Part 2: its here!!

I Am No One
Okay. . . . Hello guys. I.know you've been waiting for years for the part 2 and yes, i will post it soon. Its still under consturction and me and our dearest co-author is updating. First, i want to ask u guys for posters. Since my laptop is broken, its hard for to request. (i have life problems so please dont ask what happen.) Second, if u did a poster, DM me. I'll be waiting. I'll promise the story will be release BEFORE 14th July. So please wait. I hope you guys are not mad and stay calm. Oh, the posters. Dont worry i wil show all of it. *bows* please do it for me!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ by your author, angel_sora.
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thank you everyone who has been with me for almost a year.


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Morgan_ #1
Chapter 41: Where did you got all these riddles? I love them so much ♡♡
Nailaimani #2
Chapter 54: When and where is I Am No One 2 published??? Can't wait to see who's the murderer! Btw *SPOILER ALERT*, is 531147 a name of the killer? Also I have a feeling that someone faked their death..... I was always suspecting on Sehun but something wasn't right when he died....
studnugget101 #3
one of the few moments I've regretted my username choice
nurulaishah #4
Chapter 23: is it luhan? the killer?
Hi, can you perhaps send me a link or the user name of the person that did your trailer?
TheReader722 #6
Chapter 23: Lu? Luhan?..
bushra #7
hey there
i just finished your "i am no one" , i love it
so , want to ask you ... can i translate it to arabic ? with credit of course !
waiting for your reply
Chapter 54: authornim, you're making me confused and excited!
I keep on thinking who's the murderer. I even think that i might be the one. Maybe i had a split personality or i had a twin that i don't even know. Well you did said that my 'parent' are scientist right? they might do some experiments like making a clone of me? then it's turn out bad or they do something to me and makes me having a split personality... kay... too much of drama-iss hehe
thnks for the great story authornim!!! I'll be waiting for you!! <3
Omg!! Im so confused!!! WHY!!!
SnsdSoosica #10
Chapter 1: This charactar's name is as same as me :)