1. Decisions



I tried my best to post this up. I ransacked my table for the fanfic xD Hope you guys enjoy this! I probably won't update until the end of November though. Exams are coming. You guys don't mind, right...?

1. Decisions.


Taeyeon’s head was held up high even though her heart ached. There was no way she would come running back into the arms of a guy who ignored her. She had her pride to uphold. If Minho didn’t want her anymore, fine. She won’t bother about him anymore. Even she doubted that the older male would do anything even after this conversation with her. After all, his dear Yuri was the other person her cared about at this point of time. Taeyeon had decided that she was no longer going to depend on him. There were others she could lean on such as Key.


Walking out of the school gates, she spotted Key waiting for her at the school gates. Taeyeon smiled and hugged the elder male, not wanting to let go. Key immediately wrapped his arms around the petite girl’s body as he whispered soothing words into her ears. Taeyeon rarely acted like this and it would only happen if she got into a huge fight with someone or she was too stresses. Key knew it wasn’t stress so it had to be Minho. Taeyeon melted further into the male’s embrace, feeling the warmth of his body.


Taeyeon loved Key at times like these. He would just shut up and allow her to be in his embrace for as long as she wanted to until she felt better. He wouldn’t bother about the stares or the whispers. All he would do was to cater to the girl’s needs. Taeyeon hugged the male tighter and whispered, “Thank you, Key oppa. I really needed this hug.”


“I’ll do anything for my baby. Why do you think I’m called your Key Umma for? I’m not all titles, honey. Now, how about the dinner that you promised me? You can tell me everything you want to tell me through that dinner. If it ends late, I’ll send you home.”


“Can’t we just sit at the park and eat some ice cream?”


"Your parents are on a business trip right? Let’s go to your house. It’s easier to tell me things there. I’ll cook some food for you.”


Taeyeon smiled and nodded her head. She really loved her Key umma. As they were walking, one particular thought came into the girl’s mind. Even though Key was attached, why could he still pay attention to all of his friends? Why couldn’t Minho do the same? Taeyeon felt intrigued. She felt a familiar dull ache in her heart and she knew what it was. Disappointment. It was something she thought would never occur to her when it came to Minho but damn she was wrong. Thinking about the boy just made her feel down instantly.


“Oppa…?” Taeyeon asked in a voice barely a whisper, “ Why do you think Minho oppa did this?”


“Because,” Key spat viciously. “He’s a downright that doesn’t know how to treasure the friends that he had right in front of him. The friends that were by him all these while.”


Taeyeon flinched slightly at the tone of the elder male. Sure, it was simple to irritate the diva (since Jonghyun did it every day), but to anger the Kim Kibum this much? It took a hell lot to do that. The last Key was this angry was when the Tae Kwon Do club started teasing him because he was openly gay. Kibum ignored them at first like he always did with the rest, but when they crossed the line, Kibum just snapped. The diva had a small build and barely had any muscles on him but he sure as hell had more strength than the Tae Kwon Do club.


Key was so angry that he barged into the Tae Kwon Do practice room and screamed at the members. Not taking him lightly, they only laughed. No one – I repeat – no one dares to laugh at the almighty Key. Key went up to their ceramic tiles and broke all 20 of them at once with just one fist. Kim Kibum was definitely a scary man when he was angry.


The next few minutes was filled with silence once more. Taeyeon didn’t want to provoke the elder male anymore so she just remained quiet. Key noticed how tensed the younger girl was and softened up immediately. He took in a deep breath and squeezed Taeyeon’s hand lightly to tell her that he was no longer angry. Taeyeon smiled, hooking her harm around Key’s with a huge smile. She then pulled the male to her doorstep. The moment they stepped in, the lights switched on and Key saw a little note with a huge amount of cash on the table.


Key shook his head. It was no wonder that Taeyeon was also so close to Minho. She was always all alone. Being with Minho was the only way she could escape from the loneliness that she had been feeling then. Taeyeon’s parents were always on a business trip. He brother was currently studying overseas but he at least would return home once in a while to check up on the younger female to see if she was doing well.


