Chapter 11

A promise to keep

Heejin was reviewing the reports given by Secretary Go when her phone beeped. Seeing the sender’s name got her smiling. But her smile turned upside down just after she read its content.

“Jin-nie, something happened and I couldn’t have dinner with Jaehi. Could you tell her I’m sorry for everything for me? I don’t have her number. Thanks dongseng-ah!”

Heejin frowned. 2 phrases caught her attention. Sorry for everything and dongseng. “What happened? It’s only 4 hours since. When I left them, they still seemed..pretty okay,” she thought. “and what’s with calling me his dongseng? Does he not feel the same way as I do? I don’t want to be his kid sister..” she frowned further, if it is even possible.

“Maybe I should try to call Jae Jae to see if she’s okay. Dang, she’s so gonna kill me..” tapping her fingers on the table as she pondered over the matter. Sighing she reassured to herself, “Oh well, better now than never. Here goes..”

Pressing the number 3 on her IPhone, she reactivated the speed dial for Jaehi. As soon as the the line was connected, the voice of the receiver was heard.

“Yah! Why’d you do that to me?! We’re not even close and you made us shopping buddies?! Jugulle?!” yelled Jaehi over the phone.

“Oh..yes. I’m indeed in trouble..” thought Heejin, smiling despite.

“I just thought it’ll be nice to have my 2 favourite people meet and be comfortable. Besides, you’re gonna work together. Won’t it be a nice start?” Heejin said, feigning ignorance.

“Nice start?! Nice start you say?! After quarrel with him in that shop just now, you expect us to be civilized and work hand in hand amicably now?” shouted Jaehi, obviously still fuming.

“Now now, Jae Jae. I’m sure you’re just being too insensitive over the whole issue just like how you always are..” said Heejin, attempting to calm Jaehi down, chuckling.

“Yah don’t..”Jaehi started again.

“Tell you what. Let’s meet at the coffee house at the corner of Myeongdong and we talk ok?” said Heejin quickly interrupting Jaehi,” I’m doneandI’llseeyousoon!”

“Park Heejin, don’t you..”shrieked Jaehi, only to realised that the line is already dead, ”dare put down on me.”

“Aish!” Jaehi said while ruffling her hair.

Sitting by the window of Holly Coffee, the two were seen deep in conversation over coffee. Well, one was animatedly telling a story with violent hand gestures while the other had an amusing gleam in her eyes quietly sitting and sipping her coffee.

“..and she just dragged Jaejoong out of the store. Of course, I see that as my cue to leave. After the whole fiesta, I don’t think dinner with him is even possible!” said Jaehi, huffing.

“So..let me get this straight. You guys are quarrelling over a pen?” asked Heejin calmly. Jaehi nodded vigorously. “A pen? You do know how silly that sounds right?” Heejin asked again, giggling now unable to contain her laughter.

“And are you sure you’re talking about the same Jae-oppa that I know? I don’t think he’s foolish enough to fight you over a silly pen!” exclaimed Heejin.

“Oh now you’re siding him?! You should see him Jin-nie aah. It’ annoying! As silly as it may seem now that I think about it, it’s still annoying of him..” said Jaehi, pouting.

“Ahh! You agreed that’s its silly? Hahahhaa..Aigoo Jae Jae, forget it already. See! He texted me to tell you that he’s sorry,” said Heejin while showing Jaehi Jaejoong’s text message.

Squinting her eyes, Jaehi replied, “See! He’s only nice to you. He’s so different with me. Aish! Fine!” said Jaehi, sighing. “Text him back that I’m sorry too.”

“Don’t you want to reply him yourself? I can give..” said Heejin but was interrupted by Jaehi’s stare.

“Yah arasso. You should really tame that temper of yours! Aigoo Jae Jae aah..hehehee..” said Heejin, smiling while looking down, replying Jaejoong’s text. “Ahh, who is the girl who interrupted you guys, you said just now?”

Looking up at Heejin, Jaehi replied absently while sipping her coffee, “Molla! I just knew that her name’s Hyoyeon and she’s wieeeeeeeeeeeerd...”

“Don’t tell me Jae-oppa already has a girlfriend?” pondered Heejin.

Meanwhile at a restaurant, a couple was quietly having dinner. Well, one was quiet while the other was busy chattering endlessly.

“Jae-oppa, who’s that girl just now? Why didn’t you properly introduce to me? What we’re you doing at the store? What..” asked Hyoyeon continuously without a breather, while cutting up her steak.

“Yah, one at a time Yeon-ah..” said Jaejoong while munching on his pasta. “She’s just a colleague. A friend of Heejin’s. Remember her?”

“Ah!! Yoochun-oppa’s pretty cousin! Neh! Are you going out with her then?” asked Hyoyeon.

“Aish this girl! Why is it that you kept assuming that I’m going out with every girl I’m friends with?” said Jaejoong frustratingly.

“Oh oppa! You have many girlfriends?! I’m gonna tell on you..~ hehehe” asked Hyoyeon playfully.

“Yah you! Sheesh..silly girl. Enough about me. Why are you back? I thought you have a year more before you graduate?” asked Jaejoong, trying to change the subject.

“Neh, its the holidays so I decided to come back instead of travelling. Maybe stay for a week or so before going back,” said Hyoyeon. “How’s susu-oppa and Chunnie-oppa?”

“They’re good. I just got him a pen to thank him for taking care of Jiji,” said Jaejoong as he showed his purchase.

“Aaaah! And is this why you’re quarrelling with the lady just now? Jae..something”Hyoyeon asked, trying to remember Jaehi’s name. “I can see the tension so thick that I feel like if I didn’t come and take you away, someone’s gonna kill someone. Hahahhaa..!” laughed Hyoyeon.

“Ani! I was thinking of apologising when you came..” replied Jaejoong. “Anyways..” and suddenly his phone beeped. It was Heejin.

“Jae-oppa! Jae Jae said sorry too. Don’t worry about it. See you soon!~”

Smiling, he replied, “See you soon. Komowo dongseng aah!”

Hyoyeon struggled to look at Jaejoong’s phone when she saw him smiling away. “Dugu ji?” she wondered.


Hi guys! Bianhe for the uber late update! I was held up with work. :(

*Bows 90 degrees* I hope you're anicipating this one! ^^

So it seems noone knew who Hyoyeon is, not even Heejin. I wonder why. Hehe

Hope you enjoy the update and do comment!!

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lazycharms #1
Is there ever going to be an update of this?!~~~~!!!! i want to know what the heck happens between them!~
6002sn #2
Updatw pleasssssssssse
sn6002 #3
Please update...i've been waiting so long
Chapter 15: Dang it! I don't remember what chap I'm on
Crystalbone #5
Chapter 42: Haha, Jaejoong :D
Chapter 42: uaahahahahahaha,,,that must be jae joong,,
aigoo,,,jaehi ah,,just admit ur relationship with jaejoong oppa dear,,,u will save after that..hahaha
thanks for the update honey^^
Chapter 42: Is that Jaejoong who shouted? Why are they all rooting for Yunho? Why can't JaeHi be back with Jaejoong? will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
jaejay #8
Chapter 42: but update soon please!!! :(
jaejay #9
Chapter 42: any one could say that it is Jaejoong!!!! HA HA HA... :D please jaehi.. go back to jae... thats where you belong!!!!