that first autumn day

hyunseung special


I love seungie sooooo much I can’t not explain it he my most favorite member in b2st….no wait hyunseung is the one I love the most out of everyone


Your opv

Ah no more work it’s just me and this lonely park, the trees lined up on both sides different colors and it’s getting dark……..What’s so fun about autumn anyways? It means school it about to start again, It gets colder, the leafs on trees start, to fall it gets darker earlier, less people out on the street, and the air gets all humid and everything.*kick a small rock I your way*stupid rock in my way


“omo s-sorry” you turn back to look at someone who was sitting on the bench next to you. He was rubbing his head

“are you ok sir I’m so sorry I didn’t see you there”

“psh yeah everyone always forget I’m here….go on kid go home before it gets to dark”

“ah yeah” he removed his hand for his forehead

“oh god !it’s bleeding! Gahh h-hold on d-don’t touch it!” you rumble in your bag looking for your mini first aid kit your mom always make you carry around “god where is it when you need that damn thing!?....ah ha! Here it is” you bring the kit up to show the stranger but one you look up you see him smile a little. 

Oh he…just smiled at me. God he is so cute! Ah        he’s an older male! How can you think he’s cute!? Oppas always go after noonas…..pabo

“um need some help?” you snap back to reality realizing you were looking into his beautiful brown eyes

“um w-what?” he pointed at the kit in your hands

“do you need help opening that?”

“oh um n-no” you quickly try to open it but you realized that it was still wrap tight because you have never used it before. You fumble to find an opening to tear it apart. The stranger giggled

“pabo let me help you” you blush when you felt his hand brush against yours

“w-who you calling pabo!” he just smiled and open the first aid kit.

“there” you take out the whippy to clean the blood. Once you brought it up to his forehead he flinched a little. His reaction and the little face he made caused you to let out a giggle        

“shhh calm down it’s not like I’m trying to hurt you. You’re like a grown man and can’t take a little sting?”

“how do you even know If I’m still not a teen?”

“g-good point” you continue to clean his face

“whats you what is your name?”

“oh um…I’m kim           imida”


“oh? Oh!? My name is just oh?” she laughed and you stop whipping his face

“you know if you smiled more I bet you day would be better” you said…..his smile faded but you could see he forced a fake smile and said

“thank you your little help here made my day better already” you grabbed the little tube of the anit-repeleant ointment. You took some and applied it on his forehand and you finally got a bandage big enough to cover the cut you left him and put it on carefully  he chuckled at your carefulness

“w-why your always laughing at me?”

“cause your cute          “ you blushed and quickly got up and quickly walked away

“hey! Where you going” confused at the sudden question you turn back to look at the stranger getting up to you with your book bag in his hand

“oh t-thank you….ah”



“my name is jang hyunseung but you can call me js”

“o-oh thank you j-jang hyunseung” you finally get good look at him he was a taller than you and he had same what of uniform on

“oh you’re a student?” he seemed shock by your random question

“oh um…yeah”

“you’re in your last year of high school?”

“n-no I’m in my first year in collage”   

“o-oh” you look down to his right hand and something caught your eyes

“it looks like your always getting hurt” you giggled

“what?” hyunseung said as he got serious

“oh sorry js but I didn’t mean to get you made it’s your hand there a bandage wrapped around it”

“oh” he left out a breath of relief “oh this I just got in a fight with my family and punched the wall I want to get it checked and came here to calm down”

“wow must of been some fight…I know how it feels to be fighting with family”  he looked at you with sad eyes

“no           -sshi you don’t know my family” and with that he turned around and walked to the other direction this time you noticed it was dark. You felt something touch your arm

“HYUNSEUNG OPPPA!!!!” you yelled with your eyes closed you heard someone running you way and felt to hands on your shoulders

“what is it          -ah?” you finally opened your eyes and saw hyunseung standing in front of you looking worried, you look around to see no one else in sight

“j-just now I felt something touch my arm and I got scared” hyunseung looks at your arm to find a went leaf stick on you he took it off and showed it to you

“look         -sshi this is your big bad rapper” he said laughing

“yah! It really felt like a hand!” you said as you slapped his shoulders. You both stop laughing and he grabs your shoulders again only a little tighter and he look straight into your eyes

          -sshi if you’re really that scared to walk alone I’ll walk you to your house that the least I could since you clean my cut that….you caused….”

