A Trip to the Beach- Chapter Two

A Trip to the Beach

~Author's Note~

I apologize for being stupid and forgetting to tell you guys how old they are DX

so anyways, Sunggyu is about 17 or 18, Dongwoo is 13, Woohyun is 9, Hoya and Sungyeol are 8 but they're turning 9 soon, My cute and adorable Myungsoo is 7, and baby sungjongie is 6. 

Enjoy the chapter~ :D


After endless hours (which was actually only forty minutes) of driving with only the sound of snoring to accompany him (Dongwoo had fallen asleep while trying to tell Sunggyu a knock-knock joke), Sunggyu can finally jump out of the old van and stretch his limbs while smelling the fresh smell of the beach.

                  “We’re here kids!” Sunggyu shouted to the open sky, knowing that the sleeping boys in the van could hear him clearly, or maybe a bit too clearly.

                  “SHUT UP HYUNG!” responded a grumpy Hoya. Sunggyu ignored him because Hoya is always grumpy when he wakes up, but he’ll get over it soon.

                  “YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” a very happy Woohyun quickly jumped out of the car and ran straight into the water.

                  “WAIT FOR US WOOHYUNNIE HYUNG! Oh, hurry up will you, you lazy old hyungs!” Sunggyu laughed as he watched little Sungjong dragging a fuming Hoya and a dazed Dongwoo out of the car.

Sunggyu skipped after the little kids cheerfully, but then, he suddenly stopped.

                  “Wait a minute… one…two…three...four………. WHERES YEOLLIE AND MYUNGIE????”

Sunggyu quickly ran back to the van to look for the missing kids. When he reached the van and opened the door, he smiled as he watched Sungyeol cuddling Myungsoo who was still sleeping soundly.

                  “Don’t you want to play outside, Yeollie? I thought you said you wanted to try out your new remote control helicopter?” Sunggyu asked.

                  “I can’t leave Myungie alone!” Sungyeol said as he gestured towards the sleeping boy, “Donghae hyung said he had another nightmare last night so I bet he’s really sleepy now, I’ll just wait until he wakes up.”

Sunggyu frowned a bit at this, he had been told that Myungsoo had been having nightmares ever since he came to stay at the house, but no one had cared to tell him what had caused the poor kid to act like this, in fact, he doesn’t really know about Myungsoo’s life before he came to live in the orphanage. He made a mental note to ask one of the carers at the orphanage more about the boy.

                  “Just go and have fun Yeollie, I’ll look after Myungsoo for you until he wakes up,” Sunggyu said.

                  “Really, hyung?! THANK YOUUUU~” Sungyeol quickly covered his mouth when Myungsoo stirred in his sleep.

The hyper choding quickly jumped out of the van after making sure that Myungsoo was in a comfortable position. He quickly ran into the back of the van and grabbed his toy helicopter before running to the beach to join his friends,

                  “JUST CALL ME IF HE WAKES UP HYUNG!” Sungyeol shouted.

Sunggyu gave a thumbs up to the retreating boy and sat inside the van to wait for little Myungsoo to wake up. He decided to count hamsters to pass the time.

When he reached the fifty-seventh hamster, he felt a soft poke at his shoulder and turned around and saw Myungsoo who is now wide awake.

                  “Oh, you’re awake! Did you have a nice nap?” Sunggyu said enthusiastically, he always talks very enthusiastically (sometimes a bit too much) when he talks to Myungsoo because he thought that it would help the quiet boy learn how to express himself more.

Myungsoo just nodded his head instead of answering.

                  “Do you want me to help you out of the van?” Sunggyu asked again, with an over-exaggerated smile.

Myungsoo just nodded again.

Sunggyu sighed in defeat and helped the boy out of the van.

                  “Sungyeol said you had a nightmare last night, do you want to talk about it with hyung?” Sunggyu asked, Myungsoo had never told anyone about his nightmares, and that made Sunggyu, along with all the workers in the orphanage and Sungyeol, worried.

Myungsoo lowered his head and shook it slightly.

Sunggyu just sighed again and placed his hand in the boy’s shoulder to show his concern. He sometimes wonders whether or not the boy could actually speak.

                  “Where’s Yeollie hyung?”

                  Sunggyu quickly looked down and widened his eyes at the source of the voice, “HOLY SMOKES, THE BOY SPEAKS!” he exclaimed.

The said boy covered his mouth and laughed at his silly hyung.

                  Sunggyu smiled proudly, “Sungyeol and the others are already playing at the beach, do you want to join them?”

Myungsoo nodded and quickly dragged Sunggyu to join the others with a small smile on his face.


