly as their parents walked out the door. Their father shot one last look, almost apologetic, at Jungmi before closing the front door with a soft click.

Jungmi let out an exasperated sigh. Youngmi took a quick glance at her sister and noticed how stressed she appeared. She reached out to touch her shoulder. Jungmi's reaction was too big as she leaped a few feet backwards. Her chest heaved from breathing heavily. Youngmi raised an eyebrow.

"Unni, gwaenchanhayo?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I was just... thinking."

"What is up with you and dad? You haven't spoken to him for about two months," Youngmi said while eyeing her sister suspiciously.

"Nothing is up with us! Quit asking, alright?!" snapped Jungmi, a little too harshly. Youngmi had to take a step back from Jungmi's sudden flash of anger.

"Hey, I'm just asking, Eonni. You don't need to get defensive..." Youngmi huffed. Jungmi softened her heart a bit.

"I'm sorry, Younggie-ah. Just don't mention dad to me ever again. He just gets on my nerves, that's all. I'm gonna go take a nap. See you at six for dinner."

With that, Jungmi trudged back up the stairs to go into her room. Youngmi stood there for a while, trying to decipher her sister's words and actions. She shrugged and went up to her own room to take a nap as well.


Jungmi tossed and turned in her slumber. Something was bothering her and she didn't know what it was. Her room was steadily getting warmer and warmer, to the point where she had to kick off her blanket. The strange thing was that winter had just began. There was no reason for her room to be getting hot, especially when she didn't have a heater.

She popped open her eyes. Then, she heard it. The crackle and pop of a fire. I'm sure that I didn't light up the fireplace... What is making that noise???

With all of her senses alert, Jungmi shot out of bed and flung her door open. Smoke suffused her lungs in full force, forcing her to cough violently. Her heart accelerated, knowing that Youngmi wasn't awake, yet. She sprinted to the end of the hall, where sister's room was located. She tried to open the door, but found it locked.

"Youngmi!!! Open this door! Wake up! Hurry!" Jungmi screamed. She was scared. More for her sister than herself. Jungmi shrieked when the floor under her shifted abruptly, causing her to lose her footing. She quickly scrambled closer to her sister's door and banged her fist on it. She heard pounding of feet, then the door opened. Youngmi peered up at Jungmi with half asleep eyes.

"What do you w--?" croaked Youngmi before Jungmi grabbed her wrist and stared running in the general direction of the stairs. She could feel the ground cave under their combined weight. Her eyes shifted in and out of focus as constricted from the lack of oxygen in the atmosphere.

Jungmi reached the stairs in time, but Youngmi did not. The ground gave way right when Jungmi got to the stairs, sending Youngmi hurtling downwards.

Jungmi had a good grip on her sister's arm, but still fell from the weight. Jungmi scratched her arms on a jagged edge of the remaining part of the ground as Youngmi clutched her hands tightly.

"Eonni! My feet are close to those flames! I'm so scared!" Youngmi shouted in a shaky voice. Jungmi grunted in pain. The sharp wooden edge was slowly digging into her skin. She didn't like that feeling and she was sure that it had already pierced through.

"Just calm down, Younggie-ah. We'll get through this!" Jungmi said in a voice that was desperate for clean air. She could feel an asthma attack coming, but she ignored it. She only cared about saving her sister from plummeting to death into the flames below her.

Somewhere close to her own ankles, Jungmi could feel flames her skin. She yelped in pain. She looked back and confirmed her suspicions. No, I mustn't give up just because I'm getting burnt! My sister needs my help!

Youngmi's palms were beginning to sweat. Jungmi could barely hold on any longer, but she was determined to save her sister. Her own skin began to sizzle from the heat and it was the worst sensation ever. Jungmi bit her lip. She HAD to endure it. She HAD to make sure that her sister made it out of there alive. At least ONE of them had to live!

"Younggie, I'm going to pull you up! Come on, work with me!" Jungmi barked, her voice already hoarse from the smoke.

"Okay, I'll try!" Youngmi replied. She gritted her teeth and tried to swing her legs.

Wrong move.

From the momentum of the swing, Youngmi's weight, and finally, Youngmi's sweaty palms, Jungmi couldn't hold it any longer. She lost her grip on her baby sister, who fell into the enflamed living room.



*****Hey, all! I'm so sorry for not updating. All of a sudden, school stuff just happened... But, I'll try to do my best in updating! Please leave a comment on the bottom. Constructive criticisms are also welcome. Thank you! I appreciate it! :)*****

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There has been a triple update! Start reading from Chapter 15! 8.18.15, 1:51 am


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Chapter 17: jungmi aaaaaa.... what happen witchu?
pigzcanfly #2
Chapter 3: whaa jongup is a nice guy... to be honest i think he's my favorite in bap because he seems really nice in an otherworldly way.
daehyun's kind of strange, like he's trying to be a cold guy, but he's nice to jongup, so that's good.
portrayal of characters is excellent, expecting great things!
keep it up!
Chapter 14: Knowing that Hyosung has a gentle and kind aura from Youngmi's gift eases me because I like it when characters who come off as antagonistic have a deeper layer than just being a b.itchy person. Plus I also like the real Hyosung and think she's the sweetest with a beautiful gummy smile. I was hoping we would get more on her in this chapter, but I will look forward to it in your future updates.

What I didn't like was Jungmi and Youngmi's reaction to her staying. I get it, they don't like her. Part of it has to do with the way Hyosung was disrespectful to them on their first meeting and how she was quick to blame Jungmi for Daehyun's injury (which I'm not quite sure how Hyosung is able to fix - is she EMT certified or something?) and part of it is jealousy of her being so familiar with the boys, but it is after all B.A.P's home that they are staying at and it is ultimately them who decides who can and cannot stay in their home. Jungmi came off kind of, I don't know how to describe it, but sort of snooty and ungrateful for barging out of the discussion without hearing the reasoning behind Hyosung's stay.

It's my hope that the three girls eventually become good friends because, well girl power, and I like seeing "enemies" join forces and become friends, but I know that can't always happen and I'm sure you have a plan of action already regarding the relationship between Hyosung and the sisters, so I'll patiently wait to see how the story unfolds :) (Also anticipating the mission progressing ^_^ )
Chapter 14: what???! yongguk jinja..... huaaaa long time no update then... :(
Aww I really enjoyed this.
Chapter 13: So I guess they didn't get the hanboks for New Years in the end after all that drama. But what were Jongup and Youngmi doing up so early at 6 AM? And whoa, Jongup has such a scary side to him when it comes to his parents. I guess he's in the anger stage of grief. And then Yongguk giving him that ultimatum...well considering that it is Jongup's house, telling him to get over it or leave doesn't sound right to me, but at least that got him to realize how his behavior was affecting everyone (though I completely understand from Jongup's POV on why he was acting that way).

I'm curious as to who this Noona is and wow what a cliffhanger. Will Jungmi confess to Daehyun that she can read his thoughts? That's really going to make him wary around her.
Chapter 13: Woa... finally its updated... The last part, I wanna read the next chap soon, Wondering what will jungmi say. Kyaaaa
Chapter 13: I'll be waiting for you Authornim... Fighting!!!
Smilone #9
Chapter 13: We will definitely be waiting. Please take all the time you need and good luck in everything you do =)