“s-sorry again” he smiled and touched the bandage

“nah it’s ok you made my night fun” he said as you signaled him to walk towers your house walking in complete silence you dared yourself to ask a question that’s been killing you since you saw his hand

“what caused the fight between you and your family” you said as you bit on your bottom lips. Hyunseung looked at you like he was about to cry

“my….family…..i got tired of their abuse….they didn’t even care if today was me birthday” he said as he looked down. You were about to say something when he spoke again “I was always treated like the dog of the family or they always forgot about me…….for once I wanted to hear ‘I love you’ from someone who really meant it. So today I turn 23 I passed the fully grown man age….i went home after collage telling  them I’m moving out my dad tried to beat me up my mom said I was useless and would never survive  without them my little sister cried I punch the wall and walked out” he said as he finally smiled  

“and you’re here smiling”

“yup because I’m walking you home which fill up he the empty spare of time before I got to go back home”

“but I thought you said you were moving”

“I was just bluffing I don’t make enough money to move out” you just remembered he said today was his birthday and you remember new café just opened up right next to your house          

“so what do you and your parents fight about?” he said looking at you

“oh it’s nothing compare to your fights we fight over spoiled bratty little girl who can’t get new shoes or I can’t go out at 8 you now useless things like that” both of you giggled

“hey how much farther do you live”

“oh just over there but let’s go in this café first I need to buy something”

“ok” you brought him in and made him sit on a booth next to the window

“wait here ima be right back” you walked up front



“excuse me you see that guy over there”

“yes ma’am”

“well it’s his birthday today I would like for you to bring us a surprise cake on my order”

“yes ma’am and what flavor would it be?”

“um…..vanilla coco bean ok I’ll look back at you guys to bring it ok….and oh I want to coffee’s and……chocolate chips cookies…um that’s all thank you very much” you than ran back to hyunseung

“gee what took you to long?”


“oh I felt hungry so I order some food already” you were surprised

“oh um…ok”

-here you go young lady your plate and here’s your plate sir

-and here’s the coffee’s and cookies ma’am 

“you order coffee and cookies this late at night!” said hyunseung as he laughed

“yup now eat up” you looked at your food and ate as fast as possible once you finished you saw hyunseung looking at you

“d-do you want more?” he said looking srupised

“no thank you I’m full I’ll be back I need to go to the ladies room” you got up and ran out the café and ran into the gift shop right next to it you though to yourself wow so convent. As you walked it you saw massive of beautiful gifts you went down to the valentines section

“um….i should get him this cute bear” you looked at the tag and it said ‘recorder of voices’

“wow! I can record me voice?” you pushed the little button it had on the ear than you said ‘happy birthday oppa and thank you for making the first day of atom so beautiful’ push the belly and you heard your voice

-um young lady you can’t be playing with that

“no sir it’s ok I’m buying it” you said with a smile try to hold back your anger. You set the money on the counter and walked out(ran out) and back to the café you ran into the counter and looked at the same guy who took your order

“um hey can you also bring this to the table when I signal to the table?”

-yes ma’ams so this guy must be really special for you, since you’re doing all of this for him

You got shocked and finally realized that he was special to you even if you just meet my about two hours ago

“yeah he is special can I get the bear back?”


You re-recorded a new message and gave it back


“wow must have been some line to the bathroom you took almost an hour I though you left already” said hyunseung as he turn from sad to happy to sad again

“so if you though I left why did you stay?”

“I was enjoying the leaves falling of the tree it looks so beautiful…I like fall It means school it about to start again and I can see all my friends who are in high school being their last year, It gets colder so I can snuggle up next to my dog , the leafs on trees start creating a secret magical dance, to fall it gets darker earlier so the streets lights goes on and I get to walk home seeing the beauty of the city illuminate the streets, less people out on the street which makes it more easier of me to think alone and in peace, and the air gets lovely it feels like a warm hug from mother nature” said as he closed his eyes and smiled this is the first time you ever thought of fall in such a way you look out the window and realized how beautiful it looked the colorful leaves flying around with the streets light up with different colors, you looked back hyunseung he was still smiling with his eyes close. You looked back as your signal

-happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to hyunseung happy birthday to you

Hyunseung looked up his eyes glowing, he looked at you

“thank you          -ah this mean a lot but you didn’t have to”

“it’s ok I wanted to make you happy a least for today”

-here sir….she a keep

Said the waiter as he winked at you and walked away

“w-what?” said hyunseung with a little blush

“go ahead press the belly” you said as you sliped in the same chair as hyunseung only moving closer

‘happy birthday oppa and thank you for making the first day of autumn m so beautiful sarangehyo…..i-I love you oppa’ hyunseung smiled and looked you, you looked away and blushed

          -ah I…….love you to” he said as he life your head up and kissed you lightly on the lips



“bye seungie oppaaaaaaa~” you waved good bye and entered your house

-young lady where have you been?

-it 10 o’clock!

You touch your lips and smiled

“I been out daddy mommy I love autumn” you said as you hugged them and walked to you room


how was it? i tried so hard not writing my name in the blank spaces i hope to enjoyed it!!! happy birthday hyunseung oppa i wish you many more years to come 


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Hi, I've read this book in 2012 but I have an account yet.. Soo I just won't go say this is one of my favorite Hyunseung FF ^_^