unsuccessful once again...

I Am No One


(you’s POV)




            3… what does that even mean? I stared at the note and spun it around to look the other side. Hmmm… if you turn it upside down, it will look like the letter ‘E’. What does this E stands for? Economy? Enemy? Easter bunny? Edible? Edison? I shook my head and put the note inside my jeans’ pocket.


            “Kris… we should head back now…” I told Kris. He nodded and we both headed back to my dorm. The corridors seemed also gloomy at morning. What a gloomy situation. “What do you think about the note, ge?” I asked him as we entered the dorm. “Not sure… but maybe it referred to a name?” he guessed. Ah! I think I got it. “You’re right…” I closed the door and locked it.


           I plopped my self on the bed and looked at Kris. “If we collect all the numbers, maybe it will lead us to the killer’s name?” I stared at him, waiting for his response to my suggestion. “Maybe,” he sat down on the bed. “But…. One thing: will he give out the numbers that quickly and let us caught him that easily?” he questioned me. I sighed to that very powerful statement. Kris’s right. The killer won’t let us figure out his identity that easily. He’s NOT dumb.


            Kris lay on the bed and closed his eyes shut. He must be really shock to what happen. I understand his feelings. Usually, people like us (people who is consider as smart or genius) will get easily offended when other people mock or call us dumb or praised other people in front of us. We’ll get competitive and some would even kill, I guess.


            Plus, most of the students here rarely compare our IQs. It’s like a forbidden thing to do in this school. I don’t really mind about it since, well… I often get call dumb or too stupid by some people. I never get humiliate in front of peoples too. And maybe that’s some reasons I didn’t get too offended.



(Kris’s POV)


you!! you!! Where are you?”


            I looked around. you was nowhere to be found. She was missing. She was nowhere. I screamed and shouted her name but no answer. She’s completely gone. I kneeled on the floor, regretting to what happen. Why didn’t I wake up earlier and save her?


            Then I saw a number of people wearing completely all black walking toward me. Aren’t they… cults? I swallowed hard and stood up. “Give me back my you!!!” I yelled at them. They didn’t even bother to respond to me; instead they got to their positions. The cults began reciting their spell. “you!! Ya!! Where are you?!! you, I need you!!”


“Hey!! Hey!! Kris!! Wake up!!”


Oh. Isn’t that you’s voice?


            I opened my eyes and saw you was in front of my face, few inches away. She was looking at me in worried. “Are you okay? Hey! Talk to me!!” she slapped my face lightly for me to gain my focus back. I held her hands to stop her from slapping me. “What time is it?” I asked her. She looked at her wrist watch. “4.15 am.”  I sighed in relief. It was just a nightmare.


            “you, can I… hug you somehow?” I looked at her. She smiled and nodded. I sat down and hugged her tightly. “Thanks.” I whispered to her. She hummed something softly to my ear. Thinking of hugging people after nightmares really reminds me about my mom. you really remind me about my mom.


            “Err… youyou can let go of me now.” I patted her back lightly but she didn’t respond. “you?” she fell on top of me. “Ouch!” I yelped in pain. Ahh… she’s already asleep? What a sweet girl. I covered both of us with her blanket and drove myself back to dreamland.


“Gege… wake up!! Wake up!!”


            Someone shook my body crazily. I groaned and opened my eyes. “Emm?” I looked at the person who was shaking my body. But it was not you, it was Eunjung.


            “Gege… Palli!! you is … trying to save Sunggyu oppa.” She insisted. “Eunjungie, where’s you and why—how the heck did you get here?” she groaned and literally pulled me to somewhere. I can’t help myself but being dragged by her. Eunjung was one of the strongest girls in the school. There’s no way people can beat her.


            We both headed to the rooftop. “What happen here?” but my question was being ignored by Eunjung. By then, I realized the situation there. All of the students were already arrived at the rooftop and were witnessing the situation. Even Sehun and you were there.


            “Oppa! Don’t do anything stupid please!!”  you begged at Sunggyu who was standing at the edge of the building; ready to jump any time soon.


            “Shut up you!! Don’t act innocent! You’re the one who kill us all!! You’re the killer!! I saw you!!” Sunggyu shouted in rage at you. I looked at her. you is the killer? That can’t be right? you stared at Sunggyu in disbelief. “Oppa! I’m not…!! Stop saying that I kill people!!” you shouted back.


            Sunggyu scoffed and glared at us. “The killer is right in front of you guys and you still wandering around like a dog lost his way home?! She’s right in front of you!! you is the killer!!”


Move you Pabo!!



            Out of the blue, Jonghyun ran toward Sunggyu and pushed him off the building. We all gasped at the sudden move that Jonghyun made. What the heck happen to that short guy’s brain?


            “Jjong oppa…” you fell on he knees. Jonghyun also fell on the ground. Everyone was in dazed. No one move nor talk. “I’m sorry… I can’t take it anymore… I really cant….” Jonghyun began to cry. He cried. you shook her head and moved closer to Jonghyun. “Aniyo… I understand you… don’t cry,” she comforted Jonghyun.


you, you’re so different these days. Is that thing that Sunggyu said was true? You’re the killer? You’re the real killer?


Good one….

Aaahhh~ I should take you to be my personal assistant from the beginning if I know you’re this good.

Aniyo… Pabo me,

Mian nae~~


            Everything happened to fast. All I remember was: you was hugging me and the next thing; someone is accusing her to be the real killer. What is this?


            “Sorry guys. I think from now on… we should stick together and build trust toward each other.” you stood up and helped Jonghyun to stand up also. The others nodded weakly, maybe because still doubting whether you is the killer or not. “We need to find to find the killer. And I’m telling you once again, I am not the killer, Arrasso?” you said sternly.


I sighed. Good, you. Now you’re making me doubting you too.


Oh, you you’re so cool!

I just wish I was you…

Since I was born….


                                                                 to be continued! 




a little romantic chapter for you all... i hope you like it!



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thank you everyone who has been with me for almost a year.


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Morgan_ #1
Chapter 41: Where did you got all these riddles? I love them so much ♡♡
Nailaimani #2
Chapter 54: When and where is I Am No One 2 published??? Can't wait to see who's the murderer! Btw *SPOILER ALERT*, is 531147 a name of the killer? Also I have a feeling that someone faked their death..... I was always suspecting on Sehun but something wasn't right when he died....
studnugget101 #3
one of the few moments I've regretted my username choice
nurulaishah #4
Chapter 23: is it luhan? the killer?
Hi, can you perhaps send me a link or the user name of the person that did your trailer?
TheReader722 #6
Chapter 23: Lu? Luhan?..
bushra #7
hey there
i just finished your "i am no one" , i love it
so , want to ask you ... can i translate it to arabic ? with credit of course !
waiting for your reply
Chapter 54: authornim, you're making me confused and excited!
I keep on thinking who's the murderer. I even think that i might be the one. Maybe i had a split personality or i had a twin that i don't even know. Well you did said that my 'parent' are scientist right? they might do some experiments like making a clone of me? then it's turn out bad or they do something to me and makes me having a split personality... kay... too much of drama-iss hehe
thnks for the great story authornim!!! I'll be waiting for you!! <3
Omg!! Im so confused!!! WHY!!!
SnsdSoosica #10
Chapter 1: This charactar's name is as same as me :)