Member X's attack!

Member X

Chapter XII


Sunggyu’s POV


“W-what’s the meaning of this?! Hyung! Why is the CEO acting like that?! Hyung!”


Woohyun was shaking me non-stop while my body stayed lifeless as it is. My brain stopped functioning. Although I could feel Woohyun’s grasps and hear his echoing voice, I couldn’t see anything else.


Is this really the end?


Woohyun gave up from bringing me back to life and dashed outside the office, hoping to catch the CEO.

I was left there, still motionless.

I never knew that my feelings for Woohyun would become such a problem. I tried to think of ways I should’ve done in order to save me from where I am right now. But then, regretting would be the most shameful thing to do. I’m someone who never takes my word back and besides, I wouldn’t feel this happy with Woohyun if I didn’t confess.


My thoughts became clearer. Well, I should at least give them a proper goodbye.

I left the empty office, trying to fight the tears.  





I came back to the dorm hoping for some warm hugs that would absorb the sadness in me. I wished that someone would just pull me, catch me, save me or at least pat my back. But the dorm was an addition to my already heavy shoulders. The members were not there. Not even Myungsoo who loves to stay and sleep. I bit my lower lip as I held once again my persistent tears.


I couldn’t walk towards our room.


I took a deep breath and began walking, but to Dongwoo and Myungsoo’s room first. I opened the door and found Dongwoo’s toys scattered on the floor while Myungsoo’s hats are neatly piled in one corner.


I used to sleep in here whenever L couldn’t because of his schedule. I slept and stayed with Dongwoo till he falls asleep.


I released a sad sigh and went to Sungjong, Hoya and Sungyeol’s room.

The cleanliness of their room has a schedule. One day you’ll see a totally spot-free room and then the next day, it’s back to being a jungle. Sungjong’s teddy bear was lying on his bed like a substitute there. I grabbed it and faced it to me.


I’m so sorry for always making fun of your owner teddy bear-nim. Tell him that hyung does this because he finds your owner too cute. Tell him that he should be stronger from now on and that… there’s no more reason for him to hit you.


I faked a smile and patted Mr. Teddy Bear before placing it back to its original position. I left and now it’s time to face reality.

I opened the door to our room and what welcomed me is the sight of a disoriented bed and another that remained untouched. Remnants of our clamped bodies on my bed still stayed there. How the crumpled sheets and blankets showed our occasional movements, trying to find a comfortable position while still on each other’s embrace. I sometimes smell his hair and plant a kiss on his neck while he’s sleeping.

 I released another sigh.

I grabbed a suitcase and packed my things with a heavy heart.





One of the managers called me up telling me that he’s already outside waiting for me. He’ll give me a ride he said. I quickly finished up all the packing and went out with my luggage.


Why does turning off the lights feel painful this time?


I got in the van and gave the dorm a last look. Another sigh, then I finally closed the window.


It’s as if I released a hundred sighs just for today.


I relaxed my sitting position by slouching a bit. Manager nudged my knee to tell me that he’ll just drop something off at some place. I just nodded my head feeling uninterested. I was really restless to care about anything at all. Thoughts of us involving a car accident would even come to my mind. There was no other choice but to sleep it off.


Probably, sleeping is the best thing to do. Sleep and never wake up.






I just realized that the van is at a building’s parking lot. The manager was not there. I fell asleep and now I’m alone in the van. I scanned the place but I didn’t want to get out. It was a parking lot of an unfamiliar place. I think I’ve never been in here before.

I jolted a bit because of my phone ringing. It was the manager.


“Ah. Sunggyu, I have to carry all these boxes back down there. I can’t do it alone. Just come up here at the 5th floor, at the first door to your right. Make it fast so that we can go to your house quickly.”


I scratched my head in annoyance. I thought, why do I have to follow? He’s not even my manager. Last thing I remember, they already kicked me out.

I hopped out of the van and my feet dragged me to the nearest entrance.