Sometimes, Key didn’t know why Taeyeon deserved all of this. Life is unfair, he decided, really unfair. The house was always empty and quiet and Key didn’t know she could live in such silence and loneliness every day. Taeyeon never once complained about it. She never showed the loneliness in her eyes but always happiness. Lee Taeyeon was strong in her own way, she had to admit that. Then again, everyone has their breaking point and Choi Minho leaving her was just one of them. It was then that Key finally saw the loneliness in her eyes.


Key told Taeyeon to take a shower as he whipped up a simple dish but Taeyeon refused. She wanted to help him with the cooking. It was then that Key reminded the petite girl that she could barely cook and she couldn’t cook ramen without adding any weird ingredients in it. Taeyeon laughed nervously, scratching her head. Key laughed, pushing her out of the kitchen. Taeyeon sighed in defeat and frowned at her umma’s words. Kim Kibum was really like her mother, caring for her to the best he ever could.


Looking through the fridge, Key looked at the ingredients he found in it. There was barely anything in the fridge. No wonder the girl was so thin! Luckily he found some food. Some beef bulgogi. All that was left was to reheat it and it was done. Kibum didn’t like the idea of reheating food, but it was the best he could do with what was actually in the fridge. It took a little over half an hour before everything was set on the table and ready to be eaten.


Seeing the food on the table, Taeyeon squealed in delight. Key smiled. He loved seeing his baby smile. Taeyeon started to dig in, occasionally on how good the food was. Key could only chuckle at the girl’s antics. She was just so adorable. The two ate in silence before Taeyeon spoke up.


“I’m giving up.” Taeyeon told the elder male quietly.


“I’m sorry? I didn’t quite catch that.” Key replied.


“I’m forgetting about Minho oppa. I mean… If he doesn’t care about me anymore, why should I… Right…? Friendship is a two way thing. I can’t be doing all the work to keep this friendship alive when he obviously doesn’t give a about me anymore.”


Key could hear the obvious strain in her voice. He could hear how hurt she was, The sadness. The disappointment. He could hear how reluctant she was on this. Key wasn’t sure if this was a good idea. He spoke up and asked, “Are you sure? Is this what you really want?”


“Yeah… It’s better to move on than to be caught up on the past, right…? Even oppa said that to me once.”


“This is different, honey. You’ve known him all your life. It’s not that simple to forget him. He’s not someone you can just forget.”


“I know… It’ll take time, but I’m set on forgetting.”


Key placed his chopsticks down and pulled the younger girl into a hug. They didn’t need any more words. The hug said everything. They could feel each other’s emotions and what they were thinking. Key agreed to what she wanted and Taeyeon thanked him for that.


“So… What are you going to do to forget him?”


“I want to start by ignoring him. Block him out of my life. It’ll be a start. I… I can’t bring myself to throw all the memories away just yet. It’s too hard right now.”


“That’ll be a good start, honey. Just take your time. I’m sure you’ll be fine. Just so you know, Jinki, Jjong and I are here for you. We’ll always be there whenever you need us. We’ll run to your house at 2 in the morning even if we had to!”


“Thank you,” Taeyeon whispered endlessly, the overwhelming feeling of happiness crashing onto her.


“Keep yourself free tomorrow. We’re going out.”




Key smirked. “You’ll see.”





The next day rolled in and every single fibre in her body told her not to go to school. The first reason was because she didn’t want to see Minho being all lovey-dovey towards Yuri (it just made her feel sick) and also because Key was bringing her out todays. It was scary when key said he wanted to bring her out. Taeyeon never ever knew what the elder male would make her do when they went out. The possibilities were endless.


Taeyeon just wanted to skip school today. She really wanted to. Groaning, she buried her face into the warm covers of her bed. As she stayed at that position for a moment, she felt vibrations coming from her bed. It was her phone. Diving into the covers, she tried to find her phone. After a while, she found it. Taeyeon wondered who would be texting her so early in the morning.


From: Minho oppa <3

To: Taeyeon


Tae, I’m outside. Let’s walk to school together.