                  “MYUNGIE! YOU’RE AWAKE!!” Sungyeol shouted when he saw his favourite dongsaeng running to him while dragging Sunggyu.

Myungsoo’s smile grew bigger when he heard his most favourite person in the whole wide world. He dropped Sunggyu’s hand and quickly ran to hug his Yeollie hyung.

Sungyeol laughed and ruffled Myungsoo’s hair, “do you want to help me play with my toy helicopter?”

Myungsoo nodded happily and they both held hands and skipped away to find a place where they could play with the helicopter.

                  “AAAWWWWW, AREN’T THEY JUST ADORABLE!” Dongwoo shouted as he jumped around. Sunggyu and the other kids laughed at the moody teenager, he has always been a much happier person when he’s outdoors.

                  “C’MON HYUNGS! LET’S SWIM!” Sungjong shouted before he ran into the water, followed by Dongwoo and Hoya.

                  “Aren’t you going to swim with us, hyung?” Woohyun asked with big puppy dog eyes.

                  Sunggyu pinched the cute boy’s cheek and shook his head, “not right now Woohyunnie, I think I’ll just rest here.”

                  “Do you want Woohyunnie to stay with you?” Woohyun asked.

                  “No thank you Woohyunnie, you can go play with the others,” Sunggyu chuckled.

Woohyun squealed happily and ran into the water to join his friends, when he reached the water, he waved to Sunggyu who waved back.

Sunggyu stretched his arms and smiled brightly, “I can finally have my much needed nap.” He opened his umbrella and placed his beach chair under it before falling quickly falling asleep peacefully.

Unfortunately, his peace was soon interrupted by a loud “BOO!” and even louder laughter coming from behind him.

                  “JANG DONGWOO! I WILL MURDER YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!” Sunggyu shouted angrily, which only mad the teenager laugh even louder. Sunggyu decided to ignore the annoying teenager and tried to go back to sleep.

                  “WAIT! Don’t sleep yet hyung!” Dongwoo shouted, earning a ‘you really want me to kill you, don’t you’ glare from the angry hamster, which he decided to ignore, “Can I get the surfboards? I want to teach Hoya how to surf!”

                  “Okay, just don’t forget to lock the van after you finish,” Sunggyu said as he threw the van keys to Dongwoo.

                  “YAY! Let’s go Hoya!” Dongwoo said and the two of them ran back to the van to get the surfboards.

                  “Dongwoo hyung! I want to learn how to surf too!!!” Woohyun said as he tried to follow them, but they were much too far away for him to catch up.

                  “No Woohyun! You’re too young!”

                  “But Hoya is younger than me!” Woohyun exclaimed, Hoya just turned around and stuck his tongue out at Woohyun.

Sunggyu laughed at the kids and shook his head, kids these days, he said to himself. He suddenly felt something tugging his shirt and look down to see Sungjong.

                  “Can I sit with you hyung?” the little boy asked.

                  “Sure,” Sunggyu leaned back into his chair and Sungjong sat on the sand next to him.

Sunggyu was finally going to go back to sleep when suddenly:

                  “Hyung, why is this beach so empty? I thought beaches were supposed to be full of people in summer?” Sungjong asked innocently. Sunggyu sighed quietly in defeat, knowing that he’s not going to get his nap any time soon.

                  “Because most people like to go to other more famous beaches,” Sunggyu answered.


                  “Because not much people know about this place and the people who knows about this place can’t be bothered to come here.”


Sunggyu laughed and ruffled Sungjong’s hair, “Because they think other beaches are better than this one.”

                  “Well, those people are dumb because I think this is the best beach in the whole wide world!”

Sunggyu laughed again, “Isn’t this the only beach you’ve ever been to, Sungjongie?”

                  “Well, yeah, but that doesn’t matter!” Sungjong said as he crossed his hands.

Sunggyu laughed at his cute antics but stopped when he realised that the little boy wasn’t even smiling along with him.  And then he realised how boring it must be for a kid to just sit down and talk to a boring teenager while he was at the beach where he could be having fun.

                  “Jongie, if you’re bored, you can always play with one of your hyungs instead of talking to me,” Sunggyu said, but Sungjong just pouted and shook his head.

                  “I’m too small to play with hyungs, I guess I’m not too small to play with Myungie hyung, but he always plays with Sungyeollie hyung, and he doesn’t talk much. And Hoya and Dongwoo hyung always plays together and Woohyun hyung usually plays with you. No one wants to play with me!” he pouted again after he finished talking.

Sunggyu dropped down to sit next to the pouting boy and hugged him closely.