I noticed that the people there were in their work out clothes. I figured it’s a fitness building or sports clinic something.

Passed the lobby area was where the elevators are located. I got in one of them and pressed the 5th floor. The two girls with me on the elevator were obviously giggling to themselves.

Maybe they recognized me.

I made a smirk but then remembered I’m officially a normal person again. I actually wanted to give these girls a hug; the last fanservice I would be doing. I stepped forward, planning to approach them but then it has already stopped at the 5th floor. I gave them a warm smile as I walked passed them. I heard them make small squealing sounds along with battering on each other.


Too bad, this is the last time you’ll see me.





Just outside the elevator is a long hallway. To my right is the door where manager said he was in. I knocked first before entering.


“Hyung? I’m here.”


After a few knocks, no one seemed to respond. I slowly opened the door and took a peek but the lights were turned off. I closed it back and grabbed my phone to call hyung. He wasn’t answering. Is this even the right door? I thought to myself.

I opened it again and entered. I was calling the manager out but he was not answering. I could only hear the echo of my voice. That only means the room might be big and spacious. I couldn’t find the switch near the door so I tried walking a few steps sensing the wall. I heard something. It was clearly a footstep that wasn’t that far from me. I was getting scared so I searched quickly.

When I finally found it and switched it on…




“CAUGHT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”




There were 10 or 12 of them that popped out just right in front of me wearing that Japanese Tengu masks with long nose. It scared the hell out of me making me fall on the floor panting and holding my chest. Who wouldn't feel scared? Those masks were demonic.


“Hyung! We caught you! Hahahaha!”  It was Woohyun who took off the mask first laughing profusely along with the others. The managers were there too. Sungyeol and Dongwoo were even on the floor laughing while Myungsoo, Sungjong were holding their tummy’s gasping for breath while laughing like there’s no tomorrow.

The place was actually a practice room and I was on the floor leaning on the wall with shock and disbelief written all over my face.

Someone approached me and offered me a hand. When I looked up to see who it was, my jaw dropped.


It was the CEO!!!!!!!!!!!!


“Yah Kim Sunggyu. Are you not standing up?” He asked while having this evil grin on his face, a tengu mask on his other hand.

“W-what is this president?” I shot up and asked still bewildered at the situation.

“Are you really that stupid? Can’t you even tell?” He started laughing.






“YAH. YOU PUNKS!” I dashed towards them while they dissolved in separate ways still laughing.


I ran towards them but I was stopped by the CEO pulling my arm.


“Sunggyu, did you even bother to read everything on that paper? I guess not right? I knew it. I was actually worried that you might read it in the office. I was holding my laughter that’s why I needed to get out. I thought it was you who ran after me but it was Woohyun equally laughing like me. The managers followed right after. We thought it was a huge success.”


I couldn’t believe that this was our president talking. I forgot about his kind, and very-hyung like nature. I just stared at him in awe. I didn’t know if punching him was the right thing to do, because for the love of God, I cried at his silly prank.


“Well, that’s all.” He patted my back and called out the managers to bring us back to the dorm.

“Oh, one more thing. It’s your lover’s fault. He planned this thing, I just thought of bringing you all here since this will be your practice room for the mean time. There will be some repairs for a couple of days in your original practice room. Araseo?” he added.

“Yeah, let’s go home now and have dinner! We were waiting for you hyung for like ages.” Sungjong clamoured.

“That’s right, I couldn’t even sit still while waiting in this dark room! I felt very scared!” Dongwoo whined.


Everyone just walked passed me still giving those evil smirks on the way to the door. Someone held my hand and grabbed me to walk with him.


“Are you surpised?” Woohyun asked with a mocking yet caring calm voice.


I just exhausted myself from all those sighs, mini heart attacks, and furiousness they gave me so I answered him with a restless tone.