Taeyeon stared at her phone. What on earth was he talking about? Going to school together? That was a first in a few months. Minho lived a street away from her but she still couldn’t believe the text she had just received. Was this all a joke? Taking a peek out of the window, she saw him. There stood Choi Minho in all of his glory infront of her house. A part of Taeyeon wanted to agree but the other reminded her how he had abandoned her months ago. Taeyeon just felt her heart ache once more.


To: Minho oppa <3

From: Taeyeon


Sorry, no. Go on yourself.


Within a few seconds, came a reply.


From: Minho oppa<3

To: Taeyeon


I’ll wait until you come down.


Taeyeon panicked, not knowing what to do. What could she do in situations such as these? Taeyeon desperately wanted to call for Key or Jonghyun but they live pretty far away from her. It was too far for her to call them now. They would all be late for school. Taeyeon then remembered that Jinki lived a street away and usually passed by her house to go to school on his bicycle.


To: Dubu chicken!

From: Taeyeon


Oppa… Could you do me a favour and pick me up with your bike? Minho wanted to walk me to school and I really don’t want that. Please…?


To: Taeyeonnie

From: Lee Jinki


Sure, Tae. Anything for you. I’ll be there in 15 or 20 minutes. Be sure to be ready by then.


To: Dubu Chicken!

From: Taeyeon


Thank you oppa! <3 I’ll treat you to some Mexicana chicken when we’re free, okay?


To: Taeyeonnie

From: Lee Jinki






Taeyeon giggled slightly at her oppa’s reaction through phone. She could just picture his really spazzing and jumping for joy in his room at this very moment with that cute eye smile of his. Taeyeon got out of bed and quickly went into the bathroom for a quick shower. After 5 minutes, she emerged from the bathroom ready to put on her uniform. She brushed her hair and tied is hastily into a messy ponytail (Lucifer style). She grabbed her bag and stuffed her amahs textbook into it before heading down for a light breakfast. She spread some Nutella on her bread and started munching on it as she waited for her ride.


Minho who was outside, was still wondering why she hadn’t come out from the house.


Jinki paddled quickly towards Taeyeon’s house, He had to get to her house quickly so that Minho wouldn’t bother her too much and make her feel more uncomfortable than she already was. As he got closer to her house, he could see Minho waiting for her. Jinki parked his bicycle outside her house at the fence before walking in. Minho spotted the elder male and smiled. The younger male waved and exclaimed, “Morning Onew hy-”


“Why are you here?” Jinki asked quietly, staring intently at Minho.


“To see Taeyeon of cour-”


“To see her? Why didn’t you do that five to six months ago? Why now? After all you have done and how you ignored her, hurt her, and even break the promises I never thought you would, you still have the cheek to come here? What happened? Did you and your precious Yuri break up and you’re currently looking for a rebound?” Minho flinched at his harsh words. “Just stop it Minho. She’s hurting because of you. You’ve done enough damage to the poor girl.”


Jinki went up to the door and knocked lightly. Within a minute, the door opened and Taeyeon appeared. She smiled and hugged the elder male tightly. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Minho staring at her. Ignore him, ignore him, ignore him, she chanted to herself. She refused to look at Minho in the eye. Let’s go, oppa, Taeyeon mouthed at the elder male as she trailed behind him towards his bike. As she passed her ex-best friend, Minho grabbed her wrist. Taeyeon’s heart accelerated at his touch but her mind brought her back to reality. Turning to face Minho, the petite girl sent the most hateful glare she could to him.


Minho released his grip on the girl’s wrist as he stared at her in shock. He stared at Taeyeon who had just gotten onto Jinki’s bike. Never in all of his years of friendship with Taeyeon had he seen such a hateful glare directed at him by her. He never knew the girl could even pull off such a hateful look. Beads of sweat began to form on the girl’s forehead. The feelings of being afraid was slowly creeping into his heart. Minho brought his hands up to cover his face.


What had he done?


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Chapter 1: BBY PLEASE UPDATE OMG. why haven't I read this ROFL /bricked
please update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please T_T
JabskdkjaabbskSihsakiaahanjs SEQUELLLPLLLLLLLL!!!! Goshhh thx a bunch XD! That's okay!! Goodluck for the exam anyway :)