everything is about you

everything is about you

everything is about you
pg-13, fluff, romance


every morning, doojoon would walk from his small apartment to his office. every afternoon, he would walk from the office back to his small apartment.
sometimes his co-workers would ask: "doojoon-ah, why not just buy a car?"
and everytime doojoon would simply smile and shook his head.
(because yoseob always hated cars. he always babbled about how nasty cars are and how they're always so bad for the enviroment, and how he would rather walk for miles then getting a car.)
everyday after work, no matter how many people invited him to dinner or if there was a celebration of some kind of promotion, doojoon would always go straight back home.
sometimes his co-workers would ask: “doojoon-ah, why do you always go straight back home after work?”
and everytime doojoon would simply smile and shook his head.
(because yoseob hates eating dinner alone. because yoseob hates cleaning up after dinner, alone. because yoseob hates watching the television after dinner, alone. because yoseob hates being alone.)
doojoon's apartment is small and a little messy, there are always problems with the sink and hot water would always run out right before doojoon has to take a shower.
sometimes his co-workers would ask: “doojoon-ah, why not just move to another house?”
and everytime doojoon would simply smile and shook his head.
(because that is his and yoseob's apartment. they bought the apartment together, decorated together, and live in the apartment, together. everything belongs to him and yoseob, no one else.)
every year, no matter how many work he has to do or how many important business meeting he has to attend, doojoon would always take a day off on january fifth.
sometimes his co-workers would ask: “doojoon-ah, how come you never come to work on january fifth?”
and everytime doojoon would simply smile and shook his head.
(because that's the day yoseob came to earth, the day they first met, the day they became a couple, the day they had their first kiss, the day they bought their apartment, the day they first made love, the day they started living to the fullest, and the day yoseob left to become an angel.)
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maknae09 #1
This is soo sad DD: so short, but so sad T^T
Awwww.... The ending was soo sad :((( *pouts* wae???? *Sniffles*
So sweet :)
So sweet .... Awww ... *sniff**sniff*
oh! it's touch me! so sweet! great fanfic ever!
Yayayah #6
wow, i remember this fic.
FixxIdea #7
So sweet and sad :´( I still love it <3
sweettt + sad...

with Love <3
Lovemyungsoo #9
So sweet!!!!!! :'(
hiccups #10
"because that's the day yoseob came to earth, the day they first met, the day they became a couple, the day they had their first kiss, the day they bought their apartment, the day they first made love, the day they started living to the fullest, and the day yoseob left to become an angel."

Mother____ing sweet!! I had no idea that Seobie died! :(( OMG I'm so close to crying.. Doojoon ILY already! :(((( Why do you have to be so ____ing perfect? Crapppp DooSeob is so perfect it should be illegal..

huhuhu authornim this one is so precious :(( Thank you for sharing this T^T