He was chuckling. I shot him a sharp gaze before giving him a light hit on his right bicep. He was still laughing as we walked. I just stared at him with an annoyed look, making my eyes smaller than it was.

We arrived at the parking lot with our hands still clasped. I guess he didn’t mind the members seeing it. Just like a boyfriend, he led the way and opened the door for me. He then got in to join the members. I usually sit next the driver’s seat. And for this position, I’m thankful he wouldn’t see because I couldn’t hide my happiness.







 Your manager called Woohyun first after he found out about your notebook. He said he felt that it was really wrong but then Woohyun cleared things up and made it lighter for him to understand. He assured the manager that everything will be alright and just put trust over you. You would never mix your personal life with work. You are the best leader they could ever have and the only person who can bring the best out of Infinite. When manager told me all this, I was surprised at how serious Woohyun’s words were and I thought that he had changed a lot upon meeting you. It was good that the two of you met. But then he came up with this ridiculous plan, even calling me, pestering me in the middle of the night to cooperate in this. I just took advantage of the chance to introduce you to your new practice room, so I agreed. That’s all. Are you mad at me?

I read your notebook and I felt how sincere you were. I would never do absurd things like ending your contract just because of this. Instead, my respect for you not only as the group’s leader but also as a person grew bigger. I wish you good luck on your journey.

Don’t fight with Woohyun too often.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -Pres ”






I was at the dorm’s balcony when I read my supposedly contract termination. I opened it earlier but as soon as I saw the company logo and all the formalities in there, I folded it back and didn’t continue. I was a pabo for not reading the entire letter. I looked up to the sky and just gave a small laugh at my stupid self.


“What are you doing? Kim-Sung-gyu?”


Woohyun just popped out of nowhere and backhugged me while whispering my name per syllable.


“Nothing.” I answered still looking up to the sky.


He rested his chin on my shoulder and uttered,




“What? I think something clogged my ears.” I teased.


“I said, you smell nice.” He retorted softly.


“Was that too long? You just said one word. But because something clogged my ear, I didn’t understand what it was.” I spoke with a calm voice.




“That’s not it! It was S something.” I whined slightly shaking my body to shake him too.


“? Sorry? Stink? Stu-pid?”


“Aish!!” I pretended to get annoyed and grabbed his arms to release myself from his hug.


But then he tightened it even more and pressed his lips in my ear.




He whispered and held my hand while hugging me. I tilted my head and leaned it against his.




I kissed his hand and tightened the hug a bit more...



Don't you think I'll just let this slip Nam Woohyun. Just so you wait.







A/N: Chapter update!!! :DD How's this chapter?? I actually thought of the hidden camera as a birthday surprise but then Sunggyu is a clever fox so he'll definitely notice it if something's wrong plus on the day of his birthday. It would only ruin the surprise. So, the best plan is to have it on one boring, ordinary day. :D Have you seen their CEO? He doesn't look that uptight so I guessed he can play along with the kids. Nice one Namu for convincing him :D


anyway, thanks for always commenting guys! you're all so precious to me :D Sadly, last three chapters and this will be finished. :( please don't leave me yet! :((


btw, if you're wondering what a tengu mask is, here :

I would probably be at the hospital if one day I turned the lights on and  10 or so surprised me wearing this. lol

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Chapter 8: Gyu is cute too ^O^
Your story is so fluffy, really nice :D
Chapter 4: Adorable hyun is sooooo cute ~ ^O^
Chapter 19: Wow!! your very good in this authornim. A roller coaster of emotion. The woogyu here and the emotion potraid felt sooo real. Congrats for this awesome fic authornim!!!
Chapter 19: The story so goooodddd i fell in love with you story authornim <3 and domgwoo writing just wow never expect that *-*
Chapter 19: Oh my gosh this was beautiful.
Chapter 3: oh my gosh, you ship Myungjong too~ ><
Chapter 19: Wahhhhhh!!!
rendexvous #8
Chapter 19: oh my god. i really like this

wait no.