                  “Don’t say that Sungjongie, all of your hyungs love you very much and they wouldn’t mind if you ask them to play with you,” Sunggyu reassured him.

                  “Really?” the little boy looked up at Sunggyu with hopeful eyes, Sunggyu just smiled and nodded.

                  “SUNGJONGIE!! I brought our toy boats! Come and play with me!!” Woohyunnie said as he ran towards them while carrying two big toy boats.

                  “NO! Sungjongie is going to help us draw on our surfboards!” Dongwoo shouted from behind Woohyun.

                  “NOOOO! Sungjongie is going to play with me and that’s final!” Woohyun said as he turned around to face Dongwoo and stomped his feet.

                  “FINE! Let’s go Hoya! We can draw on our surfboards before I teach you how to surf,” Dongwoo said to the boy who is following him.

                  “Okay hyung!” Hoya answered obediently.

Sunggyu turned to Sungjong and smiled, “ See, I told you they want to play with you!”

Sungjong smiled and hugged Sunggyu tightly before running up to Woohyun to play with the toy boats in the rock pools near the sea.

Sunggyu smiled happily and sat back down in his beach chair to relax.


Meanwhile, with MyungYeol…

                  “I think we should play with the helicopter right here!” Sungyeol said. He then placed his helicopter and the remote control in the sand and crouched down in front of it. Myungsoo smiled happily and crouched in front of Sungyeol and the helicopter and watched as Sungyeol constructed it.

When Sungyeol finished, he told Myungsoo to step back and pressed a button on the remote control, making the helicopter’s blades turn and making Myungsoo fall down in surprise.

                  “OMO! Did the helicopter surprise you, Myungie?” Sungyeol asked in concern, Myungsoo just looked at him with a confused face.

                  “S-surprise?” the boy asked.

Sungyeol turned his toy helicopter off and sat down next to Myungsoo. He placed his hand in Myungsoo’s chest, “Did your heart beat really fast when you fell down?”

Myungsoo nodded slowly, making Sungyeol smile, “That means that the helicopter surprised you!” he said happily because he felt like the smartest eight-year-old in the world, he always felt like this whenever he’s teach Myungsoo about emotions.

                  “Does that mean that you surprise me, hyung?” the usually silent boy asked curiously.

                  “What do you mean?” Sungyeol asked, equally curious.

                  “Well, my heart always beats faster whenever we play or talk together, am I surprised of you hyung?” Myungsoo asked.

                  “Um… I don’t think so… I think that means that, um...” Sungyeol stopped a while to think, “I think that meant that you love me, do you love me, Myungie?”


                  “Love is something that you feel when you reeeeeeeeeeeeally like someone,” Sungyeol answered, “So, do you love me?”

                  “I-I think so,” Myungsoo answered, his face instantly becoming red.

                  “REALLY??! I love you too, Myungie!!” Sungyeol said happily as he hugged Myungsoo and gave him a kiss on his cheek, making Myungsoo’s face even redder, “Let’s play with the helicopter now!”

Sungyeol helped Myungsoo up and told him to stand next to him so that he won’t be too scared when the helicopter moves. Myungsoo was still kind of scared when the helicopter roared to life, but he soon smiled again as he saw the helicopter turn around and around in the sky.

As he watched the helicopter with Sungyeol beside him, he felt the feeling that he has been feeling a lot ever since he came to live in the orphanage, the first emotion that Sungyeol had thought him, the feeling of happiness.


~Author's Note~

This is getting much longer than i expected XD


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Chapter 2: My MyungYeol feels ~ I cannot ~ GOSH ! This is the best fluff story that i read so far .
woosoogyu #2
This is so adorable! ^_^
for myungyeol, I can accept but woogyu & yadong...? teenager & kid as a couple...?! Wonder how will the sparks ignite... ^_^
Nonetheless, shall wait patiently for your next update! ^_^
omoooo the kids are cute >< can i keep them? kyaaah. i really like She's back PV, and then u make this kid-version pv lol, i reeeeeeally love this.
myungyeol <3333 they're a forever cute couple even as a kid
Cookie7 #4
Omg Myungyeol had the cutest moment ever!!! He thought he was surprised of SungYeol lol the innocence in this is so great! I love it! But question... You said WooHyun is 8-9 and SungGyu is 17-18... If those are their real ages, why is there a Woogyu tag??? I'm sorry but that would make SungGyu a pedo lol
Chocolato #5
whyyyyyyyy. i dont even ship myungyeol but myungyeol here is way too cute. hahhas.

and oh sungjong, you have no idea how lovable you are :D

and yadong. dongwoo is being very obvious with his bias.
but hey woohyun, you have sunggyu ;)