Chapter 13

A promise to keep

“Hyung! Here!,” shouted Junsu when he said Jaejoong and Heejin walking into the restaurant.

Jaejoong looked over and saw Junsu and Jaehi sitting cosily at the corner of the restaurant, already sipping wine.

“Hey! You guys started without us!,” exclaimed Heejin. “No fair..” unconsciously proceeding to take a seat beside Junsu, leaving Jaejoong to seat beside Jaehi.

 “You guys were taking too long. What have you guys been doing huh?” teased Jaehi, wiggling her eyebrows at Heejin.

“Eh..aniya...” replied Heejin, “We were stuck in traffic.” “If only something DID happen..” thought Heejin.

“Hyung! Are you helping Jae Jae move in tomorrow? It’ll be fun!” shrieked Junsu, obviously excited to be of help.

“Actually Su-oppa, I can well handle it on my own, I’ve even movers to help me. No biggie really,” said Jaehi.

“We’ll be glad to help Jaehi. What are friends for?” Jaejoong turned to Jaehi and smiled.

He was glad he got to sit beside Jaehi. Usually whenever they meet, he’ll be seated furthest to her or she’ll be very engaged talking to the person next to her. Not that she has any thoughts of talking to him seeing how they always end up bickering, if they ever. Now that they’re friends, Jaejoong would like to make it up to her and show that he can be as good a friend as Junsu and Yoochun. Maybe she’ll even call him oppa too.

“Ahh nehh..” Jaehi replied.

Dinner went pretty well. Between Junsu’s endless animated chatter and Heejin’s loud laughter, the dinner table is not shy of conversation. Jaejoong’s interest in actually participating in their conversation is also not missed by his brother. “Hyung’s being weird,” he thought.

Jaehi could not help but listen attentively and thought, “No wonder Jinnie loves hanging out with them. Even Jaejoong is not half as bad as I initially thought he is,” enjoying the conversation.

4 bottles of wine and a couple of shots later, Jaehi said, “Right guys, I’m turning in early. Tomorrow’s the D-day for me~” Attempting to stand, she nearly toppled the glass over, only to be caught by Junsu. “Aigoooo~silly me, “ giggled Jaehi sitting back down.

Heejin, beign in the same state as Jaehi, giggled too. “Jae Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaae!~ Clumsy...”

Looking at the 2 girls and the amount of empty bottles and glasses on the table, Junsu exclaimed, “Hyung, I didn’t realise I we had THIS many to drink. No wonder Heejin started slurring like an hour ago. And Jae Jae!” looking at Jaehi, he continued, “stop trying to get up!”

Jaejoong took hold of Jaehi when she was attempting to balance on her feet. “Pee! Need. To. Pee!” said Jaehi, scrimping her face.

“Su-yah, get the bill and send Jinnie home, I’ll take care of Jaehi,” said Jaejoong, already signalling on of the female staff to accompany Jaehi to the ladies.

“But hyung....”whined Junsu. Obviously being ignored by Jaejoong’s retreating figure. “Why can’t I take care of Jaehi instead? Aish!”

Looking at Heejin’s sleeping figure, he nudged her off the table. “Jinnie-ah, Kaja, Let’s go home.”

“Nehh, Jae-oppa~ you’re the bessssssssssssst!!!” slurred Jinnie, getting up. Real slow. Staring at her, surprised, Junsu repeated, “Jae-oppa? Yah! I’m angel Junsu! Sheesh! There’s only Hyung in her eyes now, isn’t it?”

Resigned, he paid the bills and got the staff to get a designated driver to drive the home. “Only Jae hyung?,” Junsu thought, remembering his last words.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong is waiting with Jaehi’s bag on his arms. Wobbling out of the ladies with the assistance of the staff, Jaehi was holding to her aching head. “Aish! How much did I drink?” she whispered, more to herself than the staff.

The staff just smiled and accompanied her back to Jaejoong. She said, “here you go sir, your girlfriend nearly fell into the toilet seat but it’s all good now.”

Just as he was about to correct the staff, Jaejoong stopped himself and just replied instead, “Thanks for taking care of her for me.”

Jaehi, in the midst of her throbbing headache nearly rebutted but thought better and decided to leave it for another day. As they were being driven back, Jaehi leaned back and close her eyes, hoping the throbbing will go away. It feels as if a group of teenagers are partying to psytrance in her head. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! A few minutes later, she fell asleep trying.

Meanwhile, Jaejoong was daydreaming. His thoughts back at the scene where Jaehi was laughing at Junsu’s jokes and holding his arms to stable herself. “Jaehi, Hee. She’s cute,” he thought, smiling to himself. It was only when the driver asked him where to go that he realised that he didn’t know where she lived. 

“Jaehi..” he said. Just as he turned to Jaehi, her head, dropped onto his shoulders. She fidgeted, trying to be comfortable. Then hugged his arms. Jaejoong froze. “Ottoke?”

“Maybe I shouldn’t wake her up..” he thought again, blushing while staring at her sleeping figure.

“Sir..?” asked the driver, interrupting his thoughts.

“Um..” Jaejoong began. “Should I send her back to the Parks? Ani ani, they already have their hands full with Heejin. Besides, what would they think having bout their daughters brought back drunk?” He thought again.

“Aish..ajusshi, to Sodaemun please.”


Well......since I've not been updating much the past week and before I've decide to do another update before the weekends!

Thanks for the comments and I do hope I hear more from the rest of the subscribers? :D

Anywhoo..enjoy chinggus!

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lazycharms #1
Is there ever going to be an update of this?!~~~~!!!! i want to know what the heck happens between them!~
6002sn #2
Updatw pleasssssssssse
sn6002 #3
Please update...i've been waiting so long
Chapter 15: Dang it! I don't remember what chap I'm on
Crystalbone #5
Chapter 42: Haha, Jaejoong :D
Chapter 42: uaahahahahahaha,,,that must be jae joong,,
aigoo,,,jaehi ah,,just admit ur relationship with jaejoong oppa dear,,,u will save after that..hahaha
thanks for the update honey^^
Chapter 42: Is that Jaejoong who shouted? Why are they all rooting for Yunho? Why can't JaeHi be back with Jaejoong? will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
jaejay #8
Chapter 42: but update soon please!!! :(
jaejay #9
Chapter 42: any one could say that it is Jaejoong!!!! HA HA HA... :D please jaehi.. go back to jae... thats where you belong!!!!